The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 484: Extraordinary means

The number is very small and has always been regarded as a treasure by Taixu.

According to the Taixu Religion, in addition to the Star Alliance, even the fairy crystals of the Fourth Avenue may not be as expected in the entire sub-interstellar venue.

However, at this moment as—

Zifeng unexpectedly took out more than 500 pieces of fairyland, almost half of all fairy crystals!

"Phoenix sect, Subaliu, to what extent do you want to be perverted!" At first glance, the hidden religious beliefs seemed to be broken.

He was indifferent in the past and could no longer maintain it. He couldn't wait anymore. He must go and see the coldness of his son who rushed into the cold, Phoenix Sect, what kind of inheritance there is!

Zifeng is here, I didn't pay attention to the first god.

His mouth opened, he grabbed a fairy crystal and swallowed Too Xu's first scary eye!

"what are you doing?"

Seeing Zifeng swallow the fairy crystal, the first **** of virtual teaching is a glimpse. After uttering such a sentence subconsciously, he suddenly laughed.

"The frog at the bottom of the well, the frog at the bottom of the well!"

"Su Baxi, the old man can't kill you, but you are looking for death!"

"This fairy crystal is used by the fairy, you can use the fairy crystal with its crystal clearness. It is already the ultimate, are you still thinking about it, swallowing the fairy crystal?"

"Hahahaha self-made, can't live!"

This kind of laughter, when it's really fun, surprises and laughs.

To devour the fairy crystal with the cultivation of the spiritual environment?

This is not looking for death, what is it?

Even if it is too imaginary to be the first self, I dare not try, because once the fairyland breaks out and forms a counterattack, even if it is his peak practice, the immortal level cannot resist it!

And the purple wind in front of him can hardly swallow the fairy crystal!

"Help me every day, it really helped me!"

"Su Liuliu, you will ultimately pay for your arrogance and arrogance, and for your life!"

Staring at Zifeng, the first smile in my imagination is even more unscrupulous. The celestial crystals they took out have not yet exploded, but they have been collected.

He felt he didn't need to waste these fairy crystals.

As soon as Zifeng will suffer the rebellion in Wonderland, he will die!

Not just him, the wind chimes suppressed by the destroyed queen, the dark witch standing on the back of the sacred rhino, and the sacred emperor and others who fought victoriously against Xuanyuan. Sneer, staring at Zifeng.

They are waiting, waiting for Zifeng's body to burst, waiting for Zifeng's death!


Until the last ten seconds or so, Zifeng was still intact!

Not only did the reverse phase appear, his breath also gradually improved.

In the next moment, Zifeng waved his hand and grabbed a hundred of them.

He didn't swallow it directly, but to pinch these celestial crystals, the dragon's body riding the emperor's actions, the amazing vortex, and the top of the purple wind. "What is he going to do?" The first singer of the Imagine sect, all of them had such doubts in their hearts.

Soon, Zifeng told them what they had done with actual actions.


The power that was astonishingly swallowed from the whirlpool.

After a hundred celestial bodies were opened, the rich fragrance of the sacred genius turned out to be such that the whirlpool he gave birth to swallow it!

"it is good?"

Looking at this scene, the imaginary leader and others were stunned!

They can feel that the breath of Zifeng is increasing rapidly.

They can also feel that Zifeng's cultivation speed is very fast.

The only thing they couldn't see was that in their own imagination, Zifeng was attacked by Xianjing, his body exploded, and the gods were dead!

"Can you really swallow the fairy crystal?" Waiting for the first slogan in the imagination, the wind chime screamed there and was crushed.

He and Taixu's first **** are of the same level of power, but he does not dare to swallow the fairy crystal!

Here, Zifeng swallowed one for the first time, and swallowed a hundred for the second time!

"A bunch of trash, what I really think you can't do, can this sect not do it?" Zi Feng opened vaguely.

For centuries, the cents of crystal filled his body, accompanied by powerful destructive power.

In fact, those who are too imaginative and wind chimes and wars are not fake.

If it is an ordinary person, then swallow the fairy crystal, it will really be countered by the fairyland.

Who is Zifeng?

He is the ancient emperor of the evil dragon, the ancient emperor of the evil dragon and the first ancient practice!

When he changed to the former world, when he was honored, he really didn't dare to swallow it.

But at this moment, it is not the last life!

When the Dragon Knight tried to operate, the destructive power caused by the fairy crystal was reduced.

Through the restoration of Zifeng, it is obviously impossible to purify and perfect all these fairy powers. It takes time.

His purpose is not to improve and perfect these immortal powers, but to improve their cultivation.


Through your own body, temporarily separate some, then pour into the deep blue ice and launch a smashing attack!

There is no doubt that this kind of attack is definitely more powerful than directly injecting the fairy power into the fairy.

If the first **** of imagining teaching is completed, then too much fairy power will be wasted, just like Zifeng, it will not waste fairy power, except for those who pour into the blue soldiers, there is still a large part of it. . They are all in his body.

Whether it's refilling or keeping it refined in the future, you can do it!

"Now, do you try again?"

At a certain moment, Zifeng opened his mouth and seized the power of the sky.

The long knives soared, and there were milky white knives scattered in the crowd, suddenly spreading more than 10,000 feet, and then turning down!


The gap was torn, and a dark track appeared.

Everything around him was quickly destroyed, and even the numbers that still existed within a hundred miles had to retreat quickly. "He really succeeded. He can really swallow the fairy crystal!"

Seeing Zifeng's attack also came, the first glance of the virtual teaching was also very wide, and his eyes almost fell off.

Tens of thousands of feet of knives made him sweat and his scalp was numb!

He took out the hundred celestial crystals collected at this time.

Moreover, without any nonsense, everything exploded and turned into a fairy force, poured into a long whip.

The speed of the knife is very fast, indescribable, and in a hurry.

When it collided with the long whip, great power passed directly through the long whip and acted on the body of the first virtual religion.

Visible to the naked eye, it was too fictitious to teach the first dear, holding a long whip in his right arm, and at this time, it exploded!

The blood is full of blood and conveys a strong smell of blood.

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