The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 561: Like a broken bamboo

Thousands of Wind Lords took the lead to jump down from the canyon, followed by the striker Zongda Elder, and the two royal garrison commanders also jumped up together.

Under the leadership of the four heavenly kingdoms, the elders of the former Fengzong and other fighters also jumped up.

Everyone, landing slowly, not fast.

The strong sense of celestial bodies can always perceive the surrounding environment.

"This is not right." The forward lord suddenly changed his face and said, "The hurricane around him suddenly weakened."

At this moment, at the bottom of the canyon, a ray of light jumped quickly.

"So? What is that?" Qian Qianzong was shocked.

"Be careful, it may be a scorpion."

Everyone is on the edge of the enemy, and they are very cautious.

"It's getting closer and breathing very intensely." Qian Qianzong frowned.

"Thousands of winds." The three elders of Qianfengzong slammed a palm violently.

Below, the optical flow is very fast.

"Good?" Suddenly, a surprise appeared from the bottom of the kilometer.

"The cold ice cracked the sky."

A fierce sword was suddenly smashed out, easily breaking the palm of the elder three winds.

"Good and strong" thousands of Feng and the three elders were shocked.

"So attack, I easily break my palm, it should be that."

"Do it," the two royal guards screamed.

"Slow, that's Jian Qi." The forward monarch quickly stopped.

Ha ha ha ha ha

A few breaths and a number appeared in front of everyone.

This is Zifeng.

"Deacon Zifeng?" Qian Fengzong and the others, his face changed first, and then he was overjoyed.

At this moment, Zifeng is full of black lines.

"Who just blows me?"

"Quantity." The three elders of Qianfengzong turned their heads.

"Haha." Thousands of Master Feng laughed, "Deacon Zifeng, you really are not dead."

"Go, let's get back to the top."

People returned to the top of the mountain.

Qian Qianzong's face was full of joy and said, "Deacon Zifeng, you are really worthy of the deacon in the first hall."

"I can escape from the mouth of the beast."

"Yes, how is the situation at the bottom of the canyon now? Qian Qianzong asked.

"The wind is a beast, but chasing you?"

"No." Zifeng shook his head.

"Isn't it?" Qian Longzong's elders questioned, "Animals are so fierce, there is no pursuit?"

"Huh? Is our previous guess true?"

"The animal was seriously injured?"

"Thousands of wind masters, I will continue to kill people immediately." The two royal guards said.

"No need." Zifeng shook his head.

"Okay?" Everyone looked at Zifeng.

"It's dead." Zifeng said softly.

"Oh, is it dead?" the lord of the downwind said subconsciously. "Then we don't need to go any further." For the next second, the forward lord was in the same place.

"What is dead?"

"The Feng Beast is dead." Zi Feng replied faintly.

"Is the wind beast dead?" People were shocked.

"You killed?" Thousands of wind masters grabbed Zifeng's shoulder excitedly.

Zifeng frowned.

The forward monarch responded and retracted his hand and said: "Sorry, rude."

Zifeng shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I'm Shula's deacon."

"The eight ancient halls are responsible for hunting demons."

"I killed it, is there a problem?"

"Of course not," said the forward monarch. "Is it really dead?"


Zifeng hasn't answered yet, there is a smirk beside her.

"You killed the Beastmaster? What kind of joke?" The two guards led the voice and laughed.

"Wind beast is a seven-fold celestial monster. Can you kill it?"

Zifeng said coldly, "If you don't believe it, you can go and see."

"I" two guards lead the team.

If it is the bottom of the canyon, then the wind beasts are not dead. Will they die if they go down the mountain?

"Deacon Zifeng doesn't need to lie like this." Elder Qian Fengzong said quietly.

"But really?" Qian Fengzong asked, looking at Zifeng seriously.

Zifeng nodded and said, "The Wind Beast is dead, and the Wind Beast is also dead. Only a few escaped."

"If Qian Zongzong wants to pay off, he will put a few places to the extreme."

"As for your belief and unbelief, it has nothing to do with me."

"There is still something to do next, I will leave."

Qian Qianzong nodded and said, "If you want to come, if the animal is not dead, how can the deacon of Zifeng come back safely."

Said, Qian Fengzong looked at Elder Qianfeng.

This elder is the earthly eight-fold restorer.

The old man nodded and said, "I will go down and take a look. I believe that Zifeng is a deacon."

After all, the elder of Qianfengzong swallowed his mouth and jumped directly into the canyon.

A few minutes later, the old man came back again, full of joy.

"Sovereign, there are no traces of beasts, but some common beasts have escaped."

"In addition, at the bottom of the canyon, there are traces of fierce fighting."

Qian Qianzong nodded.

"Can't see the trail? Where did the wind beast go?" the two guards asked with a frown.


Zifeng waved his hand, and a huge monster corpse appeared in front of him.

"Beastmaster's corpse." People's faces changed.

Just wanting to really see it, Zifeng waved his hand and took back the body of the Beastmaster.

Wind beast, but a seven-fold celestial monster.

In addition to the internal blood of beasts, the body is also a treasure, which has many uses, such as being used as a refining material.

Before Zifeng left, she grabbed the body.

They naturally know that this is a baby.

"Deacon Zifeng, please leave the body of the Beastmaster." A soldier said.

"Yes, this is my Thousand Wind Kingdom business, you can't take it away," the two royal garrison commanders said.

"Yes." Qian Zongzong, the seven elders, also said: "I have a thousand winds and have maintained the risk of these thousand years." "A large number of disciples die here every year."

"Beastmaster's Body"

"Shut up." Qianfengzong's seventh elder hadn't finished the work, Qianfeng Lord had already sipped.

"The inner beasts and beasts of the monarch beast king, but the treasure in the treasure," said the seven elders of Qianfengzong.

He still didn't know that the inner blood of Nedan and the Beast had been absorbed by Zifeng.

"Miscellaneous." An ancient voice fell, sly temper, and pressed towards the seven elders.

The lens is the elder Qianfengzong.

"Great elders." Qian Fengzong's seven elders changed their expressions.

The old man Qian Qianzong did not pay attention to it, but looked at Zifeng and bowed to Zifeng.

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