Zifeng rushed over and looked back at the ancestors of the Wang family: "The first second, you can kill me, the second second, you can take away all my treasures, but in the third second, you can never escape!"

The ancestors of the Wang family frowned and questioned Zifeng's words.

He felt that Zifeng was deceiving him and threatening himself as before.

But this threat, this lie, the ancestors of the Wang family had to believe!

The starry sky behemoth, the ancestors of the Wang family have never seen it, but this cannot erase his fear of the starry sky behemoth!

This is a beast between heaven and earth, floating in the starry sky, whether it is the next star field, the middle star field, or the upper star field!

In the shelter, there are stars and beasts.

Under the mouth, feed on a fan, the wings of the fan will cause a starry sky storm! Not to mention that he is a small fit, it is heaven. If you are really angry with the starry beast, you cannot escape!

However, the star beast has three states, one is sleeping, the other is waking up, and the other is violent.

When you fall asleep, you hide in the star, making it transparent in the dark.

When you wake up, your body will condense from an illusory state, visible to the naked eye!

As for the last violent country

This is anger!

Under the anger, the strength increased sharply, the sky was easily torn, the tail was swept away, and countless planets were annihilated!

At this moment, various legends appeared in the thoughts of the ancestors of the Wang family, and his eyebrows were getting deeper and deeper.


After a while, the ancestors of the Wang family suddenly said coldly: "How can the star beast wake up easily? If it can't wake up, how can it attack me?"

Without waiting for him to finish, it suddenly stopped!

Because in the dark distance, there is a huge figure, slowly reflecting.

This number did not move, but gradually emerged from the starry sky. It was originally dark, but there seemed to be endless blood clotting. Soon, it turned blood red!

This number is too large to describe in words. Hundreds of already very large stars are like ants!

When I looked up, I could only see the amazing red that appeared between the sky and the earth.

Like a blood-red river hanging in the starry sky, the end of the line of sight cannot be seen!

The ancestors of the Wang family were completely shocked!

"The starry behemoth is really a starry behemoth!"

Muttering, finally turned into snoring, roaring from the mouth of the powerful body.

His eyes were almost smashed, his scalp was completely blown up, his hair stood up, and his heart almost stopped beating!

"What's wrong, how is it"

The more you look at, the ancestors of the Wang family shook their heads frantically. Finally, he looked at the white figure and went straight to the starry beast. He couldn't help but say, "What is he going to do? Search for death in the past? And how did he know that snoring is a starry beast? Did he see a starry behemoth?"

Although there are doubts in my heart, at this moment, it is definitely not the time for confusion.

Seeing that the starry beast had completely solidified, the ancestors of the Wang family were hesitant, and I didn't know how to choose.

Zifeng is very close to the starry beast. If you want to kill him at this moment, you must also approach the star behemoth!

Under this starry beast, even if he is healthy, he is not as good as an ant!

The roar of gunfire would definitely attract the attention of the star beast. Even if you try to keep it, don't take action, but Zifeng, if it is crazy and fights for you, you will definitely awaken the starry beast!

At that time, even if I could kill Zifeng and win the treasure, I couldn't escape it!

But if the ancestors of the Wang family gave up, he would not be reconciled.

In that tone, he couldn't, but Zifeng's longbow, supreme orb, supreme crown, and the last great journey that appeared were really treasures, absolute treasures! The ancestors of the Wang family are confident that although they are just a fit, with these treasures, if they are completely refined, they can definitely fight the second product or even the third product!

In addition, Zifeng has many mysteries, each of which makes the ancestors of the Wang family drool.


Zifeng's violent scream suddenly came from a distance.

"Baby is on me, if you want, let us accept it!"

After hearing this news, the ancestors of the Wang family broke out.

"Try one at a time, try one at a time!"

"If you can't kill this son, you can't get these treasures, and the old man will leave immediately!"

Thinking of this, the ancestors of the Wang family took a deep breath and their entire body was repaired. At this moment, they all took time!

For a time, the ancestors of the Wang family changed from suitable power to ordinary people.

Because his power has been completely consumed!

But there is no doubt that all the exhausted power is absolutely terrible!

At this time, the power of law and the dance of the palm of the Wang family's ancestors turned into a colorful exercise, directly rushing out of the Wang family's ancestors, just like Changhong, crossing a perfect arc. Sky. In a blink of an eye, extend 100,000 miles!

At this time, the purple wind from the ancestors of the Wang family has completed 800,000 miles.

At the speed of the ancestors of the Wang family, he can actually catch up in a second, but he dare not!

He was afraid of the starry behemoth in astonishment, which caused the latter's anger, and even himself collapsed!

Zifeng turned around, saw the amazing color training, and felt its horror.

He gritted his teeth, and again, he showed the gods!

This time, Yuan spent one hundred thousand years on the gods!

In addition to the extreme gods, the opening of the sky is also covered by purple wind.

There are also various techniques, even defensive curse magic, at this time, all of these are displayed by Zifeng.

He knew that the attack of the ancestors of the Wang family was definitely the peak of the highest peak.

And he, he dare not care about it, even if it is a good price, but he has done all the peak defense!

At some point, this approach is related to the defense of the outermost layer of Zifeng.

With a huge roar, these defenses have almost no blocking power. Under training, they are completely like waste paper, they all collapsed!

Followed by--

Second, third, fourth, fifth

I don't know how many defenses have collapsed under this approach, and this approach is still inexhaustible, and it is heading towards Zifeng.

In the end, only heaven and the gods are open!

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