The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 700: Dumbfounded

At this time, not far from the four blacks who were walking with Tucson and Li Dahe, this movement suddenly changed. The original and eye-catching action suddenly became crazy. The four of them were completely crazy, as if they were crazy. The way of fighting life.

If you look closely, you will find that the black eyes in the eyes of the four blacks have risen, while the whites are completely covered. There is no obvious sensation in the eyes. Suddenly mad black people made Tusheng, Li Dahe and Zhang Chaoran unprepared and forced to drive.

The man in black did not pursue victory, but flew around his dark green eyeballs. One of them arrives at the next fishing and takes "eyeballs" and brings them directly into his arms.


Zifeng suddenly saw that the four blacks were in the wrong state, and these two words appeared in their minds.

I also thought of the halo released by the dark green eyeballs. Should it be an "electromagnetic field"?

And the heads of the four blacks must be set as "switches". Once a specific command is issued, they can immediately enter a state of being hypnotized, just like at this moment.

However, Zifeng is not ready to run these people, otherwise it would not be a tiger.

He also has a card.


A series of gunfire sounded, and the gunpowder gun was modified by him.

The speed of bullets cannot be compared with ordinary hidden weapons, not to mention that these blacks are only second-level strength, and they cannot stop it without advance preparation.

When a black man fell into a pool of blood.

The black man with "green eyes" didn't look at his fallen companion, and turned around. The other two blacks were rescued from the left and right, and welcomed Tucson and Li Dahe to rush over. The three of Zhang Chaoran.


In the box opposite the Vanilla Hotel, Cui didn't have time to watch the time, his brows were deeply locked, why hasn't the Tiger heard yet?

"Old Wu, you can call Tiger, and see if he can pick it up?"

Wu Dekui hesitated: "Will it affect the battle?"

"There is no news at the moment, it must be a failure. Just a call is just a confirmation."

"Okay, young master, I'll call right away."


A series of busy voices, but no one answered.

Wu Dekui put down the phone and looked at Cui Wuwei's heart: The task is to be afraid that there is a real problem.

Cui Wushou stood up, walked back and forth, and quickly made a decision. "The explosive bomb and the self-detonation device on the mutant also detonated together, leaving no evidence."

After speaking, he did not return to the box, his footsteps were firm and firm.

"I can't get it, no one wants it!"

Wu Dekui didn't say anything, but took a black remote control from his pocket and pressed the red button on it.


A series of explosions occurred on the roof of the hotel. The gravel glass rained like raindrops. The pedestrians on the road were frightened and avoided. I don't know what happened.

Wu Dekui in the box looked surprised. What happened? Why did only the bomb on the mutant explode?

Time went back to eight minutes ago.

Zifeng saw that the black man wanted to run with "eyeballs", and he chased the past without hesitation.

The two men chased for more than ten meters. Zifeng had already reached the black man. The gunpowder had no trumpet, but he was very confident in a second-level fighter, mainly because he had to take it away. time. Because the time of explosion in the dream is not far away. brush!

The smashed iron dagger flew out from the cuff, and the shocked black light did not face the black man, but flew past him and came to the front. When Zifeng's wrist moved, he turned around and stabbed it.

"give me back!"

Zifeng sighed softly, a sharp sword in his right hand shook, smashing the clouds.

The black response exceeded Zifeng's expectations. He saw him ignoring the sharp sword behind him, and calmly greeted the dagger that stabbed him in front.

Touch for a moment, turning sideways slightly.


The dagger plunged into the shoulder of the black man. As the silk in the sky was pulled, the dagger stood at everything, and the black man fell on his left arm.

Still calm, as if the broken arm was not his own, leaving a trace of black gas from the broken arm, the wound stopped bleeding instantly, and the black speed was therefore faster.

I don't know if this is a painful stimulus or black air.

Zifeng calmly recovered from an accident. This black man is definitely like being hypnotized. It is not surprising to make such a move. After all, his consciousness is no longer under his own control.

However, in such a painful situation, it is impossible to recover black people from the "hypnotic state", but this makes Zifeng very curious.

"I don't know what kind of "hypnosis" technique? The effect is very good."

With the full application of the body's shadow, Zifeng pulled away again, still wielding a dagger, but this time it was aimed at people.

The black man still didn't look back, but his right hand was squatting backward, and the whip was hit with an iron dagger.

One palm was broken, and black gas rushed out, a little faster.

Sure enough, this black gas seems to have some effect of increasing the source of power, and only the body can exert it to create it, which is similar to the demon of the demon in the previous novel.

But like this increase, I think you need fewer "parts" to get rid of my pursuit.

Zifeng sneered in his heart, and Yi Tianjian waved his hand.

One forearm flew up and the speed increased.

Three seconds later, the black man's right ear was severed.

After another four seconds, there was a huge incision in the back.

Five seconds later, this time is the left ear.

Then, after another six seconds, the man in black did not run, but his body flew over, and the double **** was kicked out.

Brush a few swords.

The black man did not move on the ground.

Zifeng stepped on the ground and patted it.

When the black man rushed past, he escaped from the dark green eyeballs and was now crawling forward desperately, but this speed was no different from the changes in the purple wind and the snail under the changing body.

It was just a moment, and then I chased it up and stepped on a big foot.

The dark green eyeballs still want to struggle to death, a ray of light spreads, and they want to "hypnotize" the purple wind.

For the hypnotist, or the very powerful hypnotist now, this aura can only restore him to normal with slight dizziness.

The feet are heavy.


The eyeball suddenly burst, and the black and green juice burst and stinks.

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