The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 589: new ambience

"Even if they all have troublesome tasks, they can imagine the dangers and difficulties of these tasks."

"You go to the Quartet in one day, don't say you completed the task, and you don't know how to die."

"Isn't this more interesting?" Zi Feng smiled faintly.

"You." Qing Lin breathed a sigh of relief suddenly. He remembered that Zifeng was a more disturbed person than him.

"It seems that what I just said is just nonsense to you." Qing Lin shook his head.

"But you, wait for me, and then we will walk together in the square in front, there is one more concern."

Zifeng smiled and said, "Do you want to be a pig?"

"What?" Qinglin groaned, and then reacted, remembering that he had yelled with Xiao Yiyi not long ago that he was a pig, so. "Forget it." Qing Lin shook his head. "Who made me be a brother for a long time, always take care of you."

"Oh." Zifeng shook his head and smiled. "Well, how long will you wait? I will leave in a few days."

"How many days?" Qing Lin frowned. "No, this is too fast."

"I broke through the repair at the beginning, then immediately filled the gas spring, and I am about to break through today."

"I am not suitable for this kind of experience now, but should be closed for a few months, stabilize and cultivate, and master martial arts knowledge."

"No." Zifeng shook his head. "This has been going on for several months. I'm very anxious."

"When are you rushing?" Qing Lin frowned. "I thought about it. You seem to be very anxious, very hurried."

"What are you eager to do?"

"And, if you are in a hurry, you should wait for me."

"Why?" Zifeng asked.

"Because Sifang is very far away." Qinglin smiled proudly. "The black cloud area is far away from the Sifang area."

"Even if I move forward at full speed, it will take at least two or three months."

"If you are alone and you don't have a year and a half, you can't go."

"So far?" Zi Feng frowned.

He never thought that Sifang was so far away.

He knew exactly how fast Greenlin was. He knows how many miles he can travel at full speed in the month and month.

"Not yet." Zifeng shook his head.

He is eager to experience, because he wants to quickly improve his strength.

For the military, practicing and fighting outside is definitely the fastest way to increase strength.

"That's it." Zi Feng said quietly. "The square is far away, but I will speed up."

"I will set off first, go all the way, experience all the way."

"If you want to go to Sifang, you will close it first; after retreating, it will not be late."

"According to your speed, the time to reach the Quartet is not much slower than mine."

"After the Quartet, we will gather again."

Qinglin Daqiu reported that he did not intend to stay in the Black Cloud District and that going abroad was inevitable.

"Here." Qing Lin thought for a while and nodded. "OK."


The two went to the lounge, preparing to retreat for a while.

Xiaoyi was just about to go to the lounge. Suddenly, a disciple in the school taught him to find him.

"But Brother Zifeng." Such a disciple is a young man about one year old.

"Are you?" Zifeng looked at these people, he might realize that this is one of this year's new disciples.

However, he forgot the specific name.

"Zifeng's brother said that I want to be a good teacher." The young man, looking at Zifeng's eyes, obviously has a color of admiration.

"Jinfeng, teacher, what are you looking for?" Zifeng asked.

"That." The young man was embarrassed and touched his head and said, "When Wangshan was desecrated, Xiaoyi's brother saved my life. I will thank him in the future."

"That day, Zifeng's brothers had their own power and trapped the powerhouse of Tianwang Mountain. Zifeng's impression was still fresh, so heroic and so unique." "No, thank you." Zifeng interrupted.

"Quantity." The young man was a little embarrassed. Suddenly, he patted his head and said, "Oh, almost forgot about business."

"In addition to studying and teaching, a deacon from the Shura Temple is looking for you, saying that there is a letter in the Shura Temple."

"A letter from Shu Luodian?" Zifeng frowned slightly when he heard this.

If he did not make a mistake, he will send him a letter. It should be the temple of Shuoyue City, and Cao Lei is the head of the temple.

"Okay, thank you." Zifeng nodded.

"You're welcome." The young man waved quickly.

Zifeng nodded and turned to go to the door of the teaching.

The young people behind him are in good shape at the same time.

"Is your goalkeeper today?" Zi Feng asked with a smile.

"Yes." The young man nodded and looked at Zifeng with a smile.

For the disciples who are learning and teaching, in addition to completing the outside tasks, they can also learn the tasks of learning and teaching.

In order to accomplish some things, you can also learn task points.

For example, regular goalkeepers, passing documents for academic deacons, cleaning schools, etc., but with fewer mission points.

Heiyun learns, there is no difference between internal and external disciples, and these trivial matters are voluntarily accepted.

Many times, some disciples who have been practicing for a long time in the field have come back to learn to rest and take care of these tasks in their spare time.

"You are a new beginner disciple, why don't you go outside to experience it?" Zi Feng asked curiously.

Zifeng's younger brother smiled awkwardly. "The elders in the family know that they are very worried about Wangshan in the past few days."

"So these days I will be safer, just stay in teaching and learning."

Said, Zifeng's brother was very embarrassed and confused. "If Xiaoyi's brother is free, I want to know if I can learn from you."

"Are you also a kendo fighter?" Zifeng asked.

"Yes." Zifeng's brother nodded violently. "Of course, it is not as high as Zifeng's kendo."

"Oh." Zifeng smiled.

The two walked and talked, and soon came outside the school.

"If there is a chance, I will make a decision." Zifeng said, and went to a middle-aged man outside the door.

This middle-aged man has been waiting here, and he is probably a warrior from the Shura Temple.

"But Zifeng is the main lord?" The middle-aged man met Zifeng and quickly arched his hand.

"Yes." Zifeng nodded and took out the tokens of the Shura Temple.

The middle-aged man nodded looking at the mark. He also took out a token. "The deacon deacon in the next dark cloud city Shula Temple."

"This time I will tell Zifeng to be the main lord. In Shura Temple, there are two letters to find you."

"Two letters?" Zifeng frowned.

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