"it is good?"

At this time, the cloudy eyes of Drug Scorpion shrank.

His face suddenly became tense from the previous light.

The people around him saw this scene and immediately glanced in surprise. Do you really have any special effects?

There was silence everywhere, no one spoke, and seemed afraid to interrupt the medication.

After a long time, Yao Yuan suddenly raised his head and turned to Zifeng: "Little guy, you are this medicine. Where did you come from?"

"Su is refining himself." Zifeng smiled.

This remedy is a bad thing!

However, Zifeng refined among the saints and was not brought to the thunder.

Not created by the Thunder, this is the Anti-Heaven Pill. At first glance, it is no different from ordinary remedies, but it is a bit dark.

Therefore, before Yaoyuan, I think this is just a common remedy.

But it is the elixir of medicine. As long as you take a closer look, you can see that this remedy is different!

"Do you refine yourself?"

The drug’s expression looked incredible: "How is this possible? Your grade should be only two products?"

"So, this drug is just two products." Zi Feng said

Yao Yuan escaped from the help of Lin Ruoxi and Xu Nuo, holding the medicinal herb in his hand, his breathing was a little quick.

"Master, this medicine is indeed a bit special, different from ordinary herbs, but in a special place. The disciples can't see it." Xu Nuo shook his head.

"Of course you can't see it. There must be at least four or more of these precious herbs. They are still the most advanced teacher Dan, so you can see them!"

Yao Yuan took a deep breath and pointed at the drugs. "This pill looks ordinary, but the spiritual power it contains is mixed with some special powers. If the old man guesses correctly, this power. It should be the power of the legendary heaven and earth!"

Said, he looked up at Zifeng and seemed to be asking.

Zifeng smiled, nodded lightly and said: "This is indeed the power of heaven and earth, but some are mixed, and the content is small, because there is no Thunder Forge."

"Thunderstorm?" The medicine frowned, as if thinking of something immediately, his face changed.

"You mean, this herb is the legendary **** of the sky?"

"Exactly." Zifeng nodded without hesitation.

Obviously, there is still some understanding of Yao Yuan's understanding of the fight against Japanese Dan.

In this world, there is only one drug that needs to be forged through lightning and robbery.

Only on a bad day can you be disciplined, and if you want to destroy it, you will be hit.

"Don't go to heaven, it turned out to be the legendary Lord against Heaven!" Yao Yuan's hand trembled.

In the surrounding area, there are many people whose faces are inexplicable.

A monk who is not a pill stone, even if it is a heaven pill, he has never heard of it.

Even if it is a pill, only those senior pill teachers and people with important identities in the alchemy association can know some of them.

The ancient star is far away from the sunken star, but it is still located in the region of the premium planet. Obviously, before the Deepwater Alchemy Association, the old man refined the heavenly things, they didn't know.

"Did you really do this?" Yao Yuan asked again.

"If you fake exchange." Zifeng nodded.

Hearing these words, both Han Tengfei and Lin Ruoxi's eyes burst into light.

However, the light of two people is completely different.

Zifeng didn't pay attention to it. These people have nothing to do with him. All he wants is a remedy.

"The genius of the sky!"

Yao Yuan deeply admired a sentence, with a smile on his face: "Little guy, no matter whether this medicine is being refined or not, the old people want to hear it. What is your request?"

Zi Feng snorted and said, "Su wants to be with you in exchange for a healthy pill."

"Ha ha ha ha."

The young man standing next to Nantianzong Zifeng smiled directly.

The crowd also sneered, I think Zifeng is too ignorant!

They don't understand the heavens, but they don't know the so-called power of heaven and earth.

Although this medicine is of great value to this herb, it can be considered in their eyes, this is only a second remedy!

Just because of the black color, even the second-stage drugs are not very good. Do you want to exchange drugs with drugs?

This is a fantasy, a dream!

Even Yao Yuan himself was a little stunned and asked: "Do you want to take this drug and exchange it with the elderly?"

Without waiting for the opening of Zifeng, Han Tengfei said in front of the road: "What is the price at the auction just now, do you know?"

"I know." Zifeng nodded.

"So, do you think this is a second-class drug, to what extent can you exchange refined sects?" Han Tengfei spoke again, his tone very radical.

"The value of Dan's combination is naturally valuable, but Su, not a person without eyesight, naturally cannot take such a second product of Anti-Japanese Dan and exchange it with Danzong."

Zifeng's palm turned over, and he took out a jade bottle: "How about your predecessor and seeing this remedy?" This time, Yao Yuan stopped hesitating and said nothing. His palm waved, a soft touch. The strength held the jade bottle and fell into his hand.

The moment to open the jade bottle——


Haotian's golden light burst out directly from the jade bottle.

Obviously, it was still blue and white at that moment, but the richness of the golden light was to depress the surrounding sun, leaving the four heavens and the earth, one golden!

Everyone was stunned.

When they looked up, they could see golden light. When they breathe, they can smell a smell they don't know!

This scent, when it is introduced into the nose, even if it is the ocean of God, the body will be violently shaken, and all things and thoughts are clearly visible.

But this is not Danxiang.

If it is useful, it can increase their cultivation a bit, even if it is the slightest, it is also an increase.

But this fragrance is not.


At this moment, Yao Yuan's eyes were so big.

"What kind of medicine is this?"


Many eyes, at this moment, seem to be purple wind.

Yao Yuan's appearance is almost crazy, all the drugs that can make him must be precious to the extreme!

"At the top of the sky, there is a remedy, it is also the top of all herbs, its name. Legendary level."

"The legendary medicine has the same power as heaven and earth, but it is very pure and extremely high in content. It is incomparable with the sky."

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