The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 701: Smell phase throwing

The vanilla hotel in the southeast of Longjiang City, a small hotel less than meters, a room. A do not disturb sign was placed on the doorknob, the curtains of the room were all pulled up, and the room was very dark.

A very strong man with a purple face was sitting on the floor, kneeling on the ground. The scar on his left cheek seemed to extend from the corner of his eye to the corner of his mouth. It's Liu Sangui.

In the darkness, Liu Sangui opened his eyes, somewhat tired and angry.

"Liu Yicheng's waste is a waste of my magic eyes!"

These words do not worry about the serious harm of the parent and child, but they are very annoyed.

The magic eye is hard to find, it can only be planted in the blood of one's own relatives. Fortunately, he left his hands, and not only sons like Liu Yicheng, but also two unknown illegitimate children were planted with magic eyes.

However, the best magic eye is such a waste of Liu Yicheng.

When his three sons were born, three magic eyes were planted in the body, but only Liu Yicheng's magic eye "developed the fastest", it has reached the level that can save his consciousness.

This is why he is so angry.

Therefore, the replacement that will be implemented is abolished.

Having said that, you must bring in the magic eye.

The magic eye is a peculiar thing in the wasteland continent, it is actually a kind of plant.

In its seed shape, after special refining, with its own blood, it can be planted into the body of blood.

The seeds absorb the nutrients in the blood, and slowly germinate and grow up. As a result, the fruit is dark green eyes.

Once the fruit matures, it can accommodate the consciousness of the grower and turn this body into his substitute.

Liu Sangui's qualifications for playing Xiaowu are average. The fact that he can cultivate today is already his limit, but he is not reconciled.

The peak of the four-level kingdom of source power can indeed be regarded as a role of Mengzi Island, but if it is placed on the continent of Heavenly Dynasty, it is only one of many ordinary warriors.

He has ambition and ability, but God did not give him a matching body, which makes Liu Sangui often angry.

And once I accidentally got this magical eyeball seed, but opened a window for him, his own qualifications are not good, it does not mean that he can not produce qualified offspring!

Therefore, he has always been disinterested in female colors, married and had children at a very fast speed, found a few lovers for insurance secrets, and gave birth to him.

The birth interval of these children is not long. After all, these women have been looking for them at similar times. It can be said that Liu Sangui's ability to plant seeds is extraordinary. More than a year later, he had a total of 13 blood.

This gave him space to choose.

First, girls are excluded. He didn't want to be a woman and then be excluded. Those who are not well qualified are excluded. In the end, only the three most qualified children, including Liu Yicheng, were left.

After planting three precious magic eye seeds on the bodies of three children, Liu Sangui cleaned all the mistresses and the remaining children, and soon his wife was killed in an accident. Become a big event, you can kill all your loved ones!

In order to avoid news leakage, Liu Sangui did not hesitate to make what he thought was the best choice, and then raised two illegitimate children in two unknowing families. As for the best Liu Yicheng, he became the focus of his training. The subject is carried with him.

Liu Yicheng didn't even know that he still had two younger brothers. Liu Sangui's love and hard work for him were also regarded as his father's love for his son.

I have to say that this life is a tragedy!

"Liu Yicheng is not dead. I will probably admit that the beggar will be leaked. No, I can't wait."

Liu Sangui immediately decided to leave Mengzi Island.

The Black Tiger and Wolf helped the plan fail. He has learned through Liu Yicheng's consciousness. In the future, Mengzi Island is the world of Goshawk.

Touch for a moment, turning sideways slightly.


The dagger plunged into the shoulder of the black man. As the silk in the sky was pulled, the dagger stood at everything, and the black man fell on his left arm.

Still calm, as if the broken arm was not his own, leaving a trace of black gas from the broken arm, the wound stopped bleeding instantly, and the black speed was therefore faster.

I don't know if this is a painful stimulus or black air.

Zifeng calmly recovered from an accident. This black man is definitely like being hypnotized. It is not surprising to make such a move. After all, his consciousness is no longer under his own control.

However, in such a painful situation, it is impossible to recover black people from the "hypnotic state", but this makes Zifeng very curious.

"I don't know what kind of "hypnosis" technique? The effect is very good."

With the full application of the body's shadow, Zifeng pulled away again, still wielding a dagger, but this time it was aimed at people.

The black man still didn't look back, but his right hand was squatting backward, and the whip was hit with an iron dagger.

One palm was broken, and black gas rushed out, a little faster.

Sure enough, this black gas seems to have some effect of increasing the source of power, and only the body can exert it to create it, which is similar to the demon of the demon in the previous novel.

But like this increase, I think you need fewer "parts" to get rid of my pursuit.

Zifeng sneered in his heart, and Yi Tianjian waved his hand.

Wu Dekui vomited a series of questions anxiously.

At this time, he found that Cui Wuwei had left, and suddenly he became more anxious.

"No, help the Lord, they are still there."

Tucson blurted out.

Everyone rushed out together.

"Help the Lord!"

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief and saw this figure floating in the air, especially Li Dahe's blush, his forehead sweating and shaking.

At this time, a team of battle halls and secret disciples also escorted the prisoners out of the hotel, but when they went downstairs, they walked up the stairs. Although they felt the violent shock, they were not affected much.

Zhang Chaoran stood in front of the hotel and exhaled excitedly.

"Oh, you want to go to the Heavenly Continent. It seems that you know the choices of these people." The person in charge came over and said, after a word, I felt my body hurts, mother, or eager to find a place to heal.

"Of course, that is the Heavenly Continent!"

When the fat man turned around, he found that Zhong Shangye had disappeared, and only Tucson looked at him with a smile.

"Do you say that our credit this time is not enough to qualify for selection?"

"To be honest, fat man, it's not difficult for you to get into the gang."

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