The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 440: Can't represent

Duan Yishen showed a look of contempt: "Ren Qinghuan, don't say that this sect is not sympathetic. Although you have 50 million disciples in Tianshan Pavilion, you can know about this war, you and I know, depending on the result of the superiors Make disciples! More disciples, what's the use? This sect has clearly asked you that there are only two Shenhai in Tianshan Pavilion, and you can compete with many powerful sects of my three major sects. This is enough to crush you, and more Needless to say my Aoki Pavilion and pastor!"


The disciples of Qingmu Pavilion, who had been preparing for a while, didn't say anything. The bombing of Haotian came, forming a line of defense. For a while, Qing Huan's figure will be blocked.

"People's maritime tactics are useless, but they must consider to what extent. For this sea of ​​gods, you are not enough." Duan Yishen stood in the distance, seeming to relax.

There was a roar in the distance, it was the patriarch of the priest.

Under the old figure, there is an extremely terrifying power.

At this moment, the gunshots were shocking, and the ocean of God was scattered and shocked.

There are countless illusory swords, such as swords, that turn into a storm and spin from the stars.

Ren Qinghuan's eyebrows were despised, and the sword was swept away. There are thousands of swords and sorrows, squatting cunningly on the illusory storm of swords.

The two sides clashed, the illusory storm was directly eliminated, and Ren Qinghuan's swordsmanship was also shattered.

"In Tianshan Pavilion, there seems to be another sea of ​​gods."

Xie Lian came to Ren Qinghuan not far away, his clothes shook, and his breath appeared.

"Let him go out and don't waste time. Since Tianshan Pavilion does not intend to surrender, you will die here today."

"The Sea of ​​God will not come out for a period of time to give you a virtual world. Do you want it?"

At this moment, there was a faint voice in the distance.

Many eyes saw a white figure stepping on the void, step by step, to come here.

It is indeed step by step, but every step will fall, and it will span countless distances. After the sound fell, it had already left the Tianshan Star and appeared in the starry sky, next to Qinghuan.

When I saw this number, the people of Tianshan Pavilion immediately showed excitement. They couldn't help screaming excitedly: "I have seen Su's brother!"

"it is good?"

Duan Yixie stared at Zifeng, frowned, and immediately sneered: "Who is my way, it turns out to be the cold of fighting in more order! But you can play in the virtual world, you have played God. How about the sea? You? Did you come out to find death?"

When I heard this, Yan Yanhong's face couldn't help twitching when facing the devil god.

Looking for death?

Maybe only he knows the strength of Zifeng.

But Zifeng didn't pay attention to Duan Yi's traces here, but turned to look at Ren Qinghuan, and whispered: "Run so fast? I can't catch you."

Ren Qinghuan’s beauty was lifted and fell on the edge of the five characteristics of the edge of Zifeng. On Cherry's lips, there was a thrilling smile.

"Catch me? It depends on how you chase"

Hearing this obvious sentence, Zifeng couldn't help but touched his nose, and said: "You should go back first, the woman's family, and rush to a group of big people."

"Can't a woman fight?" Ren Qinghuan snorted.

This attitude left many people there, and even the disciples of Tianshan Pavilion were shocked.

They had never seen Ren Qinghuan look like this. In their impression, Ren Qinghuan has always been tall and cold like a queen. "It seems that there is no cold woman, but I just haven't met a beloved man." Many disciples of the Celestial Master sighed in their hearts.

Zifeng was not used to Ren Qinghuan's posture either. He said: "You can't listen to me because I am here, you will stand there and watch, how about it?"

"This is good."

This time, Ren Qinghuan was very obedient. He nodded lightly, and immediately took up the sword. He actually stood there, seemingly unprepared.

Both Duan Yixie and Xie Li frowned.

They are majestic and confident to destroy the Tianshan Pavilion.

In their imagination, Ren Qinghuan should be very angry, and Zifeng should be very scared.

In the faces of Ren Qinghuan and Zifeng, they obviously did not see what they wanted to see.

Therefore, they have no reason to be angry!

"Shut up!"

Duan Yizhen pointed to Zifeng and said, "What are you? This is the place of Sect Master Xie, Yan Yanzong and others. You haven't heard of it, but are talking about love here?"

"And you!"

Duan Yixie looked at Ren Qinghuan again: "The person in charge of Tangshan Pavilion has always been known for his cold and noble reputation. Even if a small number of Silver Moon scholars mentioned relatives, they were rejected by you. I didn't expect it. By one. Provided by an unknown disciple. Your Majesty!"

"What did you say?"

Ren Qinghuan's expression was cold and merciless, and an astonishing chill radiated from her body.

Zifeng sighed softly and pointed to the one-billionth segment, but said to Ren Qinghuan: "Kill him first, how about?"

"Thousands!" Ren Qinghuan gritted his teeth.

"This is good."

Zifeng nodded lightly, and his figure flashed past, directly like a ghost, and came to the previous section.

Duan Yizhen was dumbfounded, his face changed slightly, and he immediately flinched.

He doesn't think the speed of Zifeng will be so fast!

"Qinghuan asked me to take you a thousand."

Zifeng's palm turned over, and the knife appeared at night, pointing to that section.

"So, it's hard for you to see."


Duan Yizhen was not afraid, even though Zifeng's speed was very fast, speed could not represent strength.

On Zifeng's body, he felt the breath of the virtual world.

A virtual world of a product, even if it is more powerful, can it still be powerful?

The huge iron ball came to Zifeng. Although it is in emptiness, the power of the ocean is indeed very powerful. In the wind, it seems that the surrounding stars have some ripples.

Zifeng smiled slightly and waved at night.

The terrible knife exploded at this moment!

It was directly made into a length of three thousand feet, in addition to the darkness, there is an extremely rich golden light.


Duan Yishen's expression changed again, until now, he only saw the level that night.

When he opened it, the blade light collided with the iron ball. The latter was the top of the sacred instrument, but under the knife at night, it was cut in half like a mud ball! "it is good?"

Duan Yixie's face became very big!

The iron ball was cut in half, and there was a sharp buzzing sound on the chain, shattering like it!

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