If the Tianshan Pavilion can be destroyed, and the three sects divide the resources of the Tianshan Pavilion, this number is definitely very large.

This is just the resources of Tianshan Pavilion.

In addition, there are the Ling screen occupied by Tianshan Pavilion, the Star of Tianshan, and everything at the Starry Sky Station.

There is no doubt that all of this is the excitement of this market segment.

This is not just a sign, the lord of the priest sect has never despised it. After hearing Duanyi's words, he smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Everyone knows that although war is cruel, it is also the fastest way to upgrade sects.

Expect your own sect to find resources, how can it be better to plunder other sects directly?

"Tianshan Pavilion must be destroyed!"

Wan Yan Honglie said coldly: "Although I have not seen the resources of the Tianshan Pavilion, my demon **** will never be better than anything. The most important thing is that he even dared to touch my disciples of the evil god. This is a truth. I’ve had many years of life. Many people have forgotten that the seventy-two primitive powers can be compared. This battle also makes the world look good, the demon god, or the primitive demon god!"

After listening to Yan Honglie's words, looking at the unabashed arrogance on his face, Xie Lian and Duan Yixie looked at each other secretly. However, this irony quickly dissipated, and Duan Yizheng finished Yan Honglie's smile with his fist: "Yes, the demon **** is the magician sect, and the magician is the worst in the entire inferior planet field. Existence! This time! There was a demon **** shooting, that day, Shanting, must not escape my palm!"

Xie Li also said in a hoarse voice: "I'm worried that Qinghuan thinks we have forgotten about this, and is complacent in Tianshan Pavilion."

"This war, my demon **** takes the lead!"

End Yan Honglie suddenly stood up and sighed: "Some time ago, this sect obtained some extremely powerful magic, and must be arranged outside the Tianshan Mountains in advance. At that time, this sect had absolute confidence that the soldiers were not bloody, and they won the opponent in one fell swoop. !"


Duan Yishen and Xie Li were very happy. The former asked: "What kind of magic?"

"Confidential." Ending Yan Honglie's mysterious smile.

"You old fellow, hahaha." Duan Yizhen suddenly smiled speechlessly.

"But it will take several months."

Wan Yanhong said again: "These large-scale magic is too difficult to cultivate, you must understand."

"no problem!"

Both of them were lavish and waved: "Isn't it just a few months? If we can make the three disciples survive peacefully, they can destroy the Tianshan Pavilion, why not?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The three men looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Time passed quickly, eight months, and passed quickly.

The third magic element-the water attribute magic element, has been fully integrated by Zifeng!

This is what Zifeng didn't expect.

He expects that in these eight months he will think that he will reintegrate into a magical element, but he does not think that this third integration will become a water attribute!

Water properties and fire protection properties are the same. If fireproof properties and wood properties were previously combined, then the mixed water properties are not surprising. After all, the wood mixes and has the soft power to pull the two together.

But the combination of Zifeng and the beginning is the properties of fire and soil, which is unpredictable to some extent.

"After all, it's still a bit low for the magical rumors."

Zifeng shook his head slightly, and sighed softly: "Even the last life, it is the most precious treasure. It can only reach the level of the **** of law, and it is not caused by one's own practice. In order to explore magic, it takes a lot of time. It takes a long time to complete."

This time, it can be considered a mistake, but obviously the path is correct!

After combining the three magic attributes, Zifeng can clearly feel that his magic has been repaired, even though it is still the beginning of the fifth-order great magician, but the combat power is different from the previous day.

Under the magic of casting, the four-dimensional virtual world is no longer Zifeng’s opponent, it is the five major products, and Zifeng has the confidence to kill it!

The most important thing is that the fusion of this magical element is permanent! In other words, at this moment, these magical elements will be merged. After that, even if it breaks through the sixth-order great magician, the seventh-order great magician, and even the law, these magic elements can still be merged!

However, the further the field is, the stronger the magic element and the slower the merger.

Therefore, Zifeng will choose this moment for the merger, which is beyond the optimal integration period.

If possible, it is best to incorporate these magical elements into the magic apprentice, because at the time, the magical elements were the purest, the power was small, and there would never be ignorance. Relatively speaking, the integration was simple.

"Before my time, I used it for martial arts repairs. I can't say it's a waste, it's also to save lives."

Zifeng stood up and said to himself: "Well, things have arrived and they can't recover. In the future, if there is no fusion, there will be no way in the future."

Zifeng's character is not tangled, but it is very free and relaxed.

Just like the treasures of heaven and earth, knowing that these things exist, but can't get it. Can you still worry?

"In the eleven months of the outside world, the Holy Child must pass the ring. It has been nearly 120 years."

"Look at how those guys practice."

In the silence, Zi Feng flashed past and came to where Feng Zong was.

Many people sit cross-legged here.

The soldiers are in one place, the five sects are in one place, the three legions are in one place, and the last one is naturally an ordinary disciple of Phoenix.

What Zifeng cares most about is the warrior.

Their breath never converges and exudes, and Zifeng can easily feel it.

"Is this a mental condition?"

Su S was a little stunned, opened his mouth, his eyes were shocked.

The weakest 6 million fighters actually reached the spiritual realm!


Zifeng was stunned, his heart was full of shock, and a feeling of excitement burst out of his heart.

"Hahaha, it is a warrior, a galaxy, one of the top ten races!"

"This is only the solution for the third layer of sealing. It has been cultivated so fast. If the seven layers of sealing are all solved, how fast will it be?"

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