The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 573: Act by chance

Zifeng put down Holland and quickly began to treat her.

He said that Huolin's life is innocent, but this does not mean that her injuries can continue to be a drag.

If the injury is delayed too long, there will always be life-threatening.

Zifeng quickly took out a few herbs to feed them.

Then the fingers swam in Aunt Holin's belly, then settled and drew the pure medicine. After the injury was completely stabilized, Zifeng frowned.

"offend". Zifeng snorted and unbuttoned Huolin's clothes gently.

Zifeng looked at the barrier of his eyes, which kept bombarding.

"Hey." Zi Feng sneered.

The promise area of ​​the promise cannot break his four-color flame barrier.

Of course, if the powerful players in the hall of hunting demon join forces to attack, then the obstacle will be broken.

However, it takes time, and this time, it is enough for him to heal Hollin's injury.


Outside the lounge.

The men continued bombing the flame barrier.

Hehe. Whoosh. Whoosh.

Hunter Hall, more and more powerful people are coming.

At least ten ordinary deacons gathered outside the retreat.

"Join the barrier and break this barrier." The ten deacons looked at each other and said.

At this moment, oh. A number, suddenly and now.

Come on, it's an old man.

"See the Lord." A group of ordinary deacons and law enforcement teams have been saluting.

"Yes." The old man nodded.

The old man looked at the flame barrier with different colors flashing in his eyes. "These four powerful flames are still mysterious ways to form obstacles."

"No wonder you can't do anything easily."

"Lord, quickly broke the barrier." The man said anxiously.

Some main deacons nearby also said eagerly, “The master of the temple, the wanted criminal is smashing Miss Lind into the retreat room. There is no time to delay.”

The old man smiled and interrupted, "Is it easy? The purple inflammation?"

"Why do you want to pass him?"

A deacon deacon replied: "According to Liu Kaichuan's news, Yi Yi's highest mission has been highly rewarded, forcing Miss Lin to meet."

"What else?" The old man interrupted him again.

"There are four strong flames, plus ice to automatically identify the Lord."

"This kind of arrogance, the future is unlimited."

"Defected to hunt the Demon Hall for the mission in the area? Have you issued a wanted warrant?"

"Are you a fool or stupid?"

An ugly look appeared on the old man's face.

The city government retreated indoors.

Zifeng sat on her knees and nursed her injuries.

At first he planned to find an inn.

However, after making the plan, Fang Chengcheng was very enthusiastic to keep him.

Zifeng thought about this. The entire square inch city, except for the retreat outside the main hall of the Hunting Devil Temple, was the safest retreat room for the city government, and it stayed.

Adding particles to the abdomen, the wound quickly healed.

Zifeng's previous injuries were not light.

However, after all, people's physical fitness is extraordinary, coupled with the perfect grade of a large number of high-quality medicines, the harm is naturally better.

This is the importance of the refining pharmacy profession.

Take Zifeng’s injury as an example. If you change others, even if you ask a highly qualified alchemist to treat it, it will not heal for ten and a half days.

At this time, the injury has recovered.

Then, the next step is training.

The task points given by the highest task are so huge, and the rewards are not low.

However, Zifeng is still a little curious about what Huo Linying's identity is, which can make the Hunting Demon Hall so important.

One of the main halls not only came out, but also received such a huge return.

Of course, Zifeng was just a little curious and didn't think much about it.

Come up with a reward, this is a lot of planting.

The pill, Zifeng swallowed and absorbed one by one.

Genius subsistence allowances are used to make medicinal materials one by one.

Two hours later, Xiao Yi only refined all the heavenly treasures.

In front of it, a small Danyao Mountain appeared.

"Suck". Zifeng snorted.

The two great souls in the body are open.

However, within ten minutes, the entire Xiaodan Mountain was absorbed.

Under the perfect level of medicinal materials, there are no impurities, natural, and no residues.

Zifeng's body erupted.

"Breakthrough." Zifeng smiled.

At this level, it is only necessary to increase the strength to the height of the spring.

After all, the army has not changed, only the small world is growing.

Filling a gas spring is much easier than filling a small world.

Of course, I have to say that the rewards for this top task are indeed very rich.

You know, it has only been about two months since his last breakthrough.

Yuanli's power has been reached, but the restoration has not officially entered Celestial Body IV.

The last step is to complete the fourth complete martial art.

Before Zifeng had thought of which military road he would break through, this was Jinhuo's martial arts.

Hehe. Whoosh. Whoosh.

A glimpse of the power of martial arts, ignoring the ban on retreat, penetrated.

That is the martial arts power that belongs to the earth and the golden flames of the earth. "

Zifeng absorbed one by one. In the small world, golden martial arts is constantly improving and developing.

After half an hour, this golden martial art was almost perfect.

"The last trace of the difference is complete and complete." Zifeng's eyes could not stop the joy.

More than a complete martial art, it is not just a simple upgrade.

For him, he can add a complete martial art to his purple inflammation field, and his power is soaring.


"Oh." Zi Feng suddenly sprayed blood, and the mask under his face turned pale.

"what happened?"

Just now, he tried to incorporate the last martial arts into the martial arts of Jin Huo.

Yes, this is the last trace, but it looks as heavy as a thousand, as if it is more important than the entire complete martial arts.

At that moment, he seemed to be struck by lightning.

The whole body seems to be under tremendous pressure.

Under tremendous pressure, he let his blood gush out.

"How is this possible?" Zifeng frowned tightly.

"Is it the oppression of heaven and earth?" Zifeng reacted, staring directly at the martial arts power in the sky with cold eyes.

The phlegm of amethyst is also very good, the pulse of the earth is also fire, it is a strong flame in the world.

No, to be precise, in the middle, you have to add the most word.

The strongest flame in the world. Warriors, after practicing in heaven, the first complete martial arts is crucial, because any subsequent martial arts need to be related to it.

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