The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 590: Small things make big

"Yes." The middle-aged man replied: "A letter from the main hall of Cao Lei of the Moon Temple, asking you to go to Yueyue City."

"One copy comes from other regions and has been transferred to multiple branches."

"Huh?" Zifeng frowned.

Cao Lei split the Lord's letter. He had expected that if he didn't guess wrong, it should be the last battle.

You can send another letter, he will send it to him at Shura Temple, and he will turn to some branches.

The only possibility is Lord Duanmu or Leis.

After he came to the heavenly dynasty, he knew the predecessors of Xiuluo Temple.

"Can you tell what it is? Or maybe things are anxious?" Zifeng asked.

"I don't know." The middle-aged man shook his head. "Cao Lei's letter to the Lord is not urgent, only asking you to go to the Moon City Hall."

"The other letter is encrypted and transmitted. I don't know. I need Xiaoyi to check it at home."

"However, the date and time of this letter are not recent, and it is not urgent to consider."

"Of course, if you want to know the contents of these two letters, you still have to go to the temple yourself."

Zifeng nodded.

If the letter is not special, the recipient usually needs to send it himself.

The deacon of the branch just informs the recipient that there is a letter.

"If nothing else, let us say goodbye, there are still many things in the temple." The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and said.

"There is labor." Zifeng shook his hand.

Watching the deacon leave, Xiao Yi turned and went back to study.

At the gate of the school, Zifeng's younger brother guarded the door, still smiling and staring at Zifeng.

Zifeng said slightly, "If there is a chance, I will discuss it with my son."

"Now, I still have something to do with it."

"Well, Zifeng's brother walks very slowly." Zifeng's brother smiled happily.


Zifeng went straight to the lounge.

Enter the retreat room, put down the obstacles, and then sit on your lap.

This time, he didn't take out the Eight Dragon Burning Furnace to refine medicine like before.

As a result, he does not have many high-quality talents on hand.

Secondly, Zifeng's hand flashed, and he took out a ring.

Seeing these Qiangkun rings in front of him, Zifeng's eyes were full of joy.

Each of these Qiankun has a complete Celestial spirit.

The eight Qiankun rings are the eight middle-class spirits.

Think about it, this time at the scene, it was also a lot of twists and turns.

First, it was a fierce battle, and then it was chased by a strongman like the Black Poison King. Black poison is more dangerous.

There were several battles with Tianwang Mountain.

But precisely because of this, these eight middle-class spirits have obtained a coincidence.

After the risk is sought, the opportunity with opportunity is considered complete.

Zifeng picked up a Qiangkun ring and took out a celestial stone.

Almost at the moment when the Heavenly Spirit Stone appeared, a pure halo appeared.

"The heavenly spirit stone, the aura contained in it, is actually more pure than the lower stone." Zifeng smiled.

One stone is enough for a powerful celestial body to absorb in January.

A celestial stone is enough for a powerful king to absorb planting in January.

Zifeng remembered that before he took the next product and the next stone, even in the blink of an eye, it turned into a powder, and the halo contained in it was absorbed.

How about Lingshi?

Zifeng looked forward to it.

"Suck". Zifeng snorted. The spirit stone in his hand was not absorbed quickly.

After a full minute, Zifeng squeezed lightly.

The whole piece of exquisite stone turned into powder.

At the same time, Zifeng has been paying attention to this small world, and it is obvious that Yuanli's growth can be seen.

"The effect is very good." Zifeng's face was a joy.

Compared with the previous Lingshi, there is almost no effect. The added strength of the Celestial Lingshi can almost be seen with the naked eye.

The gap between the two is indeed huge.

"Suck". Zifeng sighed again.

In the Qiankun ring, a large number of heavenly spirit stones poured out.

Zifeng also accelerated the rate of absorption, and the two great souls opened up and quickly absorbed.

Two hours later, Zifeng temporarily stopped to absorb it.

In the body, the disappeared "iceberg" condenses again.

At this time, in the Qiankun ring, about one-fifth of the entire product was consumed by the spirit stone.

The iceberg has recovered, and the next step is to completely break through promises.

Zifeng began to absorb it again.

In heaven, we must break through the promised promise. One is that the small world is filled; the second is to control ten complete martial arts.

"Tenth complete martial arts, condensation." Zi Feng sighed deeply in his heart.

Hehe. Whoosh. Whoosh.

The power of martial arts in the world ignores the barriers of enclosed rooms and lasses.

The power of heaven and earth belonging to the tenth martial arts came from the sky, and was later sucked into the small world by the purple wind.

In the small world, the tenth martial art is becoming more and more complete.

After half an hour, the power of the radiant world began to cease.

At the same time, in the small world, the tenth radiant and complete martial art appeared instantly.

"Broken." Zifeng screamed fiercely, but if Hong Zhong's voice was extremely charming, it was like the sound of heaven and earth.

Celestial bodies and impermanence are a big gap.

Infinity is an extremely important watershed in martial arts training.

From the beginning of this field, warriors have unlimited possibilities, so it is called Promise.

The more I practice, the better Zifeng understands the meaning of the promise.

This is another scene behind the military training.

If you say that the hole is in the field of martial arts, then martial arts is extraordinary; then, if there is no pole, it will be sanctified.

The sound of "breaking" was the first military sound after the holy and holy, and the martyrs shouted loudly.

Humph. But for a moment, the environment of Zifeng, the power of martial arts ruling between heaven and earth, suddenly became fierce and disorderly.

Ten minutes later, this kind of violence, this kind of chaos, can only stop.

The atmosphere of Zifeng also rose to a level in an instant.

This also means that he has officially made a breakthrough in the martial arts field, and has officially entered the promised promise.

"The promised promise has finally arrived." Zifeng smiled.

Once upon a time, he believed that heaven and earth were the end of Wu people's cultivation. When they crossed over, they were Valkyrie's position.

Now, he knew that after heaven, there was no pole.

Infinity is just the beginning, a new journey.

This journey belongs to his military path. Among the countless possibilities, it is a wave of thorns, a straight line ahead, or sand.

Everything is unknown. This journey, or his future path in the center of the world, continues to hinder heavy or opportunity.

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