The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 998: Conscience found out

"Hahaha, Pearl Wusheng? Pearl Wusheng was defeated by my holy father for more than 3,000 years. I am afraid it is dead. If not, you will let Mingzhu Wusheng come out to fight." Qin Nan's back was arrogant.

Shangguan Qingluan's heart sank suddenly, and her heart was shocked. Who is going to reveal the news?

All the elders and guardians of Pearl gathered around Shangguan Qingluan, and all of them were angry.

"In my lifetime, I will be able to see the holy face of God, although I do not regret it."

The disciples of the Pearl Sect in the mountains became extremely excited, and their fighting spirit was awesome.

Shangguan Qingluan looked at Void, her huge white palm was excited for a while, but soon her mood became very heavy.

Maybe only she knows that the white palms are actually just a bit of psychological projection from Pearl Wusheng.

Qin Na's figure was in front of the huge palm, and suddenly shot at the white palm of the void.

Unrestricted pressure caused cracks in the protective array around Mount Everest.

Yingbai's palm handled it calmly, with the same handprint on the giant palm.


A loud bang resounded through the void!

The Pearl Mountain shook, and countless cracks were added to the array of hills.

Even Mount Everest, which was blocked in all directions, shook three times.

The gathering of the saints is enough to move mountains and seas, burn mountains and shake mountains!

Countless pearl disciples were shocked to the ground by this huge shock.

Even Shangguan Qingluan's body trembled.

Qin Nantu was in vain. He was the first person to bear the pressure of a saint. He also simply put the gourd on his forehead and muttered to himself.

Suddenly, a golden light surrounded him. Under Baohulu's protection, he was hardly shaken by the battle between the saints, and he was not too embarrassed.

But he still couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Perhaps not wanting to hurt the innocent, the white palms were wrapped around the giant palms, and they gradually flew outside the void domain.

The deafening sound gradually disappeared.

Both Yang Sheng's two places and Pearl Wu Sheng's mental projection went to outer space.

As soon as the saint's power disappeared, Qin Nantu suddenly swaggered. He suddenly threw the gourd in his hand, and countless sky fires sprayed on Mount Everest again.

Shangguan Qingluan is in Zhushan. Looking at the mountains surrounded by Skynet, she suddenly became angry.

Once the octave earthquake starts, it will not close until 24 hours later. During these 24 hours, no one will leave Zhushan.

The Holy Lord's thought projection, haunting Yang Sheng's two places at the same time, has disappeared. Shangguan Qingluan felt helpless at this time.

Today, when the Virgin was crowned, Zifeng suddenly appeared and took the Virgin away, arousing her anger. In anger, she opened eight directions to block the earthquake. However, when we did not think of this, Qin Feng's clan took advantage of this.

Now, Qin Nantu can't break the earthquake in eight directions, but Shangguan Qingluan can't leave Mingzhu Mountain either.

Is she just watching, her master was burned alive by the sky fire?

After a hundred rounds of thought, Shangguan Qingluan held his forehead, and his eyes were as cold as a knife. Anyone who knew her knew that at this moment, Lord Sect Master was really angry.

The patriarch is furious, and the consequences are very serious!

Aunt Lark leaned in cautiously and asked tentatively, "Patriarch, what should we do next? We can't just watch..."

"What else can I do? Once the octave earthquake starts, it won't close until 24 hours later."

Elder Skylark sighed heavily and followed the pace of the patriarch.

At this moment, Pearl Mountain has become a **** on earth!

Zifeng, as well as the entire lotus space, was blown into the mountainside by Shangguan Qingluan.

The lotus space walked through the rocks for a while, and after a while, an open cave appeared in front of it.

After entering the cave, Zifeng managed to control the space of the rosette, preventing it from rolling.

In the lotus space, after a flight of chickens and dogs, peace finally ended.

Xueer experienced the initial fear, and slowly began to calm down. Although it was obvious that Zifeng's move to take her away was irrational, Cher's heart was still sweet.

The red skirt was torn a long time ago, dragged behind Cher, it looks a bit funny.

She stood beside Zifeng, silently looking at Zifeng's profile, breathing Zifeng's unique masculine breath. Only by getting close to Zifeng, her guilt can be slightly alleviated.

Xu Xiuzi's remnant soul and the little black dragon also came to Zifeng's side. The two men looked curiously at the grotto outside the lotus seat space, their eyes were naked.

My dear, Zhushan’s belly is empty. The poor dragon swallowed and said greedily, "Maybe we can find some treasures on the mountainside."

Xu Xiuzi's face was also a little greedy. He said to himself: "Are the sacred books and spring water of the Zhu people hidden on the mountainside?"

Zifeng opened the lotus seat and slowly passed through the cave. He turned to Xueer and asked: Xueer, do you know what's in Zhushan's belly?

Xueer shook her head and said blankly: "I never knew there would be a cave in the belly of Mingzhu Mountain."

Zifeng nodded, driving on the lotus seat space.

After a while, the front suddenly opened up.

A huge cave with a radius of a thousand feet appeared unexpectedly in front of him.

With the invasion of the lotus space, a bright pearl gradually lights up in this huge cave.

After a while, this huge cave was as bright as daylight.

More than 1,000 luminous pearls are inlaid on the ceiling of the cave. The faint cold light spread throughout the cave, illuminating the huge cave like a mirror.

The huge cave on the hillside and the countless luminous pearls inlaid on the top of the cave give Zifeng a very familiar feeling.

He suddenly remembered the deep storm canyon, the huge cave on the mountainside and the nine coffins in the cave.

Suddenly, his whole heart was broken!

He looked around and found that the cave was empty.

There is neither a sarcophagus nor a crystal coffin.

Looking around for a moment, his heart suddenly became very disappointed.

and many more.

do not want.

That is.

Zifeng's heart was pounding.

Because, he finally clearly felt that the mountainside was not empty, the mountainside was standing in the middle of a huge crystal coffin!

After seeing this huge crystal coffin, Zifeng's breathing suddenly became sharp.

Dao'an in his heart is hidden deep in the depths of amber. There are thousands of snow collections and nine coffins; in the depths of Storm Canyon, there are nine coffins lined with thousands of snow. And this pearl in the hinterland of the Pearl River Estuary, in the belly of the Pearl Mountain, there is also a huge crystal coffin. Is this a coincidence?

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