"How about you?" Ling smiled.

"Zheng Yunzhu is on me, then the ancestors of the Wang family will definitely chase me first, and I will take him away!" Zi Feng said

"What's the matter?"

Although Zifeng had told them before, how could they leave like this when the time came?

"Don't talk nonsense, now this is not nonsense!"

Su Leng Leng quietly said: "The combination of physical strength, even if it is just a product, can easily suppress me, even if you are with me, it is just looking for death!"


"No error!"

Ling Xiao wanted to say something, Ye Xiaofei was saying: "Don't be a mother-in-law, we are all with Su's brothers, so tired!"

Ye Xiaofei's thoughts are simple, but extremely decisive. At this time, it was more clear than Ling Xiao.

It sounds like it is abandoning Zifeng, but in fact, if Zifeng is killed, then both of them will be killed!

"God, give me the town!" Ling Xiao doubled and screamed.


Zifeng shook his head: "In the city, hidden treasures hide the world. This is very useful to me. I must not let the ancestors of this town **** the king's ancestors!"

"But if you bring it, the ancestors of the Wang family will definitely chase you first!"

Ling Xiao said: "If you die, what should we do? What do the monarchs do? What about Qinger and Yao'er? The whole Phoenix, what should we do!"

"Shut up!"

Zifeng looked at Ling Xiao, his palm turned over. Two gourds appeared.

"In this gourd, there are spirits, about ten pounds each, enough for you to use it multiple times!"

"Don't be afraid of wasting, life is very important. You two are the celestial bodies of the Phoenix sect. In the future, you will inevitably become super powers on the side of the world. Don't let me go down!" A gourd was thrown directly to Ling Xiao and Ye Xiaofei.

When the three were talking, a transmission array appeared out of sight.

However, just as they planned to rush over, there are dozens of numbers under the transmission array, and the palms are waving. This is transmission, and it is directly closed!

No, not just shutting down, the transmission directly exploded and crashed!

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiao suddenly became enraged, and said loudly, "You **** it!"

His figure passed through the transmission array, but the huge palm banged towards the bottom at exactly this moment.

There was a roar, the ground burst, and it collapsed dozens of people in the transmission array. The strongest is nothing but a virtual world. Where do you survive?

When the dust fell in the sky, huge palm prints appeared on the ground, dozens of people were already dead!

"Today's transmission arrays, I am worried that they have all collapsed. Even if they do not collapse, they must be shut down. After all, they are much faster than us."

Zifeng Shensheng said: "Don't expect to move the array to the top, it's better to get out of the stars and go to the stars!"

"When we enter the starry sky, we still have a chance to live. If we stay in Tianlin, we will die!"

"it is good!"

LingXiao and YeXiaofei were both focused and went straight to the void.


Three numbers, the spirit of drinking at this time, exploded at the fastest speed.

The soul only lasted a minute, but this minute was enough to make them escape from a long distance.

The ground shrank rapidly, and everything seemed to turn into ants.

I don't know how long it took, these three people rushed out of the clouds and came to Tian Linxing's surroundings.

But at this moment, a large number of figures appeared, and they were the guards of the three major families!

The cultivation of these people is not very strong, but their value is very high. At first glance, there are about one million.

In their hands, they appear in the practice of cultivation and are connected to each other. They are not to kill Zifeng and others, but to stop them!

"Damn it!" Ling Xiao gritted his teeth.

With the wave of Zifeng's palm, a magical fruit appeared. He bit it down, and the violent magical elements immediately gathered from all directions, like a storm, all poured into Zifeng's body.

"No curse-sealed!"

"It is forbidden to curse—the sleepy dragon!"

At the beginning of Tianjiao's hegemony, the middle curse of four displays was also displayed at this time.

Sealed, unreal, sleepy dragon

These three curses were all carried out by Zifeng behind them to resist the ancestors of the Wang family.

And the comet, it turned into a knife, under the cold of the purple wind, without stopping, it smashed directly in front of the million guards.

This is an intermediate curse, the most powerful of the four intermediate curses! At first, with the power of this comet, thousands of Tianjiao were bombed into serious injuries. At this moment, they took unparalleled power and killed the past.

Seeing thousands of knives from the sky, the guards of three million families, also faced with changes, the eyelids contracted, revealing deep taboos.

However, they dare not leave, they can only resist here, even if they can stop Zifeng and others, they are worth it!

The knife passed through the gap and fell completely.

At this time, an explosion sounded in the sky, and a black track appeared in the hole, which was torn apart, but in the end it quickly recovered.

Zifeng looked gloomy. Once you can really tear the crack, you can go straight into the starry sky through the crack.

However, he could not open it.


Like something torn, such a sound came from the front.

Followed by--


I don't know how many characters, their bodies collapsed directly, even the gods did not escape!

At first glance, there are at least 100,000.

The cultivation of these people cannot be compared with Zifeng at all. Even if there is a Shenhai, it is only one product, and the quantity is only three.

At this time, under the comet, more than 100,000 people were killed by the students, and the repairs they formed were also ruined, and the gap was huge!


Seeing a road opened, Zifeng opened immediately.

Even if it is easy to kill these people, it is easy and it takes time.

At this moment, the time delay is the least!

Therefore, even if there is anger in their hearts, there is also a great murderous intent, but they still ignore the other guards around, quickly pass through that passage, and go straight to the periphery of Tianlin Star.

As long as you pass through the outermost periphery, you can enter the starry sky. At that time, there was a chance to truly escape the hands of the royal ancestors!

But also at this moment--

From a distance, a huge roar came.

Zifeng turned his head, his face changed.

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