The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 3 Chapter 48: Polluting Beast Strikes (Continued)

"We know, but you did all of those...?"

Shanid was a little dumbfounded to see the piles of minced meat at all, but he could tell from the dark green juice that it was definitely the corpse of the polluted beast, but he didn’t know why. What kind of attack was encountered, it was shattered unexpectedly.

"Don't think so much, now you are still ready to meet the next pollution beast juvenile."

For Shanid’s question, Zifeng did not answer positively, but he did not deny it either, but Shanid could confirm from Zifeng’s attitude that these were definitely Zifeng dried.

"In the entire Jerney, perhaps only Zifeng can do this level."

Nina was also very shocked, even though she knew that Zifeng came out of Guliandan, and even though she knew that Zifeng was very strong, Nina did not expect that Zifeng could be so strong.

However, this is just seeing the debris left after the battle of Zifeng. I don’t know when Nina and Shanid saw the battle between Zifeng and the larva of the pollution beast just now. What kind of expression?

Soon, more and more polluted beast juveniles entered the cordon, and many polluted beast juveniles have already entered the shooting range. Seeing this, Zifeng hurriedly shouted, "Attention, all personnel, for the air The polluted beasts of sniper are focused on sniping, and the juveniles on the ground will leave them alone for the time being. Fire!"

Perhaps it was because the scene of facing many polluting beasts alone was seen by everyone present. Everyone did not resist Zifeng's order. When Zifeng's voice just fell, all the players present were all stunned. With the trigger, a brilliant spark flickered in the sky for a while. As for the polluting beasts on the ground, due to Zifeng's blocking just now, there is still a long distance from Zifeng and the others, so Zifeng is not in a hurry to deal with them.

Although the power of the sniper cannon is very powerful, the skins of these polluting beasts are also very hard. A single shot can only shoot down single-digit polluting beasts, and these polluted beasts that were shot down have not died yet, they are still not slow. It crawled towards them at a speed, which surprised everyone present.

Although there are many memories of polluting beasts in memory, in fact, it is only the first time that Zifeng has seen polluting beasts. After using the God Eye system to identify them, Zifeng learned that some were over three meters tall. The average strength of the purple-colored polluting beast juveniles is around C level, and only a few polluting beast juveniles have reached the B level. However, the seal shells on their bodies are not much different from the body hardness of the B+ monsters in the Monster Tail World. If you want to defeat these polluting beasts, if you don't strengthen your strength, you must defeat the weaknesses of the polluting beasts, such as the eyes. Or the softer areas of the abdomen.

Thinking of this, Zifeng couldn't help but yelled again, "The weakness of the juvenile is in its eyes and abdomen. The sniper sniped at the weakness, and all fire was directed at the abdomen of the polluting beast."

After these words were finished, Zifeng's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, rushing towards the polluted beasts on the ground, and at the same time the alchemical steel in his hand turned into a fourth form of steel wire again, but the current handle and it radiated from it. The steel wire was not the sky blue just now, but showed a dark red like blood.

"Burst Mode"

The burst mode is the same as EXPLOSION, the second sword of the Ten Commandments Sword in "Holy Stone Kid". It can produce powerful explosions while attacking, and it can also emit destructive blasting waves in mid-air. However, using the burst mode will Let the user consume a lot of physical strength and attack power is not high, but it is a mode of both offensive and defensive.

Regarding the pollution beast that attacked Jerney this time, Zifeng didn't plan to let one go, and even if Calian didn't say anything, Zifeng would also eliminate the pollution beast that attacked the city. After all, Zifeng had that pit. Dad’s plot task, kill the polluting beast juveniles by 20W. You know, this is 20W, not 1W, 2W. Even if the polluting beast juveniles are numerous, 20W is impossible even if you kill them in a short time. It can be done. Besides, is the polluting beast really so easy to encounter? After all, not all self-disciplined mobile cities are like Guliandan, but the polluting beasts living on the ground will automatically choose to avoid. So, for this task, Zifeng only feels Alexander.

If you can kill one, kill one. Slowly get together. This is the thought in Zifeng's mind.

Therefore, Zifeng said that it was impossible to let go of the polluting beast cub that attacked Jerny this time.

With both hands waving, the dark red steel wire easily cut more than a dozen polluting beast juveniles into two in an instant. At the same time, the polluted beast juveniles that had been divided into two exploded violently.


A small mushroom cloud angered from the larvae of the polluted beast on the ground. The larvae of the polluted beast around here were all blown away by the strong energy. Most of them were shaken to death by the explosive energy, but very few remained. Part of the juvenile polluting beast crawled towards the city at a slow speed.

However, upon hearing the movement of Zifeng, everyone present could not help but fix their eyes on Zifeng's direction, but what they saw was that Zifeng just waved the alchemy steel in his hand, and a small mushroom cloud rose. After getting up, most of the polluting beasts on the ground were killed...


Seeing this, all the martial artists present couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"So strong, so scary."

These five words left the impression that Zi Feng's blow left in the hearts of all martial artists present. However, Zi Feng ignored the shock in the hearts of all the martial artists, and the figure suddenly jumped into the air, and the dark red steel wire in his hands was thrown out one after another.


A small mushroom cloud once again wiped out all the young polluting beasts in the sky.

After all this last night, Zifeng naturally walked back to the martial arts team and shouted, "Now, all the team members put down their guns and charge."

Hearing Zifeng's order, all the martial artists were like chicken blood, throwing down their guns, took out their weapons and rushed towards the only remaining polluting beast larvae.

However, the place where Zifeng is located is only the west cordon of Jerney. At this time, there are three police lines from east, south, and north in Jerney waiting for him to support him, so Zifeng does not have Staying here more, the figure disappeared instantly. charm

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