The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 481: Childish

"I think many of these spirit beasts are of four kinds, but it is terrible!"

"This is the real battle of God, which mortals suffer"

Many gazes are focused on the two numbers that have been bombed many times, but they are still not separated.

Within a thousand miles, they dare not even approach.

Because in addition to being fit, the rest of the people who are being repaired are just the consequences of the attack, enough to make them die where there is no burial!

"Sun, what should I do?"

On the cliff of Xuanhai, the old man frowned, and Sun Xuandao said: "This is indeed a terrible battle. It can be compared with the past few years, but today is your apprentice day. If it is disrupted by him, it will be scattered. It’s not very good."

When Zifeng and Taixu taught the first deity, Yin Yang Dao was not idle.

He did not take the same lens as the imagined gods, besieging Zifeng.

On the contrary, this number flashed past and passed directly to the 72 sects of the Three Sects and the Nine Sects.


The scimitar swung and hit an eye-catching arc, directly cutting many magical elements, and attacking Xiang Xiang in the past.

"Colorful laws, are you killing enough people?"

Hoarse words also come from the knife of yin and yang.

"Hey, who I thought it was, not such a big traitor?"

The fragrant child swept the yin and yang knife, swearing and swearing: "As a traitor, I am still so arrogant, you really have a face."

"Everyone has his own responsibilities, and everyone is his master. Is this a traitor?"

"Well, you are not a traitor."

Hunger was a little addicted and said, "You are rubbish, okay?" "Fart!"

Yin Yang Dao couldn't help snorting, the scimitar descended faster.

"Don't think that there is celestial suppression, I can't tell you how. Today I will tell you that France is holy, after all, is law holy!"

Hunger snorted, turned around, and a ball appeared.

The moment the ball appeared, it immediately became a colorful magic wand, filled with magical elements in the sky.

"it is good?"

When I saw this magic wand, the Yin Yang knife shook: "Is this a fairy who belongs to a magician?"

"Meet you for the first time?"

Xiang'er smiled disdainfully: "And, if you sit in the sky, you only know the garbage that pays attention to your immediate interests, you can see more knowledge!"


When the sound fell, the scented wand swayed, surrounded by amazing magical elements.

"No curse-magic moon body!"

When the wand was swaying, an amazing colored knife appeared immediately in front of the perfume.

The size of this knife is 100,000 feet long. From a distance, it looks like a long rainbow, standing between heaven and earth. Incomprehensible and indescribable pressure seeps from above.

This is the first time I have used Xianger after using the magic wand!

The previous was just a common curse inspired by her own magic!

At this moment, there was a fairy's blessing, and the power of the curse surged immediately.

The most important thing is that the body of this phantom moon is a wind attribute and a magic attack!

The knife smashed and collided with the scimitar, and the huge roar shook the whole world.

On the side of the Yin Yang knife, his body was shocked, his throat was sweet, almost bleeding.

His figure flew directly, his right arm holding a machete trembled, and his chest seemed to burst.

On the other hand, Yueyue, the illusion of the moon has also disappeared, but there is nothing!

Even in the next moment, Xianger waved his magic wand again, causing the temperature around him to rise sharply.


A thick white mist appeared from this space, and the surrounding void was dark, as if it had been burned into nothingness.


A huge buzzing sound came from the red clouds above.

The ground vibrates, two huge feet, I don't know when, they appear in everyone's eyes.

Countless people looked up. If you don’t use the mind of God, just look at it with the naked eye. Where can you see all this?

They can only see the knees!

"Boom! Boom!"

The feet moved, and the ground trembled.

There is a high temperature between the sky and the earth. No matter where you go, thick smoke will rise!


In the flaming clouds, there was a huge fist, like a mountain, banging straight against the Yin Yang knife.

Yin Yang Dao is very angry!

He believes that with his current combat effectiveness, he may be at the top of the inferior planet field. Even if he can't win Zifeng, Xianger and others, he can still be invincible.

However, this was only the first contact of a genius, and the body of Phantom Moon hurt him!

At this moment, facing this fire monster, the pressure on Yin Yang Sword increased sharply.


Several kinds of light, from the palm of his hand, all turned into a machete.

This is his law!

Source, not everyone can have it, but at this level, there must be rules.


The Yin Yang knife screamed, and the scimitar exploded and collided with the fire monster's fist.

It was almost instantaneous, and the two had fought hundreds of times.

Each time, Yin Yang Dao will be forced to retreat.

The appearance gradually became pale, and the clothes were broken a lot. The tiger's mouth hurts, as if it will burst at any time.

"A bunch of trash, what are you looking at? Don't rush to attack?"

Inadvertently, the yin and yang sword swept the ground, and many of the seven churches and seventy-two denominations watched here, and anger rose.

"The old man will contain rich and colorful laws, and you will fight the Phoenix Sect as quickly as possible!"

After hearing this statement, the crowd reacted immediately and immediately hit the Phoenix Sect.

Without Hunger's attack, their pressure dropped immediately.

To be honest, standing here, even if they didn't make a move, was enough to shock them.

After all, she is a holy sect. This is by no means an ordinary person can compete. For ordinary disciples of the seven major religions and the seventy-two factions, this was a massacre.

At this moment, Yin Yang Knife shot, finally giving them a chance to breathe.

Although it may not be Fengzong’s opponent, at least, it will not die so fast, so it is dead!

They are really just cannon fodder.

In such a big battle, only when the top strongmen of both sides win or lose can the battle be completely ended.

At the same time, the Qing emperor taught here.

The Dark Witch Emperor only left the soul. Although he turned out to be a fairy, he did not use it on himself.

The armor driven by it expands directly, like a dark cloud.

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