The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 595: Plan reached

This figure quickly hits, Fang Muxue can't even control the sword in his hand, just hold the sword in his hand and automatically parry.


The sword in Fang Muxue's hand was shaken by the palm of her hand.

Indeed, although the sword is very strong, Fang Muxue's repair is too low, how can he become the opponent of the Great Emperor.

At this moment, a number flashed.

When the hidden martial arts fighter in the north slammed into Fang Muxue, a sword blocked it.


It was a crisp sword, but this time it was not a shocked sword, but the deacon of the Northern Emperor was stabbed by the sword.

"Prince Zifeng." Fang Muxue was very happy when she saw people coming.

Zifeng smiled. "Do you take the sword or the sword?"

Fang Muxue smiled when she heard this, her face flushed.

I don't know when it will start, Zifeng has already retracted Fang Muxue's cold sword.

The cold sword that originally exuded blood, was crazy, and harvested life was in the hands of Zifeng, but it was quiet.

Zifeng looked at Leng Jian, the blood on the sword was already rich and rich.

It is not difficult to imagine how many people were killed in Fang Muxue's hands. "There is no doubt that Fang Muxue will be scared and overshadowed.

"Ah, Young Master Zifeng is very careful." Fang Muxue reacted and exclaimed, knowing that there was an emperor in front of her.

"Oh." Zi Feng smiled, not paying attention.

Fang Muxue looked very cut, and in front of Bei Yin Zongqiang, there was a sword mark on her chest.

In the sword mark, blood is sputum DC.

And this Bei Yin Zongqiang has no eyes and no life.

"Dead?" Fang Muxue was shocked. "Well, is this the real power of Zifeng's son?"

Zifeng took a cold sword and killed a sacred kingdom with the sword, but it was very easy.

"Withdraw from the combat range." Zifeng said: "This melee must be over."

"Good?" Fang Muxue was surprised.

Zifeng didn't answer, but watched the battle around him.

The real fierce battle lies between the three homeowners and the northern emperor.

Fang Jiazhu, Gu's hometown, two masters, the enemy of the Qin family and the Northern Yinzong.

The training of the four people is at the same level.

However, the emperor of the Northern Yinzong is obviously more powerful.

Therefore, the owner of the house and the owner of the old family are completely at a disadvantage.

The rest of the party is the same as the two fighters. Initially, the number of the two fighters far exceeded the Qin family.

However, the addition of Bei Yin Zongwu, but in an instant, the two warriors have little power.

However, the real decision of the battle was the battle between the three homeowners and the elder of the Northern Silver Sect.

"Call." Zifeng exhaled, his body recovered.

What the woman meant just now was amazing.

Just pulling him, he actually cured his injury without knowing it.

Zifeng shook his head, but looked at Leng Jian unexpectedly.

"Don't worry about you for now, but is it skyrocketing?" Zifeng looked into her eyes.


On the cold sword, the blade flew and screamed.

Zifeng knew what the sword spirit meant, which meant that he gave the sword to the sword body played by Fang Muxue.

At that time, Zifeng intended to help protect the bottom of Mu Xue.

In the understanding of sword spirit, Zifeng allowed to absorb blood qi.

Zifeng shook his head. "You want to suck, this time, let you suck."

Zifeng's eyes were cold, and a sword came out.


At the same time, the atmosphere of the whole city is fierce, raging and violent.

I caught a glimpse of blood, spewing out from the surrounding body.

The radiant blood color centered on Lengjian came from all directions.

However, for a while, Zi Fengzhou's blood was like blood flow.

The blood flow is still increasing.

"Okay?" The sudden change immediately attracted the attention of the three homeowners and the elder of the Northern Silver Sect.

"What does the child want to do?" Qin's old man frowned.

"Amazing momentum." Fang Jiazhu was surprised.

"Continuously absorbing blood, the momentum is soaring, not good." The elder of the North Yinzong faced a sudden change, "Quick, kill the child."

"Yes." Bei Yin Zongwu, who was surrounded by the police, responded.

Hehe. Whoosh. Whoosh.

One person's road madly attacked Xiao Yi. "Oh." Zi Feng sneered and stopped moving.

Next second, oh bang. bang.

A **** flower blooms into the air, a cloud of blood mist, beautiful.

Those who belonged to Bei Yin Zongwu actually became blood fog.

Only the deacon of the holy emperor Beizong could reluctantly support it.

"No, don't approach this child." A deacon of the Northern Emperor exclaimed.

Obviously, his face became extremely ugly, and his body was faintly visible. It seemed that blood had to burst out.

"Blast." Zifeng took a drink.

Hehe. Bang. Bang.

This was also a loud noise, one after another, the northern robes of martial arts, which turned into blood fog.

At this time, the blood around Leng Jian was already like a **** river.

"It's time to come to me." Zi Feng sneered.

"The third type, blood brake."


Leng Jian's sword suddenly screamed.

The huge blood knife suddenly condensed in the air.

Stunning power, when you are in the air, you will suppress the momentum of all fighters around you.

"Come out." Zifeng slammed his sword.

A huge blood knife flashed in mid-air.

"This." The elders of the Northern Silver Sect were all shocked. The first reaction is to hide. He obviously felt the deadly threat of this huge blood knife.

However, he found that he could not move.

The bloodthirsty breath, I don't know when it will start, I have locked him firmly.

Panic suddenly appeared on his face.

In the eyes, suddenly it was a **** color.


When the huge blood knife passed through, the entire city government suddenly filled with scarlet.

After Scarlet is idle, the blood blade disappears.

In front of Fang Jiazhu and the Gu family, two more corpses were added.

Qin Zhen and the six emperors of the Northern Yinzong were dead, with two **** sword marks on their bodies, the most terrifying.

As the huge blood knife dissipated, the entire soldier was in the same place.

Almost everyone looked at the two bodies that suddenly fell.

"Old homeowner."

Suddenly, a Qin Jiawu who took the lead in responding exclaimed.

"Six elders." Bei Yin Zongwu also responded.

"Damn it, Fang Jia, Gu family, our Qin family, you are not dead." Qin screamed.

"Get up and take revenge for the old master."

The angry voice went from Qinkou to extreme.

All the Qin family martial artists fell into anger and anger in an instant, and madly attacked the two fighters.

Qin Wei hovered over his mouth and couldn't help but sneer.

However, in the eyes of Fang Jiazhu and the Gu family, Qin Lian's methods are not worth mentioning.

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