The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 572: Kuji-kiri

At this moment, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he still didn't relax, he galloped completely.

It is safe to return to the main hall of the Hunter's Hall.

At the same time, in the misty mountains.

Liu Kai and others are still chasing Zifeng.

Suddenly, the entire mountain range fell into endless darkness.

"What happened?" Liu Shan's face changed.

His words, did not say, and the vitality of the body, there is no such thing.

If you stay away from the foggy mountain, you can clearly see the entire vast mountain range instantly in darkness.

"Okay?" Zi Feng brows and turns around thoughtfully. However, when he turned his head, there was nothing unusual about the Misty Mountains behind him.

The endless darkness appeared in an instant, and disappeared in another instant.

Before Zifeng heard the general deacon mention the situation, Zeng Qingxing didn't encounter it, otherwise he didn't know if he could parry it.

However, if he could see the sudden appearance of the Misty Mountains, he would doubt and even contemplate.

Because, like that, when he entered the Misty Mountains, he suddenly disappeared.

That's it, when he left the Misty Mountains, he appeared again.

Leaving the Misty Mountains, Zifeng hugged Huo Lin's scream.

As long as she is safely sent back to the main hall of the Hunter's Hall, the mission is complete.

During the flight, Xiao Yi always remained vigilant and ready to do his best to prepare for battle.

The only thing that made him feel jealous was that Liu Kai's pursuit was just to follow him.

However, it is obvious that I have been back to Fangcheng without any pursuit in the middle.

Zifeng sighed.

Although I don't know why Liu Kai didn't pursue it, she has already returned to Fangcheng. Even if Liu Kai was present, she did not dare to do it.

"Okay?" Zifeng frowned suddenly, looking at Huailin's embrace.

In fact, Hollin had passed out.

Zifeng inspected a lot, and Huo Lin's life was innocent, but she fainted.

However, her black scorpion gas was not removed in a day, and she would endure great pain.

"Take a few more minutes." Zi Feng snorted.

The speed soared to the extreme, and went straight to the main hall of the Hunter's Hall.

It is not difficult to know black gas, but it is very troublesome.

Zifeng will find a safe place first.

A few minutes later, Zifeng descended from the sky and steadily landed in the lobby of Fangxuan City.

Boom. Zi Yan's fire wings dissipated, and Zi Feng quickly walked into the hall of hunting demon.

However, as soon as he entered, all the hunters in the hall, including the staff, stared at him.

The atmosphere suddenly became very dignified.

"Is it easy?" A staff member broke the silence.

"Hello, do you dare to enter the Hunting Demon Hall?"

"Let him act quickly."

Oh. Clang.

A group of hunters have taken out their weapons.

A law enforcement team in the temple immediately surrounded Zifeng.

"Bold and relaxed, won't you let go of Hu Lin?" The captain of the law enforcement team stared at Zi Feng.

"Is the wanted order true?" Zifeng's eyes were cold. "Are you there all night?"

Before I met Liu Kai's detachment, I thought this burly middle-aged man was cheating on him.

It seems to be true now.

"Funny." Zi Feng snorted coldly as he was about to attack, but looked down at Huo Linyi's eyes and forcibly endured his anger.

Huolin is still injured, and the black air needs to be cleared as soon as possible.

"Go away." Zifeng thought of a move and immediately passed the encirclement of the law enforcement team.

This figure went directly to the lounge in the Hunter's Hall.

"Stop." The captain of the law enforcement team screamed. "Also, I will report to the deacon in the temple."

"No, this kind of purple inflammation is easy to pass. I will notify the owner." "You can't let him rush to fight the hunting wizard."

"Yes." Several law enforcement officers left and left quickly.

The rest of the law enforcement team and the strong inside the temple quickly chased the back hall.

The hall of the hunter demon.

Although Zifeng did not come to the retreat room of this hunting demon hall.

But the layout of each hunter's hall is similar.

So he immediately found the retreat room.

About to enter the retreat room, suddenly, not far away, a man hurried over.

Men are very fast.

Zifeng's students shrank, almost unable to keep up with his speed.

The man slapped his hand, Zi Feng took a step back, and the purple inflammation hit.


The terrible purple inflammation stopped the man in an instant.

"Who are you?" Zi Feng was very cold.

"Who are you?" The man glared at him. "Do you know how to hold you?" Let me give it up immediately. "

The man looked at Huo Lin's arms in Zifeng's arms, his eyes were very angry, and he shot immediately.

"Get off." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, full of purple inflammation, pouring out.

However, the man's fierce palm hit, but he broke through the sky and purple in an instant, and directly attacked Xiao Yi.

"Promise promise." Zi Feng frowned, seeing the strength of this man.

However, the current commitment promises will not pose any threat to Zifeng.

Zifeng's fingers moved gently, and the fire dragon continued several times, emitting terrible heat, and instantly engulfing the man.

The man was buried in the fire.

Zifeng was too lazy to pay attention, just about to enter the retreat room, behind him, a fierce palm suddenly came.

Humph. Roar.

"Hey." Zifeng vomited blood and was bombarded for more than ten meters.

"Bold and simple." Behind him, a middle-aged man stared at Zi Feng indifferently.

"I'm wanted by the Hunter's Hall, but dare to come here?"

"Except for hurting people in my hunting demon hall?"

This middle-aged man is a general deacon in charge of the highest task.

"Asshole." After Zifeng stood firm, his fists creaked.

Around it, it has been surrounded by hundreds of elite martial artists.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." Zifeng glanced at the crowd.

"This palm, I will go out with you."

When the sound fell, Zifeng immediately entered the retreat room.

"Want to run?" The man and a middle-aged man screamed and chased them.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

A series of four wildfires appeared out of thin air.

The flame became a barrier, instantly wrapping the enclosed room.

The men and middle-aged people were immediately prevented from retreating.

"Damn it." The man's face was very angry. "Child, if you dare to hurt a little hair, even if you escape to any corner of this field, I won't let you leave."

After all, the man lashed out and tried to forcefully break the barrier of four-color flames.

Rest indoors.

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