The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 483: The beginning of the nightmare

Before that, he did not use the source!

"damn it"

The first heartbeat of a leader who is too fictitious: "If I don't use my source, I am not his opponent. If these are his four main sources, I am not that I will die in his hands?"

This battle has a fever.

Even if you want to run, you can't do it!

Moreover, once he runs away, the teaching momentum that is too fictitious will immediately drop. How about many imaginary disciples? Too much imagination, what kind of reputation will it have? "what!"

Too imagined was the first headache, ten crystal clear milky white rays appeared in his hands.

This is him, finally snuggling-Wonderland!


The explosion sound continued, and the rich fairy power filled from the fairy crystal poured into the long whip.

At the same time, Zifeng's hands, dark blue, jet black, and milky white, are emerging, complementing the previous fiery red.

These are his other three sources-

Thunder, destruction, time!


The first whip of Tai Chi teaching burst out with an amazing milky white light.

Under the blessing of Wonderland, the power and breath of the long whip has soared.

At the same time, the purple wind in the hands of Zifeng, with four strands of light intertwined, looks like a rainbow, even more dazzling!

Although the battle is still going on, there are many people on both sides, they are all at this moment, they have seen it here.

Zifeng is the patriarch of Phoenix.

Too fictitious dedication is the pinnacle of the 72 sects of the three major religions. In a way, it is more like a leader!

The victory or defeat of the two will best determine the outcome of this war.

Therefore, they are the focus of the entire battlefield and receive the most attention!

"How about the four major sources!"

"Subaro, you only have respect for six styles. Even if you have countless methods, you can improve too much combat effectiveness, but your cultivation is still too low and too low!"

"The old man is the strongest mountain in the celestial body, half a foot into the fairyland, you can defeat it in your hands!"


The long whip, the sacred madness too imagined: "Death to me!"

Zifeng looked calm, his eyes were cold, he walked out step by step, he walked to the opposite of Taixu Teaching.

The long whip came, and his hand was directly broken.

The two collided and made an amazing roar.


Zifeng suddenly screamed loudly, hiding an indescribable power under his seemingly thin body.

It supported the destruction of the gods and forced the whip. Under the gaze of countless people, it is difficult to restrain the long whip and retreat quickly!

Imagine that the image of the first **** in teaching is also the retreat of the whip and continue to fly backwards!


"The first adult is suppressed again!"

"Damn it, the first adult has applied the source, and even the display of the fairy crystal, almost means to do it!"

"If the first adult is defeated, then in this battle, I will teach seventy-two of the three religions, 90% of which will fail!"

Seeing that the teaching of imagination was in a downturn at the first moment, seven religions and nine factions were all on the side of Seventy-two, and immediately heard a cold wind.

In contrast, the Phoenix Sect is here, smiling, very happy.

"Ha ha ha ha"

"The first adult, your strength is not so good!"

"You have used all means, and the monarch is playing with you!" "Sovereignty is invincible, and sovereignty is domineering!"

"The emperor was very angry with the mountains and rivers, and nine shadows fell from the sky!"

With the failure of the last sentence, everyone in the Phoenix sect showed strong excitement and excitement.

At the top of the void, Zifeng's expression gradually became cold, and the power in his hand grew stronger.

The four main sources are poured into the broken Cang Chen ice. If the purple wind is not enough at this time, it can only show Ding's original power. I am worried that Cang Cangbing's level cannot withstand these four sources!

A huge roar sounded, and the fierce force of Zifeng forced the long whip and a hard retreat.


The first thing I imagined is that there was a sudden burst of blood.

The fragmented fairy whip is really hard. Although Zifeng did not hold his hand, he had swallowed the spirit, but he also showed the four main sources, but he still did not crush them.

If you switch to other first-class Celestial products, I worry that it will not be able to withstand it, and it will collapse between heaven and earth.

Of course, although there is no explosion, it can break the summit of the holy soldier. Huge power acts on the long whip, which is the first part of the impact on imagination.

Suddenly, his arm burst like a burst, the tiger's mouth was injured, his internal organs kept rolling, and there were always signs of blood collapse.


When the palm swayed, the imaginary first sect reappeared, and twenty celestial crystals appeared.


These fairy crystals have turned into a lot of fairy power, full of long whips.

"I really give you a face, right?"

Su Leng snorted, holding a broken Shen Shenbing in his right hand, and a wave in his left hand.


At this moment, a rich milky white light emerged.

There is a crystal spar that emerges from everyone's eyes, so it is too imaginary to be the first, and its eyes are shrinking.

"You do you even have a fairy?"

Zifeng didn't pay attention to it, his palm shot, and those fairy crystals burst immediately.

What makes hidden religions first desolation is

There are as many as fifty fairy crystals!

In terms of combat effectiveness, the first investment in imagination defeated Zifeng.

On the fairy, the imaginary first dedication defeated Zifeng.

In terms of origin, Taixu’s first offering was not Zifeng.

In Taixu's first immortal Xijing, it is still not about fighting Zifeng!

In all respects, the layers are suppressed, and the first **** of virtual religion almost collapses.

Wonderland is his last refuge. If Zifeng suppressed the numbers, he would lose today.

Even it must die!

"The old man doesn't believe it. You are a sect person who will rise later. You can have an imaginary fairy!"

In the first roar of the imagination teaching, the palms waved again, and dozens of fairy crystals appeared!

Add the top twenty and reach the full one hundred!

To be honest, under the fairyland, no matter how much it is cultivated, it is impossible to give full play to the power of the fairyland.

When the first singer of tacit understanding appears in the world, he will get an imaginary fairy tale.

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