The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 523: Runaway

"How could it be so powerful?" Feng Yun's two old men once showed a panic.

"Even if it is a martial art in the sky, it is impossible to possess such power."

In the blizzard, they obviously felt it.

Those ice and snow are enough to freeze their bodies and even their blood.

Like aggressive swords, those hurricanes seem to weaken them.

The freezing breath and destructive atmosphere made them feel powerless.

at the same time.

Below, in Qianxiong, there was a loud hum suddenly.

On a quiet battlefield, this snoring is undoubtedly very sudden. "Okay?" Everyone frowned.

The sound looked like a mountain in the distance.

The mountain is covered with a layer of frost.

Obviously, the mountain cannot stand these frosts, it is breaking.

However, within a few seconds, the entire mountain collapsed completely.

But the next scene changed everyone's face.

Because, in the mountains, it turned out to be empty.

Inside, it is a huge **** altar.

The nine powerful chains are particularly dazzling.

A large number of soldiers are being locked and suffering.

Beside the blood pool, the same huge **** cells appeared constantly in the blood pool, and bones appeared from time to time.

Thousands of ordinary civilians were restrained and trembling in front of the blood pool.

Yes, this is where the pill blood is improved.

Above the altar, there are dozens of herbs floating in it, emitting a strange blood color.

This is **** Dan.

"Blood pill." Feng Yu's two old faces were happy.

"Thousands of men are correcting the blood of refining pills. This number is too much."

Said that these two figures are moving and are about to be shot.

Unexpectedly, a number, a cold sword, stopped in front of them.

This is Zifeng.

"Fengyun two elders, but this is indeed the case." Zi Feng smiled coldly.

He held the ice sword in his hand and pointed at the two.

"These two people will be killed here soon, the heart is **** Dan?"

Said, Zifeng's face was full of endless killing.

Feng Yun'er was immediately shocked. "Damn, I almost forgot about this kid."

"Lengbing split the sky." Zifeng made a low voice, and the Lengshuang sword in his hand waved out.

"Not good." The two bosses of Fengyun were shocked and "escaped."

The two quickly took a step back and fled quickly.

In fact, the two were seriously injured in the terrible snowstorm.

Although it still has combat effectiveness, it has been greatly reduced.

Of course, I dare not stay anymore, I dare not smash the edge of the sword in Zifeng's hands.

The two escaped.

At night, the repair waiter yelled "Sleep".

Wanjian was the first to catch up and pursue it immediately.

At this time, Zifeng vomited a mouthful of blood in the sky, and his face was pale.

"Zifeng." Surprised at night, the old man who fled the attraction did not chase him.

Instead, he quickly rushed to Zifeng's side and asked, "Could this be a big problem?"

Zifeng shook his head.

On the other hand, Wan Jian didn't catch up with Ye Xiu, so he stopped quickly.

He only has four yuan, but he dare not chase the old man alone.

Feng is two old, strong men who have just stepped into Tianyuan, even if he is seriously injured, he is not Wanjian's enemy.

Of course, I am worried that Wan Jian will not be able to catch up with it.

Hey, Zifeng's figure flashed by and fell from the sky.

Then he quickly took out many herbs from the Qiankun ring and sat down on his knees.

Night maintenance is to protect the law.

At this moment, Zifeng suffered some injuries.

The terrible snowstorm that just happened.

It is an intermediate practice, a cold sword, a low-level martial art, a scorpion, and a fusion of the two.

This is the first time for Zifeng, I didn't expect the power to be so powerful.

Suddenly, he was seriously injured by two strong players.

This is not a simple combination of martial arts and martial arts. This is a combination of practice and martial arts.

The perfect combination of ice road and domineering kendo.

This produces this terrifying power.

However, it is the first time that Zifeng has used it, and it is a little unfamiliar.

The fusion of the two martial arts has produced some reversals.

Of course, this counterattack is not serious and the damage is slight.

He ate a lot of herbs and knelt on the ground just to regain his strength.

Only a few seconds later, the terrible blizzard disappeared.

This is because his body is exhausted.

In fact, the old man was old when he recognized these two black robes.

He has prepared and compressed a body of ice more than 1,600 feet high.

He is very aware of the gap between himself and the old man.

Fengyun two elders, although only Tianyuanqi.

However, it is actually a real-time fighter in the field.

This is only one level, but it is six times more than Tianyuan, and it has surpassed several times.

Jiuyuan's self-cultivation is too big.

Unless you use some cards that you cannot reveal, such as the four-color flame and the ring of anger, you cannot participate in the competition.

Therefore, he can only compress the ice properties of the body.

It even shook the power in Frost Sword.

Using this as a source of information, the terrible blizzard was released.

Closer to home.

Now, he swallowed the medicine and quickly recovered his strength because he still had something to do.

For a long time, Zifeng swallowed a lot of herbs and slowly stood up from meditation.

Then, looking at the night coldly, "Repair the order at night, can you see the foundation of alchemy blood now?"

"I am now accepting a thousand male leaders. You can have opinions."

Frowning at night, frowning, "No."

"Leader Ye Xiu." Wan Jian looked changed and wanted to say something.

"Shut up." Fix a cold drink that night.

"Oh." Zifeng sneered.

"Well, Qian Xiong taught the Lord that it will be solved temporarily, and I will deal with it later."

"So, I have to rely on things related to night repairs."

Frowning at night, "What are you going to do with me?"

"What are you talking about?" Zi Feng said coldly, "in order to stop thousands of male teachers and prevent me from searching."

"Leader Ye Xiu can still remember what he said."

"If you want to cover up something embarrassing."

"I will never give up."

Repair the channel at night, "Deputy Commander Zifeng, shouldn't you believe in the filthiness of the elderly?"

"We are Yan Wuwei, this will deal with the Dark Lord."

"This has nothing to do with other reasons."

"Hey." Zifeng said in the cold passage, "Ye Xiu ordered, everyone, don't be fools."

"With the strength of the elderly, do they need to be dirty before they win?"


Zifeng's face suddenly became cold. "The **** Dan thing can be discovered even in the dark hall."

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