The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 3 Chapter 47: The Polluting Beast Strikes (Continued)

At this moment, the sirens in the city became more and more urgent. After Kallian looked at the situation outside through the window, he could not help but frowned, and said in a hasty voice, "No, the polluting beast is already near the cordon. Now all the elite players go to their assigned places to defend."

"Time is too late, Feili, I'll go help resist for a while, you can use Nianwei to find the sleeping polluted beast, and notify me immediately."

After hearing Kallian’s words, Zifeng just threw down this sentence at Feili. Despite Feili’s reaction, the whole person disappeared into the office in an instant. The other team members also left the office one after the other and went to the assignment. Location rushed.

"Do you even agree with your brother's arrangement..."

Seeing where Zifeng disappeared, Feili used Nianwei to find Zifeng's figure.

"Well, after all, there is no other way. Just like your brother said, the only one who can save this city now is the two of us."

Feili’s Nianwei surprised Zifeng Weiwei. After all, Zifeng is now using Shunbu on the road, but Feili’s Nianwei still keeps up with Zifeng’s speed, although it is somewhat reluctant, but This can already be seen how powerful Feili Nianwei is.

After Zifeng's words were finished, Feili fell into a short silence, and at this time, Zifeng had also rushed to the city's cordon.


Although Zifeng's memory contains the memory of fighting with the polluting beast, when Zifeng came within the cordon and looked at the overwhelming polluted beast in front of him, he couldn't help being shocked.

"Recovery, Form 4"

However, the expression of astonishment disappeared in a blink of an eye on Zifeng's face. After Zifeng took out two bright silver-colored alchemy steels inlaid with the Holy Ten and restored it, a wicked smile hung on the corner of his mouth. In the face of this overwhelming polluting beast, Zifeng did not choose to use firearms, instead he used steel wires.

However, the use of steel wire was also carefully considered by Zifeng. After all, Zifeng came to this world not for anything else, but to hone his proficiency and proficiency in other forms of weapons. If you encounter any battle, Zifeng chooses to use it. If the firearms were used to solve this problem, this world would be a waste of time for Zifeng, it was just a waste of time. However, in the face of this large-scale polluting beast, the only weapons that Zifeng can use with a wide range of offensiveness are outside the guns, and only this kind of wire.

"Sonic Mode"

As soon as Zi Feng's voice fell, the two bright silver handles instantly turned sky blue.

But when it comes to this, I have to introduce the mode of the purple wind. The mode of the purple wind weapon is the same as the ten commandment sword used by the protagonist Haru in "Holy Stone Kid". It has ten same modes, but here is just I won’t explain them one by one, but I’ll introduce them when I use them.

The speed of sound mode is the third mode among the ten modes of the purple wind. It has the same effect as the third sword of the Ten Commandments Sword, SYNPHONIA. It is a mode that can accelerate the attack speed.

Because the speed of Zifeng is too fast, there is no martial artist here at this time, so Zifeng does not care about any shocking eyes, and turns into the speed of sonic mode to repeatedly throw out the gold steel, and the steel wire that originally glowed with golden light is also because The pattern changed, the whole body turned light blue, countless steel wires shot out from the alchemical steel, and the light blue line shadow formed a sky-blue curtain in the air, which seemed to flow continuously like water.

This is naturally the acceleration effect of the sonic mode. The sonic mode not only slightly improves the reaction speed and attack speed of a person, but also improves the dancing speed of soft weapons.

While facing the light blue curtain, the polluting beast did not stop, still maintaining its original speed and advancing towards the forbidden line. Regarding this phenomenon, Zifeng had already anticipated this phenomenon, and his figure flashed. , The whole person instantly turned into an afterimage and leaned towards the polluting beast. Although he was running, Zifeng's hands did not stop waving, but moved quickly. The light blue curtain in the sky was because of Zifeng. The waving of both hands accelerated and stared.


The light blue curtain is like countless sharp thin blades at this time. As soon as a polluting beast larva touches the light blue curtain, the steel wire penetrates the polluting beast larva without any hindrance. The body stirred it into a pile of smashed meat, so fast that there was no chance for it to scream.

But this was only the first one. After the first juvenile of the polluted beast was crushed, the juveniles of the polluted beast that followed it also did not escape the result of being minced into meat.

However, there are too many polluting beasts. The attack range is so large that Zifeng can't take care of it for a while. Although Zifeng waved a large enough light blue canopy within the warning line, some polluting beasts The larvae still swarmed into the range of the cordon from some corners that Zifeng could not notice, and the sky veil that Zifeng waved could only stop the polluting beast larvae on the ground. Those polluting beast larvae flying in the sky have no effect at all.

"Come in."

After the first larva of the polluted beast entered the cordon range from the sky, Zifeng couldn't help but stunned, but because of this pause, a lot of polluted beasts poured in from behind the light blue sky or from the sky.

"Damn... can't stop it."

Looking at the polluting beast that was completely irresistible, Zifeng had to choose a temporary retreat, but fortunately, at this time, all the martial artists from the martial arts department also came here, when they saw the ground on the ground. The piles of minced meat, and the purple wind that stood alone in the forefront, couldn't help but breathe a cold breath in their hearts, but they also knew that it was not the time to be surprised and quickly unfolded the formation.

After seeing the martial artist from the martial arts department rushing, he sighed and stopped waving the steel wire in his hand, quickly withdrew, and joined the group of martial artist.

"Xiaofeng, are you... all right."

At this time, Nina also rushed to the scene with Shanid, looking at the piles of minced meat not far away and the thick purple wind gasping on the side could not help but asked worriedly.

Zifeng was worried about Nina, but smiled slightly, and said, "Well, fortunately, the increase in staff came when I was about to be unable to withstand it. However, I said in advance that the pollution beast attack this time was caused by Jie'er. Nepal’s greatest threat in history, but it’s also a good time to sharpen it. If I can help, I have done it. Only Feili has found the female body and notified me to go and kill it. Therefore, I hope you can Grasp this opportunity well and be able to fight against the real polluting beast." Charm

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