The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 441: Watch the night

"how so?"

Duan Yizhen couldn't believe it, his eyes were round.

Even if he finds that the rank of the night is the emperor, he is still not afraid. After all, Zifeng’s training is there, a virtual world, even if he is given a royal installation, how can he play the emperor? The real power?

But Zifeng's knife can easily tear his ball, so that the chain in his hand is also split in half!

What does this show?

Duan Yizhen is not a fool, he almost immediately knew that Zifeng's comprehensive strength was definitely more than just looking at the surface!

"Disciple, work together!"

After Duan Yishen gave the order, he said to Xie Pity: "Thank Sect Master, this person is not a normal emptiness, don't waste time, go!"

Xie Lian nodded, but before he was shot, Zifeng's index finger stretched out and gently moved towards the one-billion-point mark.


Without a word, Duan Yishen's face changed again, and a pair of eyeballs almost came out.

The number he was going to rush out maintained this position, as if it were locked in the void.

At first glance, it looks like a statue, it seems to be a painting that cannot be moved at all.


Zifeng walked out, crossed the starry sky, and went straight to the marked section.

At this time, endless attacks from all directions are unstoppable!


Su Leng's screams, a thousand years of life consumption, a huge golden light curtain, instantly stood on top of his head.

Many attacks have fallen, among them millions. For a while, this was also the violent shock of the gods.

As Duan Yixue said, human tactics are useless to the strong, but it depends on the strong.

Among the disciples of Qingmu Pavilion, they have the most spiritual reality, but they also have a spiritual body, a virtual paradise, and even another Shenhai!

Most importantly, countless people have used a combination of these technologies.

The power of this combination is huge, even if it is executed by 100,000 people, millions of people have dozens of times.

Of course, the mystery of the gods lies in the consumption of lifespan to display them, and the power of Zifeng itself is equivalent to the gods, and Qing Muge's disciples hope to use this attack to bombard the gods. Crash is impossible.

"court death!"

Zifeng looked cold, knowing that the gods would not collapse, but they were also annoyed by these ants.


Swept away at night, the knife spread directly to a length of 5,000 feet.

Hearing a bang, the knife rushed into the crowd, immediately raging.

Countless tragic sounds sounded, and a few numbers were either cut or collapsed!

A huge vacuum area appeared where the knife fell, and everyone around was stunned.

"His!" a cold wind came.

Whether it is the disciples of Tianshan Pavilion or the Three Martial Arts, they have seen it with their own eyes. Under the slash of the purple wind, it is the virtual world of Aoki Pavilion, and there is no room for rebellion. It was killed directly.


The gods on the road are not dead for the time being. Fortunately, they escaped.

But at the moment they escaped, a very terrifying devouring force played fiercely around them.

"it is good?"

"what is this?"

"Save me, save me!"

These gods are all in the shackles, with deep fear and screaming screams.

When they turned their heads, they could find that an extremely terrifying illusion was slowly standing up from behind them!

This figure has no expression and no appearance, but it can be seen that it has a lot of height!

If a mountain is illusory, standing there will give you a huge pressure.

"What is it again?"

Xie Li is also looking at this illusory character, he can feel the horror of swallowing power, and this swallowing power comes from this terrible character!


The power of the devouring came out, and the gods of that road were struggling in their mouths.

Until this moment, only a man in a red shirt slowly emerged from the illusory figure.

The man looked handsome, sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, but his body was shaking with excitement.

This is Ling Xiao!

"this is…"

Ren Qinghuan had also seen Ling Xiao, she was a little stunned, a little unbelievable.


Ren Qinghuan was there.

When Ling Xiao came out from Long Wuxing, she also came out to receive it in person.

At that time, Ling Xiao was just a place!

How long has this been? One year? Two years? Has it reached the ocean of God?

This is Ren Qinghuan's mood, I can't believe it.

"He is Tong Lihui?"

At this moment, imprisoned, but can only watch.


End Yan Honglie shook his head: "This is another sea of ​​gods, and Tong Lihui is not like this."


Thanks for pity, gritted his teeth and said: "Your demon **** told us that there are only two gods in the Tianshan Pavilion. What's wrong now?"

After Yan Yanhong frowned, she said coldly: "My demon **** said it is Tianshan Pavilion. There are at least two gods, not just two!"

Thanks for the gloomy expression, but I also know that this is not the time to confuse my mouth, and said: "Well, nonsense, let the disciples of the evil **** do it right away!"

"You don't always brag about the four magics learned by your disciple of the demon god? Now let the old man take a look at it, don't let the old man down!"

Wan Yanhong's eyes flashed, but he never opened his mouth.

Xie Lian also refused to bring him here, and between the flashing figures, he rushed towards Zifeng.

At this moment, Zifeng couldn't sleep at night, and every time he fell, he could take away at least tens of thousands of lives! He is like a giant, except for the sea of ​​God, the disciples of the three major sects are all complete ants.

It's enough to trample countless under one foot!

"Sect Master Xie, you are still a province."

He sneered like a poor place behind Zifeng, and suddenly fainted.

"Who are you?"

Thanks to each other and frowned.

On the other hand, he felt the breath of the sea.

"Aren't you looking for Tong Lihui?"

The man smiled and said, "I am."

"Oh, it's you!"

Thanks for the cold, he immediately shouted: "Priest, all hands, but Tianshan Pavilion disciple, kill the innocent! Purple, the old man shot and killed this person!"

Tong Lihui's head was swept out with a spear, and he went straight down to Tong Lihui's head.

There was a young man holding a spear and his face was full of murderousness. This is obviously the purple green that he said in his mouth.

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