The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 16 Chapter 999: I was really wronged

Everyone looked at a huge crystal coffin 20 meters high. Zifeng's curiosity was like opening a Pandora's box. He was very eager to take a closer look at what was in the mouth of the huge crystal coffin.

Xueer also looked at the huge crystal coffin in surprise. In any case, she did not expect that there would be such a large crystal coffin in the belly of Mingzhu Mountain, the most sacred birthplace of the Mingzhu sect.

"Cher, I'll go out and have a look. You stay here." Lin Yi said.

"No, brother, I will go out with you." Xueer insisted.

"Okay, but you must follow me. If it's dangerous, don't worry about me. You turn around and run." Zifeng said very seriously.

"Let Xueer leave her brother and run away alone? This Xueer really can't do it." Xueer rarely smiled.

"It took a long time to get you out. I don't want you to be in any danger." Zifeng said to Xueer very seriously.

"Well, Xueer, listen to your brother." Xueer smiled sweetly.

"Child, take this real person. In case of danger, this real person can always give you an early warning." Xu Xiuzi said.

Zifeng knew that Xu Xiuzi's purpose was to find the sacred book of the Pearl Sect, but did not find it.

He nodded, took Xue'er, Xiao Heilong and Xu Xiuzi's remnant souls, left the lotus space and came to the mountainside.

It's a bit cold on the hillside.

Xiaohei Longfei waded in front of the water, eliminating all potential dangers for Zifeng.

Xu Xiuzi's ghost followed the poor dragon closely, always ready to warn of possible danger.

Zifeng and Xueer followed these two men. In order to prevent any danger from coming, they cannot enter the lotus seat space for the first time. He held Cher's hand tightly.

Zifeng held her small hand in her hand, and Xue Xin was a little bit shy.

But she was just shy for a while, shocked by the huge crystal coffin on the mountainside.

This crystal coffin has completely subverted human cognition and looked like a hill from a distance.

The two Yi Long, a strand of remnant soul, cautiously approached the huge crystal coffin.

From time to time there is a ding-dong sound of dripping water.

Besides, there is no other sound.

Zifeng found that the ground was covered with a thick layer of dust. Although the luminous pearls on the top wall are dazzling, it still cannot hide the intricate nets surrounding the luminous pearls.

In this case, no one has been on the mountainside for a long time.

The crystal coffin was getting closer. Zifeng and Xue'er's hearts slowly began to pick up. The crystal coffin is too big, the base alone is more than three meters high.

Poor Long and Xu Xiuzi's ghost are walking on the road. Zifeng and Xue'er shook hands and finally walked along the stone steps to the crystal coffin.

Very surprisingly, I did not encounter any organization or any obstacles during the journey.

Zifeng stared at the crystal coffin only once, and suddenly, the knowledge exploded in the sea!

There is a blood suit buried in the huge crystal coffin!

A tattered, blood-stained clothing! Zifeng looked at the blood suit blankly, his eyes moistened suddenly.

Xueer looked at the blood-stained clothes, lost in her beautiful big eyes.

"Grandma! Why is there only one blood-stained dress buried in such a big coffin?"

The poor dragon was confused. It stared blankly at the blood-stained clothes in the crystal coffin, and could not figure out why there was a tattered garment in the human coffin.

As for Xu Xiuzi's remnant soul, even the well-informed Xu Xiuzi was shocked by the blood coat in the huge crystal coffin.

Zifeng is the only one who knows the origin of this blood suit. The blood-stained clothes were worn out and hardly stitched together.

This blood-stained dress was worn when he was shot and killed by Yang Qin ten thousand years ago.

But why did the clothes I wore when I died ten thousand years ago appeared in the belly of Mingzhu Mountain?

Ren Linyi is very smart, but he can't think of an answer.

At this time, the void was moving.

Something flew out of the void.

Zifeng was completely alert and nervous.

"Everyone, be careful! Something has broken through!"

Zifeng only had time to issue a warning, and Xueer had one more thing out of thin air.

Xueer looked at the envelope in her hand in surprise. She didn't know how this letter appeared in her hands.

When she felt cold in her hands, the letter appeared in her hands out of thin air.

When the void moved, Zi Feng looked around, but found no abnormalities, then turned to look at Xue, only to see that Xue looked at the envelope in his hand in a daze.

Cher, where did you get the envelope? Zi Feng asked inexplicably.

Xueer shook her head. "I don't know. When you mentioned a breakthrough just now, I suddenly felt that my hands were cold. When I looked down again, I found this envelope in my hand."

Xueer raised her hand and handed the envelope to Zifeng.

Zifeng took the envelope and checked it carefully. He found no signs of danger.

He looked at the envelope carefully and found that there were some exquisite small lettering on the envelope.

"Snow Kiss..."

Zifeng's brows frowned immediately, and looking at the handwriting on the envelope, Zifeng felt both familiar and unfamiliar.

The familiar is the structure of the font, the unfamiliar is the handwritten content, this is the dominance of others.

Cher, this seems to be a special letter from someone.

Zifeng handed the letter to Cher again.

Xueer took the envelope, looked up at Zifeng, and said with some entangled eyes: "Brother, do you want me to open this letter? I always feel that once I open this letter, I. I will face an extremely difficult choice. ..."

Zifeng pondered for a while, and then said: Let me think about it, no matter how difficult this decision is, my brother will face it with you.

"Yeah. Xueer listened to what her brother said,"

Xueer nodded obediently, and slowly tore open the envelope with both hands.

As soon as the envelope was torn open, a piece of letter paper flew out by itself.

Cher was shocked.

Zifeng immediately stretched out his hand and pulled Xue, who was behind him.

The letter flew into the sky and burned himself. At the same time, a woman's voice came from the void. "Xue'er, I know you will read this letter, don't ask me why. Because I am you and you are me."

The woman's voice is like a stream singing from a clear spring, like beads rolling on a jade plate. Elegant and cool, but with a touch of majesty.

Hearing this voice, Xue Er looked blankly. She looked at the slowly burning letter paper with a complicated expression, and her heart was full of doubts.

However, this voice was heard by Zifeng, but it was the most beautiful voice in the world.

"Thousands of snow! It's the voice of Qianxue. My Qianxue..."

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