The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 574: Walk for the sky

In short, the complete martial art of Amethyst Lingyan is based on domineering kendo and added dominance kendo.

Now, Zifeng wants to let the golden veins on the earth join the tyrannical kendo, which is equivalent to contact with Amethyst Lingyan martial arts.

The martial arts of the two strongest flames in the world need to be "harmonized" with each other.

This is a bit like the original four powerful flames.

But this is just a flame, it has the help of nine celestial reincarnations.

Nowadays, what belongs to these flames is the power of martial arts from heaven and earth, and the difficulty can be imagined.

"I don't believe in this evil." Zifeng looked into her eyes.

The martial arts power that fell from the sky was forcibly absorbed by him.

In the small world, golden martial arts is just far away from the traces of perfection.

But this kind of silk is very slow.

For Zifeng, the pressure on him from heaven and earth and the earth is like the pressure of Mount Tai.

Under the mask, the face became pale and even looked bloodless.

A full hour later, Zifeng screamed violently, "Give me a combination."


In the small world, golden martial arts is completely complete.

But at the same time, this little world was trembling, and the roar broke out.

"Hey." Zifeng sprayed blood from his mouth, but he sighed with a smug smile on his mouth.

Because he succeeded, the fourth complete martial arts, golden vein martial arts, was completely completed.

"The field of purple inflammation, begin." Zifeng drank a cup.

The domineering kendo is the base, and Amethyst Lingyan martial arts is integrated into it.

The combination of the two martial arts constitutes the Ziyan martial arts.

At this time, a golden martial art slowly blended into it.

How effective are the three comprehensive martial arts fields?

But for a second, Zifeng knew immediately.


Almost the moment the golden martial arts merged into the battlefield, a powerful force swept the entire retreat.

Hey. This is a loud noise.

It seems to be white.

When it returned to normal, the entire retreat room had been razed to the ground.

Hehe. Whoosh. Whoosh.

Beyond the retreat, countless streams of light flowed instantly.

Here, it is located in the capital of the city, and there are various methods in the city.

The retreat room is obviously also connected to the array here.

The retreat was destroyed, and all surrounding formations were immediately touched.

Countless streamers are the power of the ban.

However, these streamers are not even close to the purple wind, and they are all turned into ashes in the purple inflammation field.

Hehe. Bang. Bang.

Countless light streams have been obliterated.

"Good." Zifeng was taken aback.

"The combat power has soared to the endless sacred environment."


In the distance, a number jumped quickly, and it was the owner of the square inch.

His retreat was destroyed, he knew immediately and hurried quickly.

However, when he looked at the enclosed room that had been razed to the ground, and the surrounding array was burned to annihilate, his face changed.

"Child, are you abnormal?" Fang Xiangcheng looked at Zi Feng in surprise. He can naturally see that the "criminal" who caused all this is the realm that Zifeng now provides.

"I haven't seen it in the past few days, how many times has your power turned over?"

"The momentum of the explosion in your current field is much stronger than when you used to fight together outside the city."

"Quantity." Zifeng said slightly, "The loss here will be fully compensated."

"Haha, no need."

"This lounge has not been rebuilt; the array has disappeared and the old man can put it back."

Zifeng smiled. "Anyway, I still thank the elderly for using the lounge."

"I will condense one hour of knowledge for the elderly, thank you."

"No, no." Direction Cheng waved his hand quickly.

"This old man has benefited a lot from the last time."

"However, the old man has not fully understood it, and has not fully controlled it."

"More enlightenment now will only cause more trouble for the elderly."

"Amount, this." Zifeng hesitated and said, "I don't care, I still have something to do."

"If older people don't need it, they must leave."

"Go." The direction nodded, as if he had expected it.

"You don't get along with your children much, but I already know that you are a free man."

"You are always busy, and you will never stay for too long."

"This medium field is very big, maybe you don't know where you are going in the future."

"However, the old man hopes that if you return to this city in the future, you can go to the main government of the city as a guest."

"This is natural." Zifeng nodded. "So, that boy said goodbye."

Zifeng held his hand and left.

He still has some mission points, so he plans to go to the Demon Hunting Hall to accept some missions, and then start his hunting demon again.

However, when he came to the gate of the Hunter's Hall, he met a familiar character.

"Lin, can you go back with me first?" According to the man's tone, he said to Huo Linyi.

"Since you woke up, you have been waiting for this day, what are you waiting for?"

"You don't need to take care of it." Hollin responded with dissatisfaction.

"Lin, you don't want to be so capricious." The man said with a helpless face, "The activities in the palace are less than a month away."

"If you don't go back, you will be afraid."

"I have a sense of proportionality, saying that you don't have to take care of you, you must return to yourself first." Huolin screamed angrily, looking impatient.

Huolin was right next to her, and there were a few old people.

At this time, several old people all smiled.

Obviously, Savage Huolin, they are helpless.

At this moment, Xiaoyi walked very slowly.

Huolin's eyes lit up immediately, and the primitive impatience on her face turned into a happy moment.

"Simple." Huolin screamed and quickly walked towards Zifeng.

"Where did you go today?"

Zifeng smiled. "I am a hunter, I run around naturally."

Hollyn smiled and said, "If you don't want to run anymore, please go back with me."

"Go back with you?" Zifeng was stunned. Huolin nodded without hesitation, "Okay."

"Slow." The man's face was full of gloomy colors. "On the day when arrogance gathers, the place where genius gathers is not a place for cats and dogs to go."

"Gu Feifan, you told me to shut up." Huo Lin glanced at him coldly.

Later, Huo Lin looked back at Zifeng, "My grandfather is."

Zifeng smiled and interrupted him. "No, I'm used to it."

"Okay, don't go there, goodbye."

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