The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 485: The alternative situation

There are a total of 72 denominations in the three churches and nine schools. Everyone at this moment, his face has undergone a huge change!

This is the first virtual teaching since the beginning of the battle and suffered such serious damage!

However, this should be a scene worth celebrating, but it made Zifeng's brows slightly frowned.

As he imagined the moment when the first right arm of the school collapsed, he felt a breath of improvement from the other side.

What made Zifeng's forehead wrinkle deeper, is the first imaginary side of the imaginary school, his right arm burst, but he did not swear, there was no despair before.

Instead, looking at Zifeng, his eyes

There is a strange expression!


The next moment, the first imaginary in the imagination opens, no matter the right arm is broken, but the left hand is holding the long whip and rushing towards Zifeng again.

Zifeng brow wrinkles!

This is too imaginary to be the first god. I know that I am not my opponent. I obviously have no other way. Why, will I rush to myself?

This is a moth that extinguishes fire. Is he looking for death?


Zifeng didn't have much time to think, the image of the first **** in his imagination came to Zifeng's face with a long whip.

Zifeng was violently drunk, and once again condensed the knife.

Still 100,000 feet!

But unlike before, this time

These are two knives!

When the first road fell, the long whip was shaken, and the left arm of the first imagination teaching also exploded directly!

However, the singularity of the imaginary sect is stronger, and its breathing has actually improved.

The third knife was left.

At this moment, imagine the entire body of the first **** of the doctrine.


Under the gaze of countless people, the old body exploded between heaven and earth.


"do not want!"

Seeing this scene, I imagined that there was a snoring sound.

Even Feng Chime and Emperor Guifeng, etc., are facing tremendous changes and show despair.

The rabbit died of sorrow by the fox.

There are too many false teachers, and they can still hold on for a while.

If the first **** of the virtual religion also died, then Zifeng could pour out his hands and attack them.

They will die faster! However, when everyone thought that the first **** who imagined religion was really dead, there was a hoarse laughter, but it suddenly spread between heaven and earth.


"Su Baliu, Su Liuliu, do you really think this old man will find himself in the past?"

"Although I have lived for so many years, the old man already looks down on the dust, but if you don't kill you, how can the old man die?"

"This is to thank you for bringing the old man closer to the fairyland!"

As the words fell, an astonishing breath suddenly swayed out of the space.

Zifeng raised his head and saw an illusory figure.

That is the **** of the first god!

What is shocking is that among the gods, bones are growing rapidly, and there is a lot of flesh and blood in the bones.

In less than a second, a new body is emerging!

"it is good?"

"What's the matter?"

"Hahahaha the first adult, breakthrough!"

When they looked at the first imagination, many people couldn't believe it.

Break through the battle?

"Facts Proved"

Zifeng looked a little bit: "No wonder you rush to the moth sect. The power of this sect turns out to be the shackles of your body!"

When Shen Shen dispersed, Zi Feng could feel that a dark cloud was rapidly condensing under the void.

However, after a while, these dark clouds dissipated again.

As a result, Zifeng felt a familiar taste—Heaven Robbery!

Anyone who wants to reach the wonderland must survive the disaster. This is unavoidable!

If it is hidden in a special space, then the person who cannot find the robbery cannot find the chance of robbery, then the person who robs and robs will be equivalent to the failure of the robbery and become a crime!

The robbery failed, but if it is not dead, it will become a fairy!

Fairies are not fairies, but fairies.

To be precise, under the fairyland, the strongest is not a subclass, but a fairy!

They have 80% of the wonderland power, and can crush all the reality under the wonderland, and possibly even fight the ordinary wonderland!

At this moment, Zifeng felt clearly that this was first of all imaginary. Although he broke through, he did not directly break into the fairyland.

If you say he half a foot and walked into a fairyland, then at that moment, two-thirds of his body has entered the fairyland!

Robbery has already felt his presence, but he has not reached the real wonderland, so he will gather for a while and then slowly dissipate.

This is indeed a breakthrough!

In the reassembled body, there are too many breaths that are stronger than before, and they are universal.

This breath is also the power of the first **** of virtual religion, and it has been inexplicably increased!

After all, he is the first and strongest of the next star!

Before the breakthrough, wind chimes, yin and yang knives, etc. can all be level with them. Now

They are completely forgotten by the imagination sect of the imagination sect. If they fight the first imaginary faction, they will never become opponents!

Even if it is the strongest fairy, the first battle imagined by the ether can be suppressed.


The voice of the destroyed queen came: "At this moment, I am worried that he is invincible in the fairyland. I can feel his breathing increased too much. This is the difference between heaven and earth."

"it is good."

Zifeng nodded lightly and took a deep breath.

He did not expect that with his three knives, he would have created such a strong person.

But this is also a wise choice. Too much imagination is the most secret secret. His real cultivation is close to the fairyland. Even if Zifeng doesn't shoot him, as long as he gives him time, he will break through sooner or later.

"Now, can you still be the old man's enemy?"

The teacher too imagined stared at Zifeng, and there was a murder case that broke out with the breath.

"Subalo, you are not qualified"

"In order to thank you, the old man will give you a whole body. What do you think?"

When the voice came, the first **** of the virtual religion suddenly disappeared.

Zifeng looked like he sank, turned around immediately, and immediately turned into a knife.

As it shattered, an amazing fist appeared, appeared in front of Zifeng, and collided with the shattered **** and scorpion.

Zifeng's body was shocked, and he felt that a huge force was transmitted to his arm through the crushing god.

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