The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 482: In the dead of night

In the violent drink, the huge armor was caught by him, and it was placed directly on the venom of the fairy fighting Lingxiao!

The faerie poisonous rhino is extremely strong and hard to harm it.

At this moment, it was smashed by a fairy, and Ling Xiao almost squatted down.

His eyes turned around and fell on the black witch.

The latter has been expected for a long time, and in a sneer, actually jumped directly behind the fairy.

"Why, do you still plan to do this?"

The Dark Witch King stared at Ling Xiao, dismissed and said: "I admit that I am not your opponent, but if you want to kill me, you must at least solve this fairy spirit and talk about it!"

"Tangtang Yaxian is strong, but you are so greedy and afraid of death, you too!" Ling smiled.

There are seventy-two denominations and nine denominations of three religions. The three peaks are very powerful. ——The sacred poisonous rhino, the imaginary sacred sect, the wind chime war!

It is unwilling to become weak. It is definitely led by this fairy tale spirit. Wind chimes are the weakest! The faerie poisonous rhino, whose body is too strong, is itself a top spirit beast with a special talent.

Due to the source, a leader who is too fictitious may be in the middle.

In the last wind chime war, although he was cultivated to the same level as the first sacred religion, he only had laws. Therefore, the anger of the destroyed queen gave the pressure to retreat, and there was no opportunity to breathe.

On the other side of the Phoenix Sect, the three strongest players, if they are stubborn and weak, are obviously the strongest Zifeng, the destruction of the queen, Ling Xiao is the weakest!

Of course, if it is the first-class best fairy who will destroy the queen, then the strongest, I am afraid she is.

It's not that Zifeng doesn't want to give her a fairy, but those fairy instruments are not suitable for her.

In addition, in order to destroy the queen's fighting power, it can be invincible. If the fairy sends it to other people, it can at least save lives.

At this moment, it was hard to get hurt, only the poisonous rhinoceros wrapped around the fairy, and a set of fairy armor.

Every time Ling Xiao's attack, there will be a huge impact resistance.

If you continue to do this in the past, let alone defeat the fairy poisonous rhino, Ling Xiao himself is not injured, which is considered good.

Fairy Palace, Guifeng Fairy Yellow.

Wielding a huge purple sledgehammer, he rushed towards the crowd, roaring constantly.

Fenghuangzhuang had no choice but to draw Xuanyuan Victory, the immortal powerhouse in Asia, to fight against it.

Before that, Guifeng Xianhuang did not dare to compete with Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan Sheng was alone, enough to hold two, or even three Asian immortals!

This is the great power brought by fairies!

At this time, the battle between the highest levels has reached a deadlock.

Destroying the queen can suppress the wind chimes, but cannot kill each other temporarily.

Ling laughed there, but it was suppressed by the fairy spirit, and then took a step back.

In the entire field, the only chance to kill is Zifeng.

Even Zifeng, wanting to kill the first **** is not a short-term thing.

He saw Ling Xiao suppressed by the spirit of the soul, and it might delay a little time, but it won't last long.

Moreover, as long as there is a slight error, Ling Xiao is likely to be buried in the hands of the fairy.

As for other people's past help?

To be honest, the effect is not very good.

It is like the ordinary disciples of seventy-two and nine factions in three religions. What is the use of more people than Taoism?

Ordinary Asian gods, even Xuanyuan and others would not be opponents of the fairy.

Moreover, they still have their own opponents to contain.

It seems that the only way is to let Ling Xiao withdraw and deal with the first **** of imagination teaching, while Zifeng was the one who fought immortals in the past!

If this were the case, he would not have a chance to kill the first god.

"Master, what should I do?"

When Ling Xiao retired, he gave Zifeng a voice, and he gasped fiercely: "I am not the opponent of the fairy spirit, the **** black witch, the emperor and the fairy armor that has become fragmented. Poisonous rhino!"

Zifeng once again became a sword, he retired from the virtual religion's first god.

A little addicted, he said: "Drinking spirit, you temporarily drag the fairy scorpion, give me enough time to solve the first imagination!"


Ling smiled.

Before the battle, Zifeng exuded some spirit to them. His mental power is also very clear.

However, Zifeng strictly ordered that if it is not a last resort, he must not use spirits. After all, this matter is too precious.

In fact, he has been unbearable.

It was suppressed by the fairy spirit and ridiculed by the Dark Witch Emperor. Ling Chen's character was already angry.

"Everyone, please pay attention—"

At this moment, the voice of Zifeng spread across the sky.

"But if you are energetic, drink it immediately and end the battle as quickly as possible!"

Hearing this statement, for example, Xuanyuan and others were shocked!

In the next moment, in their eyes, a strong light burst.

The spirit, almost their last resort, is very powerful!

The people given by Zifeng, that is, they, even those in the sky, did not release Zifeng.


The gourd appeared in everyone's hands.

Destroying the queen, he also took out such a gourd, opened the lid, and then raised his head to drink.

More terrifying than before, at this moment, it burst out directly.

"damn it!"

The wind chimes and scalp on the opposite side were numb, and my heart almost collapsed.

He was completely suppressed in the downwind, and he was in danger of being killed at any time. I didn't expect to destroy the queen here, but there is actually a backhand!

It's not just him, he can't imagine it, but his eyes are shrinking and his heart is jumping.

Because he was on the opposite side of the cold, he also drank such a strong wine, and he breathed a sigh of relief!

Moreover, what is more terrifying than destroying the queen is that in Zifeng's hands, there is still a red light bursting out!


When I saw this red light, the first imaginary ignorant person vomited blood.

Zifeng has his own resources, this is something he has known for a long time.

When he shot and bombed the Phoenix for the first time, Zifeng used his source, and now there are four more!

However, the first **** who imagined teaching always believed that Zifeng had exerted such a powerful force because he had applied his origin.

After all, his own cultivation is only a matter of six qualities!

If it wasn't for the source to support the fairy, how could his combat effectiveness reach this level?

However, Zifeng gave Tai Xu the first answer at this moment.

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