The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 596: Ask for something

The Fang family took a step forward, and the breath of the late royal emperor immediately enveloped the audience.

"Qin Zhen is dead, the Northern Emperor is already dead."

"You Qin family, but still have to be stubborn? Collusion with outsiders and fall into the spirit?"

"Now surrender can be spared."

The noisy sound resounded like thunder in the ears of all the soldiers.

"Okay?" Qin Jiawu hesitated when he stopped acting.

"Nonsense." Qin said with a smile, "The so-called king failed, my Qin family lost today, what is life?" "It's best to fight together and pull the square to the bottom of the two."

"Qin Long." Gu's homeowner snorted, cold and full of momentum, and immediately pressed Qin Lidan.

"Do you really want your Qin family to die?"

After all, Gu's family looked at the Qin family martial artists around. "The reputation of Fang Wu's two families, in Sifang City, or even the whole Sifang, who doesn't know?"

"The owner of the house said that if he surrendered and didn't die, he would say it."

"Fang Mou said it for the last time." The Fang family's body erupted, shocking the audience.

"Qin Zhen is dead, surrender, my family will not let him die."

"If you still need to resist, you will be ruthless."

"This." The people around Qin Jiawu hesitated for a moment, and then dissipated their aura.

"You guys." Qin suddenly and violently angrily forcibly opened Fang's old master's aura, if the situation is crazy, the master's family will attack.

"Fang, Gu, I want you to die."

Uh. Qin's turbulent breath broke out.

"Not good." Fang's face changed. "Qin Long wants to blow himself up, be careful."

Almost at the moment when Fang Jia's voice fell, there was a loud bang.

How terrible the divine self-destruction is.

In the entire city government, all the soldiers were present, almost white people.

The explosion sound dissipated and the surrounding area returned to normal.

People were surprised to find that Qin Zong's self-destruction did not cause much harm.

At the same time, Fang Jiazhu and Gu's family formed a barrier to protect all the soldiers around. The two men lashed out.

However, I did not wait until the host was relieved to Gu's family.

Under the leadership of several deacons, the army of the Northern Yinzong gathered together.

However, it is clear that the warrior sect in the north has no war, just looking at Fang Jiazhu and others.

"Fang Jia, Gu family, and children." Bei Yinzong deacon, Zi Feng said blindly.

"You are so bold, dare to kill me, emperor of the north?"

"A joke." Fang Jiazhu smiled contemptuously. "You Beiyizong wants to kill us. Can we still come back?"

"Although everyone knows that you have been acting in the north."

"But my Quartet domain fighter has not been bullied."

"Hey." Gu's homeowner snorted. "I said that the Qin family has grown so fast in the past few years. In the quartet, many of the original neutral forces suddenly turned around."

"I want to come, everyone is secretly supported by you."

"I intend to control the Qin family, and it is best to fight for the establishment of my Sifang domain."

The deacon of Bei Yinzong heard these words, and when he was shocked, his face was ugly. "Fang Jia, the Gu family and the people who know the time are all Junjies. Do you really want me to be a strong person?"

"Is the strong okay? Hahahaha." Fang Jiazhuo laughed arrogantly.

"If you dare to get together and come early, why do you do a lot of small actions behind your back?"

"Why do you just need to give you all these things?"

"North Chongzong is very powerful, but we are not afraid of the entire Quartet."

"Not bad." The power of the Quartet is already drunk, "North Chongzong, come out of the Quartet."

"North Chongzong, step out of the Quartet." "."

A loud voice constantly rang from the seat in the city.

A group of warriors from the Northern Silver Sect had their faces dark.

"Hey, let's go." The deacon of North Yinzong only let out a cold cry and left angrily.

Zifeng looked at her and nodded.

Although Sifang has a vast area, its internal power is mixed with dragons and snakes.

However, the power here has become an alliance and is very united, far from being compared with other regions.

Although the Northern Silver Sect is hegemonic, it cannot madly deal with the entire region.

At this point, things are a knot.

"Call." Zifeng exhaled.

Just now, the **** brakes instantly killed Teacher Qin and the six elders of Bei Yinzong. It seemed easy, but the consumption was not small.

Blood brake, he would have been better.

Last time in the forest, it was not fully displayed.

It is now known that the blood gas required for the third blood brake is very large.

The **** brakes were very powerful. The **** atmosphere of a large number of soldiers who died and wounded in this close battle finally showed up, and killed two people.

"Little friend Zifeng." At this time, the owner of the house and Gu's hometown were walking fast at the same time.

"The Quartet is now a big problem."

"Congratulations to Zifeng's young friends, he won first place in the quartet."

Zifeng lost Qin Hao and participated in Tianjiao's competition. No one is better than him. This is the first and his true name.

"Come on." Fang Jiazhu said with a smile.

A Fang family soldier walked fast.

Zifeng realized that this was a party referee who had previously been put on the parliament.

The party referee took out a ring to the owner.

Fang Fangzhu handed it to Zifeng and said, "This is the first prize of little friend Zifeng."

"Oh?" Zi Feng snorted and took the ring. After feeling it, his face changed.

Inside, it is three important treasures.

"Heavenly saint, Yunsheng armor."

"Chongbao, Heavenly Fire Xuanjing."


"Fang Fangzhu, this." Zifeng was shocked.

Fang Jiazhu smiled. "Don't you talk to little friend Zifeng? This first prize is even the eyes of our three families."

"Can Little Friend Zifeng be satisfied with this reward?"

"Of course." Zifeng was very happy.

"Oh, yes." Fang Fangzhu continued. "One more thing, I forgot to congratulate the children of Zifeng."

"Huh?" Zifeng was confused.

Master Fang family looked at the old master, and Gu's family nodded.

Afterwards, the two men Qi Xiaoyi arched their hands and said, "Congratulations to little friend Zifeng for becoming the boss of the New Plaza."

"Huh?" Zifeng frowned when he heard this.

"If I remember correctly, Yunsheng armor is the treasure of the ancient family, and it is also the only piece in this family."

Zifeng said, looking at Gu's house.

Gu's Patriarch nodded.

"The fire is mysterious." Zi Feng looked at Fang Jiazhu. "I heard that Sifangyu has a great flame, and it is this thing."

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