The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 437: why not?

The warriors said they were monks, but for Zifeng, they were definitely a treasure.

Everyone has the strong blood of a warring family. It is one of the top ten events of the Galaxy Galaxy. The terrible body is not what ordinary people imagine!

The unique spiritual environment can compete with the spirit of the five characters. At this time, these six million people have reached the spiritual realm!

It is no exaggeration to say that 6 million souls, not to mention those sects that do not enter the stream, and even Yinblood, the hidden blood sect of the Silver Moon Sect cannot have it! The spiritual environment, not the powerful environment, is also the backbone of the influx of sects.

The two sects of Yin Yuezong and Yin Xuezong, and the spiritual body of six million, are already very good!

"However, despite the strength of the fighters' bodies, there are still many resources available. For reasons, the spiritual crystals I gave them are not enough."

Zifeng frowned slightly, puzzled.

At this time, there was a flash of light in the distance, turning into a human figure.

"Guys, delicious and kind waiters, I have to do errands for them." The snoring came from the man's mouth.

This is Ling Xiao!

The breath on his body did not converge, Zi Feng's thoughts were swept away, and it became clear immediately.

A product, the sea of ​​God!

This practice is like a sledgehammer. Once again, bombarding Zifeng's heart, he almost suffocated.

"Sovereignty, are you out?"

At this time, Ling Xiao also saw Zifeng, and his expression couldn't help but feel joy.

Zifeng nodded slightly, looked up and down Ling Xiao and said, "You will continue to cultivate like this, and the lord of the Phoenix sect will give it to you in the future!"

"Cut, even if it really suits me, I still don't want it!" Ling Xiao deliberately showed pride.

Zifeng was speechless.

Although I prepared those gods for him, Ling Xiao's cultivation speed was too fast.

If it is based on the outside world, how many years has he gone?

Is this a natural environment that has reached the ocean of gods?

As far as the cultivation speed is concerned, even Zifeng is one hundred thousand li less than Ling Xiao!

"This is a terrifying combination of devouring demons and celestial bodies!" Zi Feng took a deep breath.

"Yes, Lord, I don't have a god. When will you give me some more?" Ling Xiao asked.

Zifeng almost spurted blood, his eyes turned around: "Do you think the next star field is my home. How many gods do I want? How much is it for you? Is it not easy to prepare for you?"

"Hey, the monarch treats me so well, of course I know!"

Ling Xiao smiled suddenly, and praised: "But the monarch is definitely not willing to look at my two terrible physical wastes? After all, you are so cute."


In addition to the Warring States and Ling Xiao, the strength of the other members of the Phoenix Sect has also been greatly improved.

Of course, in addition to the Purple Night Goddess, there are also Mingyue Shenwei.

After all, 5 million magic spars are still too few. The two health groups add up to 800,000 people, and 5 million magic spars are generally divided into about six hundred magic spars. In fact, when the son was still in the ring, it was already a long time ago. Run out.

In desperation, they must try to integrate magic elements, this is the only way.

As for martial arts training, it is a bit of a rib for them, and Zifeng does not intend to let them practice.

Main attack magic!

However, it is too difficult to fuse magical elements. Due to the experience of the former world, Zifeng is able to fuse three magical elements. For people like Liu Yun and Hong Chen, they simply couldn't figure it out. This is the time of the son over the past 100 years, and basically no one has successfully merged.


Zifeng suddenly looked at Ling Xiao: "What are you doing?"

Ling smiled and reacted immediately. He blinked at Zifeng and smiled, "Hey, Master, this beautiful girl is really nice to you!"

"How do you say this?" Zifeng revealed his doubts.

"Master doesn't understand how to get confused?"

Ling smiled and said: "You gave us Ling Jing, you have run out. After that, you have been using the Lingjing of Tianshan Pavilion. If you allow me to enter and leave the saints, I am afraid of the people of the Phoenix Sect. Had to be starved to death by Ling Jing."

"What do you mean, Ren Qinghuan, has been giving you a crystal clear spirit?" Zifeng's mind and cold face appeared.

"Yes." Ling smiled and nodded.

"I know."

Zifeng took a deep breath and asked Ling Xiao about other things before leaving his son.

Deliberation Hall.

Many high-rise buildings of Tianshan Pavilion gather here again.

Ren Qinghuan still sits in the first place like an iceberg. His beautiful face is more attractive under his beautiful hair.

Zifeng arrived, turned around, and finally went to Ren Qinghuan: "Thank you Lingjing."

"I'm lending it to you temporarily." Ren Qinghuan said lightly.

Zifeng showed a wry smile and didn't say any more.

However, Zhou Linghui sent a message to Zifeng: "You really have to thank the owner of the house for this matter. People of the Phoenix sect are very low, but it can be said that it is not soft. The Lord gave almost 90% of the Tianshan Pavilion. Lingjing's are all of Phoenix blood, which led to the disciples of Tianshan Pavilion.

Zi Feng was shocked and looked at Ren Qinghuan again.

The latter seems to have never happened, and it seems indifferent. I can't see it at all. It has suffered tremendous pressure.

Zifeng knows how much the Lingjing Store in Tianshan Pavilion is.

How quickly the disciples of the Phoenix sect swallowed Ling Jing, and Zi Feng knew.

Therefore, he did not think that Zhou Linghui was lying.

Zifeng remembered this matter deeply in his heart.

"There is still a month, a year is coming."

Zifeng sighed slightly and said, "One year, that is, the time we agreed with the Demon God. Not surprisingly, within this month, the Demon God will reply to me. When it comes from Qingmu Pavilion and the siege, the priest, it should Start."

When it comes to this matter, except for Ren Qinghuan who can keep calm, everyone else is very excited to watch.

For the Qingmu Pavilion and the pastoral area, if the Tianshan Pavilion can be destroyed, they will obtain huge resources.

But for Tianshan Pavilion, why not?

"Are you sure?" Xiaoyao looked at Zifeng.

Zifeng smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Haha, that's good, that's good!" Xiaoyao suddenly laughed. "The Phoenix Sect will not participate in the war for the time being, after all, their planting is still too low." Ren Qinghuan said.

Zifeng glanced at her and smiled. "According to my original plan, I do not want Phoenix to participate in this war, but obviously, I still underestimate these people. This time, they will also participate in the war, and I will let them take the lead, because Tianshan Pavilion first broke through the Qing The defense of Mu Ting and the priest!"

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