The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 451: Mystery

When hitting the top of the open sky, a huge low sound spread into the starry sky.

This low-pitched voice concentrated on the opening of Tianding like ripples, and quickly spread to the surroundings.

When the sound fell, the long knife suddenly waved.

Thousands of knives and knives are rapidly expanding at this moment, reaching three.

From three directions, straight down, with an astonishing roar, went straight to the golden ancestors to bomb them.

"Just by your side?"

Seeing the knife approaching, Jin Guang's ancestors suddenly showed a sneer.

"If the late Tian Nanren were here, the old man would not speak and turn around and run away!"

"But you are still in the eyes of your own old man!"

The noisy sound was rising now, his palm was lifted, and it was trapped in the void.

I saw the crack was torn open, the huge palm was full of light, and it was caught by Zifeng's three knives.


Suddenly, a fragile crack came.

Three thousand-foot knives were broken without exception!

But Zifeng looked different, because he had anticipated this scene.

On the basis of combat effectiveness, the strong who meet the four-in-one situation are currently unable to participate in the competition.

He doesn't want to hurt Jin Guang's ancestors, he wants to kill people. These are 100,000 disciples of Jin Guang Sect!

"The shadow of the emperor!"


"The sea is endless!"

"Ching Ming offer points!"

At this moment, four secret technologies are also displayed, each of which cost a thousand years of life.

At the same time, Zifeng's combat power broke out, and in the blink of an eye, it had reached its peak.

The gourd appeared with the soul, and when Zifeng raised his head, he directly fell into a big mouth.

The breath of the sky gushes out of Zifeng's body, causing no pressure to sweep in all directions.

That terrible fluctuation made anyone change his face except for the glory of the golden light!

It is difficult for them to imagine how the ocean of two gods has an atmosphere.

Even if it is the ancestor of Golden Light, they will shrink their eyes and feel incredible.

"When I am in the same position, this breath is exactly the same!"

"No, not exactly the same, even stronger than appropriate!"

"It's really facing the sky. Repairing the two layers of ocean in this area will actually explode this kind of combat power."

"The old man used to think that he could only be invincible under the right circumstances. Now it seems that he can compete with a product!"

Taking a deep breath, Jin Guang's ancestors flashed a terrible murder case.

"This child must be my enemy, and possess such qualifications and combat effectiveness. If retained, it will inevitably become a huge scourge!"

"If so, let him die here, so as not to endure trouble!"


At this moment, the cultivation and atmosphere of the four-in-one body are reflected.

This kind of pressure almost always forms the essence, just like taking the golden ancestor as the center, turning into a whirlpool storm and sweeping it directly!

"Because you are looking for death, the old man will satisfy you!"

In the cold weather, Jin Guang's ancestors stepped on the ground, and the burly old man rushed out.

The loud sound in the sky, the terrible palm of the hand fell, and the huge emperor of Zifeng worked in vain, and first tore it to pieces! Then, the endless light showed and turned into two huge fists, each time they bombed the Qingming Temple and Samsara.

Qingming Temple was transformed, and under the control of Zifeng Thought, he went straight to the 100,000 disciples of King Kong.

However, Jin Guang's ancestors were too fast, they did not wait for the complete fall of Qingmian Temple. Amazing fists directly bombarded it.

With the roar of roar, the huge Qingming Temple, at this moment, collapsed directly!

At the same time, there is still room for explosion not far away, and another cold current of Zifeng, reincarnation, also collapsed under another fist of the golden light ancestor.

Up to now, three of these four mysteries are complete, and they have dissipated between heaven and earth.

All of this happened in an instant.

Zifeng's face was gloomy and her palms were dancing. The last eternal sea is endless, with huge waves as high as 100 meters, passing with the disciples of the golden light.


But at this moment, the screams of Jinguang ancestors came again.

His palm stretched out and lashed towards the end of the sea.

This lens does not seem to have slight power, just like a normal stroke.

But this stroke is a general blow, but it is a 100-meter-long explosion!

The entire ocean is boundless, under this palm, the inch is broken, and finally disappears completely!


Zifeng's face became more gloomy, and he sighed in relief.

Four products fit the world, which is terrible!

This kind of combat power, he did not know, did not expect, can really use it to fight, or can clearly understand

It's really too strong!

"Despite the display, what other methods are there!"

The ancestors of Jinguang stood there, and the whole person seemed to emit golden light like a golden mountain.

Its body roared, and blood and blood formed a whirlpool that filled the top of its head.

"Su Liuliu, look at your amazing face, the old man will let you go this time."

"But you don't want to die!"

"I must admit that with your cultivation speed and your terrorist power, you will achieve the same level as the old man."

"The old man will not let the tiger return to the mountain, nor does he want to endure endless troubles. Therefore, you must die today!"

When the sound fell, the golden ancestor stepped on the ground and immediately fell off the ground.

And his figure is like a shell, rushing towards Zifeng with a loud noise.

From Zifeng's point of view, Jin Guang's ancestors became Changhong at this moment, and the speed was extremely fast.

Obviously, Jin Guang's ancestors really killed Zifeng and would never care.

Currently, one shot is full!


Seeing the arrival of Jinguang's ancestors, Zifeng will not be difficult to fight with them.

If you work hard, it is definitely not the opponent of Jinguang ancestors.

It is very cold, and the fourth step of Denon's nine steps is unfolding. Take one step out, and the graphics will disappear directly.


At the moment when Zifeng disappeared, a big hand suddenly stretched out from where he was, tearing open the void! "it is good?"

The shadow of Jinguang ancestor appeared, his brows frowned, and his heart said, "Such a fast speed?"

He has used the inch extension and repaired all the explosions, the speed is almost final.

But even so, it still did not touch Zifeng's clothes.

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