Among them, the last drop represents the life of this monk. If this decline also collapses, then this person will be destroyed and will die!

Obviously, Wang Hong didn't want to die, so he took out only three drops of life.

If one drop can be blocked, the other two droplets can be saved.

If one drop can't stop, then don't stop the other two drops!

Wang Hong clearly knew that once he was given Zifeng's life, he would never be able to escape!

His ending will be like Liu Yuanqing before, Zifeng bombarded with a knife, even through the next product, you can live and die!

Therefore, he must not be imprisoned, even if he takes out four drops of life, even if four drops of life and blood collapse, he is extremely injured, but he must not be imprisoned!

Even if there is only a drop of life blood, at least he is still alive. He still has the opportunity to obtain huge wealth and reunite four drops of life.

But if it dies, everything will disappear!

Zifeng pointed out that there was a roar in front of him, and Wang Hong's second drop of life also collapsed.

Then, in Su's cold, it was two more times!

The last two drops of life blood exploded, and Wang Hong's face was completely desperate.

"Are you going to kill me?" he said in a figure.

"If we exchange identities, can you let me go?"

Zifeng shook his head slightly: "No, you won't let me go, you won't even let me die so easily."

After hearing this sentence, Wang Hong smiled.

Yes, if the two exchange identities, Wang Hong himself will feel that he will torture each other and his life.

This is a world full of power and respect. Who is not like humans and who can be blamed?

"The ancestors save me!"

When he was desperate, he still made such a voice.

Although it is known to be basically useless, this hoarseness seems to be his last comfort before his death.

However, on Zifeng's finger, he turned to Wang Hong for the fifth time, and he planned to kill him completely. ——

In the distance, a huge roar suddenly broke out!

This kind of roar is like a thunderbolt bombardment and a starburst. Even if it is so far away, it is deafening, just like the eardrum must be smashed!

Even after this loud noise, Zifeng clearly saw that an extremely illusory ripple was swept from the other side to the center.

The smell of this ripple is a bit familiar, that is

It belongs to the right atmosphere!

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

Wang Hongjun has lived, Zheng Tuyu has lived, Ling Xiao was stunned, Ye Xiaofei was stunned, and Zi Feng was also stunned!

next moment--

"Ha ha ha ha"

From Zheng Tu and Wang Hong's mouth, the ecstasy of laughter suddenly appeared!

"The ancestors broke through, and the ancestors finally broke through!"

"After eight thousand years, my ancestors have been closed for eight thousand years, and finally reached a suitable level!"

"It's great for one person!"

Speaking of this, Wang Hong turned his head and stared at the blood-red purple wind and Haotian's murder and hatred bursting out of his eyes.

"You must die, you must die!"

Zifeng's face was gloomy.

The ripples swept quickly, and it was about to come. The terrifying power contained in it, even Zifeng, changed his appearance.

Looking at Wang Hong's face, Zifeng wanted to kill him, but it took time.

At this time, this ripple is enough to wipe out oneself and others.

Although it is only atmospheric ripples, it is a suitable atmosphere!

It may not be possible to kill Zifeng and the others, but they will definitely let them.

Most importantly, the ancestors of the Wang family who broke through the situation will soon come here!

"Song, what should I do?" Ling Xiao and Ye Xiaofei were watching Zifeng.

Zifeng didn't say anything, and immediately said decisively: "Go!"

This has been extended, the finger will be clicked and will receive it at this time.

Zifeng walked out step by step, the top of his head spread out again, Ling Xiao and Ye Xiaofei were wrapped in it, and they left.

"You can't escape!"

Seeing Zifeng fled to the distance, Wang Hong became even more arrogant and immediately shouted: "With the right strength, you don't want to leave Tianlin. No one wants to!"

"This is lucky for you!"

Zi Feng said coldly: "But you remember me, next time you see you again, you will yell at your dog!"

"Hahaha, come here, you have the ability to come!" Wang Hong roared loudly.

From the gate of the ghost door, I returned to a life that didn't talk about it, but also broke through my own ancestors, reached health, and will kill these three people!

In Wang Hong's heart, don't say how happy it is!

But Zifeng is here, his face is gloomy and a bit ugly.

Who would have thought that during this festival, the ancestors of these three families would really break through to a healthy state?

As long as he does not break through, then even if he has reached the extreme of the Seventh Floor, Zifeng is confident to destroy these three families!

But now, the ancestors of the Wang family have broken through and become a versatile force. It was just a terrifying atmosphere that let Zifeng and Ling Xiao know that they could not compete with others!


The ripples swept across, faster than Zifeng and the others.

In an instant, because they swept over them, the screams of the gods collapsed, and the three people of Zifeng were also hit. The big mouths spurted out, and they were even repaired. At that time, a kind of seal was sealed. this sense. "Is this appropriate?"

Ling Xiao showed a strong shock: "Mom, it's no wonder that it will be called a power. When it breaks through, the atmosphere in the community is really terrible!"

"You have also heard what Wang Hong said. The ancestors of the Wang family had spent eight thousand years before they reached the Qipin Deep Sea. Do you think these eight thousand years of hard work are futile?"

Zifeng looked at Ling Xiao and said, "Power can destroy the ground and destroy the ground. It can break the gap between fingers. Even if it is a product, it is enough to easily suppress me!"

In this world, Zifeng has not seen a game.

On that day of arrogance, let alone fit, this is the super power of the road, and Zifeng and Ling Xiao have seen a lot.

But in the face of health, this is the first time!

"What should I do now?" Ling Xiao asked.

Zifeng said with a gloomy face: "When the ancestors of the Wang family have not recovered from the breakthrough, they will immediately flee. The farther the better, it is best to leave this day as soon as possible!"

"If you can really leave, take a little Philippines and go in another direction immediately. If you can escape, you will return to the Phoenix Sect!"

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