The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 563: Pinnacle showdown

The most troublesome part of the array method is scheduling in advance, which requires time and effort.

Zhao Kun noticed it for a moment, and immediately revealed a contemptuous color, "a weak formation."

"Even if you are a mage, you are probably only a third-rate mage."

"This battle, you can sleep on the road, but this is not a good old man."

"You don't have to fight in the future." Zhao Kun looked at Liu Dao and the others.

"When I kill this kid, I will break this incompetent formation."

"Enough to trap them." Zi Feng smiled coldly.

Zhao Kun has already attacked.

"Child, I understand how you picked me up."

In Zhao Kun's hands, the wind is amazing and amazing.

At the same time, Heaven and Earth came to the next inexplicable force, which easily passed through the barrier of the array and imprisoned Xiao Yi.

This is Zhao Kun's hurricane field.

Xiao Yizhen was in the same place, and there was no movement at all.

"Child, wait to die?" Zhao Kun sneered.

The speed of celestial bodies is very fast.

The sound of his footsteps has reached the purple wind a few meters away.

Only at this moment, Zifeng made a move.

In the hand, the light flickered, and something like a potty appeared in the hand, appearing out of thin air.

This is the sacred pot of wind.

Zifeng's heart and soul moved, and the sacred pot of wind inside burst out with a ray of light.

Streamer, it seems that there are thousands of attributes, different colors, very extraordinary.

This is the wind that was previously planted by thousands of hurricanes.


Flow, flashing past like a wind blade.

This is so fast that people cannot fully react.

This is so fast, just a glimpse.

However, Zhao Kun's footsteps stopped.

The body is also fixed on it.

Blood stains appeared on his chest.

In less than half a second, the chest burst open, blood DC.

Really, Zhao Kun's chest has been completely penetrated.

"How could it be possible?" Zhao Kun's eyes widened, and his mouth was full of blood. He can feel his vitality passing continuously. Zhao Kun let out an uproar.

No, to be precise, the explosion sounded on the scar on his chest.

The blood is like a **** eruption, although it bursts out with blood.

But in an instant, Zhao Kun had become a **** man.

"How could there be such a strange method"

"You are an extreme world, it is impossible to suppress my heavenly environment"

Zhao Kun tried to mobilize the strength of his body to press down the wound on his chest.

The power of celestial bodies is extremely incomparable, extremely powerful.

However, he found that his power was unable to repair the wound at all, even to resist the wound and continue to deteriorate.

There are thousands of different attributes on the wound, constantly raging.

Let his wounds continue to intensify and blood flow.

However, after a few seconds, Zhao Kun hit the ground, his life getting weaker and weaker.

His eyes were fixed on the pot in Zifeng's hands.

"The Wind Holy Can The Wind Holy Can is actually in your hands." Zhao Kun's mouth contains blood, the color on his face is unbelievable, followed by the color of anger.

"It turns out that it does."

"The team chasing Gust on the same day, you killed it."

As a sacred empire, he has long recognized the sacred object of the wind empire, the sacred pot of wind.

In the latter case, he cannot say anything.

The vitality of his body disappeared.

The wind blew his chest just now, and the thousands of attributes of the wind raged on him.

He has destroyed the internal organs of his body, including the heart and other vital signs.

Surrounding the "Liu Liu Ji", the original surrounded, surrounded by Zifeng's Liu Dao and others, opened his eyes wide.


After the horror, Liu Dao and the others felt scared.

"Run away."

A group of people immediately planned to flee.

However, Zifeng deliberately arranged a lineup here, and he would let them leave.

"Damn it, break this law." Liu Ke and others frantically attacked the battle barrier.

The array method is really not very powerful.

The attack by Liu Kou and others immediately caused the shackles of legal obstacles. It is estimated that the collapse will take a long time.

However, these times are enough for Zifeng.

Ha ha ha ha ha

Zifeng's figure flashed by, and every time he disappeared, a character would fall down.

In the hands of Blizzard Sword, easily reap their lives.

However, in a few seconds, Liu Dao and his party were almost dead, leaving only Liu Dao.

"Don't kill me." Liu Dao screamed with pity.

"Although I am a tyrant, I am the master of the Plenty Empire."

"If you kill me, the pursuit of the Holy Empire of Wind will be even more terrifying."


A swordsman flashed past, and Liu Dao died.

At this point, all people from the Holy Empire of Wind were killed.

Zifeng picked up the Blizzard Sword, walked towards Zhao Kun's body indifferently, and received his Qiang Kun ring and Qian Kun bag.

The reason I can kill Zhao Kun is about wind pot and wind.

This wind is caused by thousands of hurricanes.

Its power is far superior to the general trend.

The most obvious thing is that in Zifeng's comparison, the two drug lords in the small world are obviously powerful and cannot be compared with them. The wind is the strongest hurricane in the world.

Toadstool is the most powerful poison in the world.

The two are at the same level, the power is different, but the properties are different.

But now, this trend is clearly stronger than the two poisons.

Prove that this style is stronger than other styles.

But if Zhao Kun can really be killed, it is actually a pot of sacred wind.

In the pot of sacred wind, Feng Sheng left a shelter for wind.

Although the power in this field has long been exhausted, the effect is still there.

Or to put it more simply, this wind sacred artifact itself is an increase in wind attribute attacks.

Attacked by the wind attribute it emits, its strength is greatly increased.

The wind was very strong, very strong; as the altar of wind increased, this action killed Zhao Kun.

But to say that this specific level of attack can be achieved, Xiao Yi is not sure.

After all, Zhao Kun just broke through the top of the sky.

The match between Feng Sheng Can and this popular style does not know whether it can deal with more powerful fighters.

Zifeng thought quietly, half embarrassed, and shook his head, not thinking anymore.

I will grab the remaining dozens of people, such as Liu Dao and Qian Kun Bao.


The fiery flame turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The battle traces and corpses here were all burned together.

Do everything well, the numbers flash and the air flies away.

However, instead of leaving, he returned to Qianfeng's territory.

A few hours later, he returned to the former Fengzong.

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