The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 522: Blood for blood

"Your child will not be defeated face up."

Not far away, Repair at night shouted, "Knowing that he is not an opponent, you still didn't help?"

"When he died, were you still waiting to die?"

Wan Jian's face turned black when he heard these words.

Zifeng didn't speak, but stared at the weird.

If there are no accidents, this will be the hardest battle I have ever encountered.

In the next second, Zifeng's figure moved again, holding the sword straight to the dark clouds.

If the real Fire Cloud gloves are here, I am worried that it will be difficult to handle them.

After all, Tianyun's quirks have a great advantage, Tianyuan Qixiu.

But this is just martial arts. Although Zifeng was jealous, he was not afraid.

Now, he is not the former child who destroyed Xuanwu.

The rejuvenation of this land is nine times, and the Yuanli plus 3,323 feet, is almost full of horror.

And added the intermediate element Frost Sword.

Just at this time.

A shocking sword crashed.

With hegemonic power, he was imprisoned.

However, the sword imprisoned him for only half a second.

In a truly powerful showdown, half a second is enough to decide many things.

For example, the sea otter currently covered in ice hit him without any hindrance.

Almost a moment.

The weird cloud has become a huge hail.

The hail looks far away, it looks like a real, vivid ice sculpture.

In the hail, the shadow and expression of the eccentric cloud are fixed.

"It has become." Wan Jian and others immediately became happy.

However, they have not left their smiles yet.

The ice sculpture was broken.

The sky is full of ice, full of sky.

Inside, the shadow of the strange cloud jumped out, his face was a little jealous, but it was more of incomparable anger.

"Damn it, smelly boy, I want you to die." Yu Yun groaned and screamed.

The weird ecstasy has been around for many years.

In the hands of a little boy, he had eaten such a big loss to keep him from getting angry.

I saw a peek and a big hand, the fire cloud glove in my hand appeared in a shocking weather.

A skyrocketing light went straight to the sky.

At that time, the sky was high and the fire was raging.

The blue sky and white clouds all turned into red clouds.

The entire sky instantly became a sea of ​​flames.

"Child, I hope you are turned into ashes in the fire."

Someone suddenly changed his face in that place.

Among the strong at the end of the Tianyuan period, the singularity of the celestial heaven and the seven reconstructions are extremely powerful.

It can be imagined to use its terrible means and its power.

"It's over, it's over." Wan Jian snorted a few times.

"This is one of the most powerful martial arts in the Dark City."

"The sky is full of fire, enough to cover a hundred miles."

"We are in the center of the fire, and we will die."

The five kings also panicked.

"Not yet finished." Zifeng gritted his teeth and tightened his hand with Frost Sword.

Ready to shoot.

Suddenly, a character jumped up.

This is a night repair.

"Yes, it's not over yet." The repair was cold at night.

"After I break for you, you should go first."

"What?" Everyone's face changed.

"No." Another orthodox leader, "The night guides you to deal with singularities, and can't be distracted."

"If we leave, you will become an enemy and you will die."

"Don't worry, then I will definitely escape." Wan Xiu said seriously.

"Yes." Wan Jian, "With the power of night, why should we worry."

"Even if we stay here, we will only delay the night."

"Better leave first."

"Not bad." Zifeng also said.

"If you don't want to die at night, you will die for this country."

"You." The night was a black face.

"What do you do?" Zi Feng said coldly. "Don't think I'm a fool."

"Qianxiong's matter, this war, I don't care about you for the time being."

"After the war is over, I will reconcile with you again."

After all, Zifeng took the sword straight to the dark clouds.

Repairing at night, still walking, flying high. Unexpectedly, at this time, the night repair has no singularities and quirks, and it has come to the side of eccentricity.

The two laughed under the raging fire.

"A group of fools, know why we always shoot at the same time?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The voices of these two people just dropped, and the strange wind waved their hands.

Dragon tornadoes, boundless flames, merge immediately.

Hundreds of terrible fire tornadoes would be stunned if they were destroyed.

The fastest night repair, the first time I encountered these fire tornadoes.

Just a face to face, it was bombed by a fire dragon.

"Hey." Repair at night is like a broken kite, with long blood in the air.

Another orthodox leader, fired immediately and repaired at night.

But under the terrible influence.

Even if he was crushed and vomited.

When the two stopped.

The repair at night has been burnt down, and his face is extremely pale.

"Well, even the night repair commander is so vulnerable?" Wan Jianyi and the five kings were shocked.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

The momentum of bullying the world is mixed with the ice of the sky and the whole world.

"Ice Splits the Sky"

Zifeng took a drink, and the Frost Sword in his hand shook seriously.

"The martial arts in the sky" Fengyun was two years old and suddenly changed his face.

When Zifeng's Frost Sword was swung out.

The whole world was suddenly white.

That is the kind of power that the heavy snow suddenly enveloped the whole world.

But for a moment, the whole world seemed to be a snowy world.

Terrible blizzards and whirlpools enveloped the world.

It's like a fire in the sea, a powerful tornado.

The combination of the two is a terrible fire tornado.

All freeze under the blizzard.

In the next second, there was a destructive momentum in the blizzard.

Hundreds of fire tornadoes turned into powder in an instant.

The next second scene, countless blizzards, immediately escaped.

Within dozens of miles, the area is raging.

The old man was completely swallowed by this rampage.

The terrible blizzard completely swallowed them.

However, this terror did not last long.

In just a few seconds, it disappeared.

The original white world has returned to normal.

Everyone looked at the horror scene in front of them and breathed a sigh of relief.

In the sky, the wind is two old, the clothes are broken, and the body is injured.

The road was like a **** snow, and the **** marks of the sharp sword made the two look very embarrassed.

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