The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 591: Bitter and willing

Everything is still unknown.

But he has enough confidence that his kendo will sweep away everything; his fire will definitely burn.

In the middle of the field, there is an end, this is the time to find the person he is looking for.

Martial arts and the way forward is the time to enter the **** of war and control the world.

At the end of the martial arts, he didn't have to complete it, but only if he had the means and could save the old.

At the end of the midfield, he has to finish because he still doesn't know where she is looking for or where she is.

"Call." Zi Feng took a deep breath.

At the moment of breakthrough, countless ideas appeared in his mind.

Those thoughts are what he buried in his heart, never said, but if he is obsessed.

At the moment of the breakthrough, he felt very comfortable and the martial arts was very bright, but it made him unknowingly show these things.

Today, the breakthrough is over.

He is already a promised holy warrior.

However, his training is not over yet.

"Give me a breath." Zifeng whispered.

In the ring of Qiankun, a large amount of Celestial spirits poured out again.

The two great martial arts of Zifeng are open and quickly absorbed.

When breaking through the realm of the kingdom, it must be very serious; now, it is just a large-scale practice, but there is no need to be too cautious.

While practicing, we will see the small world.

In this small world, icebergs and oceans have disappeared.

At the moment when the big world breaks through, the small world will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Everything in the small world will disappear.

But the scope of the small world has become broader.

The power of the small world also soared to a level.

Today, the small world is empty; Zifeng continues to absorb the heavenly spirit stone, and in the small world, it keeps appearing and is constantly enriched.

Zifeng gave a hint of heart and felt great.

Inside the Qiankun ring is the spiritual stone of the middle-class spirit, accounting for about one-fifth of the rest.

Zifeng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The aura of heaven and earth and earth contained in the soul is really rich, even beyond his imagination.

It takes only one-fifth to recover the iceberg, and after a complete breakthrough, there is still about one-fifth.

You must know that in the past, his planting had to use a very large amount of non-impurity drugs to see the effect.

After all, the scale of his small world is terrible.

No wonder the spirit of the middle class is so fascinating that even Wang Shan is so crazy every day without hesitation.

After half an hour, Zifeng stopped practicing again.

In the body, a burst of breathing bursts, which is a sign of a breakthrough.

The internal view of the small world, the height of the gas spring can reach %.

This means that he is already a sacred place.

I glanced at the circles of my eyes again, there were only a few among the stones. Only a few dozen left.

"After the promised promise, there are countless possibilities. Facts have proved so." Zifeng smiled and understood.

He looked at the small world inside, the complete martial arts inside, there are now twenty. Ten articles are martial arts that are streamlined each time you level up.

There are also ten articles, which were condensed when the Holy Land once broke through the Holy Land.

Indeed, after a sacred retreat, every time you level up, you need to control ten complete martial arts.

This means that if he wants to break through the diversion of the Holy Land, he will need to control thirty complete martial arts.

If you want to break through the next great country, the holy kingdom, you need to control a complete martial arts.

There are countless martial arts in the sky and on the ground, whether they are strong or weak; each fighter uses different martial arts.

Commitment commitment, the higher the training, the more complete the martial arts control, naturally, these differences will become greater and greater.

Like the Holy Land, the difference between a fighter who practices one of the flames and a fighter who practices one of the waters may be the difference between martial arts.

The higher the planting, the greater the difference.

"Call." Zifeng was a little surprised, and shook his head.

"Cultivation, not completed yet." Zifeng said to himself, taking out the ring again and starting to practice.

In the ring of Qiankun, the second middle-grade spirit vein of a large number of spirit stones poured out.

Zifeng quickly absorbed it.

The height of the gas spring in the body continues to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A few hours later, bang.

Another breath exploded.

"The Holy Land is triple." Zifeng smiled.

The height of the gas spring in the body has reached %.

In other words, he is already a refuge.

After seeing the eyes and the ring, the second middle of the spirit only consumed a little Celestial Spirit Stone.

If he is absorbed, how much he will be repaired, Zifeng has some expectations.

"Suck it again." Zifeng drank another cup and took a breath soon.

In the Qiankun ring, there is a series of pure Celestial spirits.

In front of me, it is also a medium-grade spirit stone, which is constantly absorbed and turned into powder.

The strength of the gas spring in the body continues to rise.

Zifeng continuously absorbed a piece of celestial stone.

As the strength of the gas spring in the body rises, so does the power of the sky and the earth in the small world.

Once the power of martial arts continues to come from heaven and earth.

For Zifeng to control a complete martial art, there is almost no difficulty.

The biggest reason is that he once absorbed Bai Mohan's martial arts ice crystal soul.

The martial arts ice crystal martial arts failed to give Zifeng too much power.

However, there are countless martial arts in it, which only gave Zifeng a great help at this time.

Of course, among countless martial arts, almost all of them are top-notch martial arts.

From Zifeng swallowing martial arts ice crystal martial arts, all martial arts power, all martial arts, are controlled by Zifeng.

Therefore, Xiao Yi's current breakthrough only needs to continuously absorb the power of heaven and earth.

Although it is not difficult for Zifeng to understand and understand first-class martial arts, it at least saves him a lot of energy and time.

one hour later.

"Call." Zifeng exhaled, and the planting stopped. Looking at those in front of me, there is also a celestial stone, frowning.

"Can't train anymore." Zifeng said in a heavy voice.

He is absolutely sufficient to break through the required strength. After all, there are so many celestial spirits.

This is just a martial art. This is not a good thing.

In the past, when he was in the field of Yuan and Yuan, he tried to make multiple changes.

After the Holy Land, doing so again will inevitably leave trouble.

He is practicing today, he is practicing martial arts, but he is perfecting his kendo.

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