Morris nodded subconsciously, and then suddenly woke up, looking at his companion a little embarrassed, showing an uncomfortable expression after looking private, and at the same time stretched out his hand to scratch his messy hair.

During this time, Morris glanced at the woman in white again. As a result, he saw that the other party was still looking forward coldly, but he never looked at himself. His heart is full of disappointment.

Seeing Morris's apparent dissatisfaction, his companion smiled and said, "What is shameful? Women were originally pursued by men. Don't hesitate to do this. You know I was a child when I was your age. Father!"

The companion's words were actually just a joke, just to tease Morris.

Morris became more red when he heard this, and murmured: "No, that's different!"

"What's the difference? Aren't they all women?"

"Ah, I told you, it's different!"

Morris' tone was a little embarrassed, and he quietly argued a few words, but he still looked at the position of white women from time to time.

Perhaps the distance between the two parties was very close, so almost all the conversations between Morris and his companions were heard by the citizens in white.

The white woman with an iceberg expression finally turned her head slightly to Morris's position, and then looked at Morris blankly.

Her eyes are also very cold, she seems to have no feelings, and a mysterious spar flashes above her forehead, more like a goddess who has lost contact!

Morris waited for a while and looked at the woman in white clothes, as if her breathing had become rapid.

As a result, the woman in white looked at Morris and turned her head. Morris across the street seemed to be a cloud of air.

There was a hint of disappointment in Morris' eyes, but he felt inferior and unwilling.

Uncle Jim sighed silently beside him. He wanted to comfort Morris and tell him the fact that there is always a huge gap between abandoned people and citizens, and there will never be friendship and love. Morris is too young to look down upon. He must be reminded in time to avoid falling into it.

But before Uncle Jim could speak, the citizens across the street laughed mockingly.

"Hahaha, it's so funny, this trash eater is fascinated by our goddess!"

"I've heard a proverb before, called being overpowered. At first I didn't quite understand it, but now I finally understand what it means!"

"Huh, even dogs are not as good as things, and they have to have wild thoughts towards citizens. This is a crime at all!"

"I think so too, so it is necessary to teach them a lesson, it is best to have a long memory!"

Uncle Jim's face suddenly changed when he heard these words.

He had contacted these citizens before and knew what kind of identity it was to give up the people in their eyes. He also knew what tragic fate would happen if he annoyed them.

For citizens, killing abandoned citizens does not require any punishment at all. In most cases, you just need to go back to the floating city to explain and pay enough fines.

As for the reason for the punishment, this is almost equivalent to deliberately damaging the experimental items, not even killing people!

However, under normal circumstances, citizens rarely kill. On the one hand, few citizens are allowed to enter the ground to avoid bringing back terrible bacteria and causing accidents. On the other hand, even if citizens enter the ground, they rarely come into contact with abandoned citizens.

At the same time, armed robots responsible for protecting citizens also have the responsibility to supervise them to ensure that they will not wantonly destroy, kill and abandon the people!

Despite these restrictions, when a citizen is preparing to clean up and abandon the people, there are still many methods that can be used.

Behind the white women stood two pale citizens. After they looked at each other, a sneer appeared at the corners of their mouths.

A white citizen was staring at Morris. The spar between the eyebrows shimmered slightly. At the same time, an unknown force continued to spread to Morris.

After this power appeared, the citizens around him immediately noticed that the mysterious spar flashed between the eyebrows at the same time.

At the same time, they all turned to Morris, with a hint of sarcasm in their eyes, as if waiting for the drama to unfold.

Morris naturally heard the ridicule of the citizens. At this time, his expression was not sure whether it was sunny or cloudy. His fists were tightly clenched together, and his body was trembling constantly!

He was full of resentment and humiliation. He was seduced by a woman for the first time. As a result, the opponent not only regarded him as air, but also deeply hurt Morris' self-esteem.

Morris kept howling in his heart, asking why the gap between the abandoned people and the citizens is so big, and why there are so many injustices in this world.

Unknowingly, Morris came up with an idea in his heart, wanting to completely change his situation and step on the feet of those who look down on and are abandoned!

Morris finally understood what Zifeng had said before, and had already made a decision! But at this time, he felt a slight pain between the eyebrows and the brain, as if they were split.

"Damn it, what's the matter?"

Morris put his head in his arms, a painful color on his face. He didn't know what was going on, but he squatted helplessly on the ground and moaned in pain.

As a citizen, transplanting mysterious crystals between the eyebrows is a right, which can stimulate and strengthen the spirit, turning ordinary people into monks with spiritual power!

After a hundred years of exploration, the Floating City has sorted out a set of cultivation methods. Any citizen has begun to cultivate the spirit, because he is wise.

Because of the mysterious spar and different qualifications, the achievements of citizens are also different. Attacks on Morris citizens can only be regarded as intermediate.

But even this achievement is enough to kill ordinary people with bare hands!

However, under any circumstance, it is impossible for ordinary people to mentally harm citizens unless the person who shot them is a reformed citizen.

However, all those present and the attackers were companions. They came this time for one thing. Naturally, they can't shoot the attacker?

"You bastards, who did a good thing?"

Before this, the burly-faced citizen stood up again and yelled at the abandoned people around him. He even took out a gun-like weapon from his waist and waved it in his hand.

Other citizens also looked at the abandoned people with bad expressions. Even armed robots pointed their guns at abandoned people.

The abandoned people surrounded by him were afraid to take a few steps back, afraid that they would be hurt by the opponent's weapon.

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