The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 562: unstoppable

"The disease of the wind beast has been completely eliminated."

"In my thousand winds, even in the entire thousand years of wind, there is a great joy."

"This is just the help of Deacon Zifeng."

"This old man is here to thank him."

"From today, Zifeng is Qian Qianzong's forever friend."

"Not bad." Qian Fengzong nodded. "The elder is right."

"The inner beast of the wind beast, blood, precious."

"It's not as good as the life of thousands of my disciples."

"From today, my striker sect, the fighters of the striker kingdom, will no longer die for the beast. It is more important than anything else."

"No Deacon Zifeng, little friend Zifeng." Qian Fengzong bowed his head slightly to Zifeng.

Zifeng flashed sideways and said weakly, "It's not necessary."

"This time is over, and the Thousand Winds Conference is also over."

"There are still important things next, so I won't leave more."

Zifeng said, turned and left.

"Little friend Zifeng, slow." Qian Fengzong shouted.

"How is it?" Zifeng turned around.

Lord Qianfeng looked at the elder next to him and said, "Great elders, go to the treasury to buy gifts."

"Yes." The elders nodded and left.

Qian Qianzong walked towards Zifeng slowly and said, "Little friend Zifeng, help me forward Zong this time."

"It stands to reason that I need to entertain myself."

"But the kids have something to do, and I don't want to stay."

"But before you go, please accept Qianzong's thank you first."

"Okay." Zifeng nodded.

After a while, the elder Qian Fengzong came back and handed in the Qiankun ring.

Zifeng took it and noticed it. There are many heavenly treasures, monsters and other practitioners.

The added value is very expensive.

"Zifeng Xiaoyou." Qian Qianzong's elders laughed. "I don't know if Shelly is satisfied with this?"

Zifeng nodded, "Thank Qianfeng for his master's gift."

After all, Zifeng held his hand and said, "Goodbye."

"Slow down." Lord Qianfeng and Elder Qianfengzong folded their hands together.

"Hey." Lancet snorted, "Thousands of winds, and even the whole thousand winds kingdom, will one day become a subsidiary minister of the Plenty Empire."

"At the time, I wish they looked good."

Zhao Kun shook his head, his face solemn. "The Kingdom of Thousands of Winds is one of the five countries. It's not as simple as you think."

"This time, if I hadn't seen Lin Biao's idiot, I wouldn't dare to go in and chase Zifeng."

"Furthermore, we must not rumors about dealing with the issue of dealing with tens of thousands of kingdoms, as well as other dedications and negotiations with the Lord."

"Yes." Liu Dao and others responded.

Zhao Kun said: "The most important thing today is the thief of Zifeng, no"

Zhao Kun had a cold face and said, "This should be killing him."

"This time I entered a thousand winds and nations. I only plan to kill this child as soon as possible and leave immediately."

"I didn't expect this power to increase greatly. I can't help him in a short time."

"Soon, the growth rate of this child will become the core of my holy empire."

You can create a heavenly environment and give such a high evaluation.

If Zifeng knew, I don't know if this is happiness or worry.

However, with Zifeng's character, it is estimated that it is just a smile.

Closer to home.

Zhao Kun and his party are on the road quickly.

Liu Dadao, "According to our previous investigation."

"This son's route should be to leave the wind shelter."

"Yes." Zhao Kun nodded and said, "When Qian Fengzong left, I saw the child's direction."

"Look for this direction, all the way to the Qianfengzong area, you will be able to catch up with this child."

"My injury is not serious; I just recovered from the road."

"When I catch up with this child, I can heal."

"Remember, by then, kill this kid on the spot and don't go on a business trip."

"Yes, there are six products." Dozens of soldiers were killed.

A few hours later.

Zhao Kun and his team stopped in a monster forest.

"Found it." Liu Dao said suddenly: "The sixth is dedicated. There is the breath of a little boy here."

"Yes." Zhao Kun looked around.

"This monster forest is not far from the land of a thousand winds."

"According to the direction the child left before, he really has to go through the forest."

"Look for breath and traces. You can quickly catch up and find him. You can't let him leave the wind shelter."

"Hahahaha." At the side, the rest of the Wind Saints laughed loudly. "This kid provoked our rich empire. Do you know it now?"

"I want to run now, it's too late now."

"Oh, is it?" Suddenly, a cold voice floated across the forest.

In the eyes of Zhao Kun and his entourage, the sound fluttered like smoke.

"Who?" Zhao Kun was shocked.

The saints surrounded by the wind are also ready to fight.

I don't know why, the sound echoing in my ears made them feel very familiar.

Seems to have heard it.

For a long time, Zhao Kun took the lead in responding. "This is Zifeng's small seal."

"Oh." A cold voice sounded. A number appeared out of thin air.

This is Zifeng.

"Zifeng?" Zhao Kun was shocked, and then overjoyed.

"After you left the territory of the forward kingdom, you did not escape, but waited for us here?"

Zifeng shrugged. "Feng Liu is focused, Zhao Kun is, it's not too stupid."

"Let's relax." Liu Dao and others drank a cold drink.

"Hahahaha." Zhao Kun waved his hand, smiled, and looked directly at Zifeng.

"Child, I don't know if you should be bold or stupid."

"I don't care what you have. In the face of absolute strength, everything is very fragile."

"Huang Quan can't help it. If you prefer, then you will die."

Zhao Kun's voice fell, and he shot immediately.

The rest of the wind saints are also surrounded by the surrounding 100 meters.

This time, they would never allow Zifeng to escape.

"Oh." Zi Feng smiled faintly.

The next second, a light suddenly rose.

A halo of violence raged in an instant.

An obstacle of several hundred meters appeared instantly and surrounded everyone.

"Okay? Array?" Zhao Kun's face changed. He attacked Xiao Yi's footsteps. He was also very cautious and paused for a while. "Are you a mage?"

Zifeng smiled and said nothing.

He lives here specially, he really has to wait for Zhao Kun.

Anyway, it goes by the way.

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