The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1048: Come together

"Go ahead, you are talking, who is playing the game?

If you don't admit it, I will kill all of you, a bunch of **** trash!

The ferocious citizens saw that people did not respond, and boldly looked around and walked directly to Morris.

Little cleaner, did you play the game just now?

The ferocious citizens howled and pointed their guns at Morris, seemingly ready to shoot.

Morris looked at these burly citizens coldly, his expression seemed calm, as if he didn't care about the threat.

Uncle Jim rushed over and stood in front of Morris. He quickly explained: "Sir, don't be impulsive. He is just a child. Where can he hurt your companion?"

As soon as the burly citizen raised his eyebrows, he reached out and waved to Uncle Jim. Then he heard a "pop" sound. Uncle Jim was slapped hard, and half of his face immediately swelled up.

"Uncle Jim!"

Morris rushed up immediately and stood in front of Uncle Jim. He glared at the burly citizen, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

The ferocious citizens saw Morris standing in front of them, raised their hands again, and tried to slap him.

However, Morris did not endure it suddenly like Uncle Jim did. Instead, he avoided the opponent's attack, kicked the burly citizen in the stomach, and threw him to the ground.

Morris was not very old and tall, but his angry counterattack knocked the tough citizen to the ground.

"Damn trash man, you die for me!" The burly citizen who was kicked to the ground by Morris clutched his stomach, his face showing pain. After opening his mouth to curse, he grabbed his weapon and aimed it at Morris.

"Morris, get out of the way!"

Uncle Jim's pupils contracted, and he did not hesitate to pull Morris's body and push him to the next position, but he was exposed to the guns of a tough citizen.


A crunching sound was heard. Uncle Jim was hit directly in the chest, but was blocked by the hidden armor and made a series of crunching sounds.

The bullets of the special electric high-pressure air pistol did not penetrate the armor.

Upon seeing this, the fierce citizens couldn't help being even more angry, pulling the trigger and not letting go, the guns were constantly shooting out steel balls.

The dense bullets hit Uncle Jim one by one. Under normal circumstances, he would definitely die.

However, the problem is that the weapon used by citizens is actually a high-pressure air gun with limited lethality. Although it has a high rate of fire and sufficient ammunition capability, its biggest function is to defend itself and completely paralyze the enemy.

Although you can kill, unless you hit the vital part, there is still a chance for treatment.

And this kind of pistol is not available to everyone. Only after application and approval can you obtain the right to use this weapon from the official hands of the Floating City.

The fierce citizens came to this land this time. Except for the armed robots they must carry, everyone applied for an electric high-pressure air pistol for self-defense.

As soon as they reached the ground, they aimed their weapons at the abandoned people!

"Warning, it is strictly forbidden to kill and abandon people without reason, otherwise they will be severely punished!"

This scene took place in a short period of time, until the sound of the armed robot suddenly sounded, and the black gun was pointed at the burly citizen, that people recovered from the shock.

Although the companions of hard-line citizens look down on abandoning the people, it takes some courage to let them-citizens who have lived in mobile cities since childhood-shoot and kill people.

This is why they are surprised by the behavior of their peers, and some even show a hint of panic.

As for Morris and his companions, Qi Qi roared at this moment, and directly took out the hidden crossbow gun and pointed it at the burly citizen holding the pistol in a daze.

"Warning, if you find that the target poses a threat to citizens, you will choose whether to initiate an attack based on the situation!"

The sound of the armed robot sounded, and the black hole pointed its muzzle at Morris and the others. This is not a high-pressure air gun, but a military weapon that can definitely shoot and kill people in an instant!

At this time, Uncle Jim was covered in blood. Although his chest was blocked by armor, his limbs, head and abdomen were not protected, which is why he was injured by the bullet.

Although the situation looked terrible, Uncle Jim's consciousness was still very clear. Seeing Morris and the others pointed their guns at the burly citizens, they immediately stopped.

"Put down your weapons, are you crazy?" Uncle Jim glared at his companion, and then shouted to Morris, "Why are you so impulsive and want to kill everyone?"

Morris's hand holding the crossbow was trembling. He glanced at the stern-faced citizens and armed robots that could shoot at any time. He stomped angrily, put down his weapon, and rushed to Uncle Jim.

"Uncle Jim, how are you now?"

After carefully examining Uncle Jim's injury, Morris's heart sank slightly. His wounds were mainly on the limbs, but he also received two shots in the abdomen. The blood is oozing out.

As for the dozen or so bullets fired into the chest, they were completely blocked by the armor and did not cause any harm.

But even such an injury must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise it may be life-threatening!

The abandoned people were unable to treat their wounds effectively because of limited resources, so Morris immediately thought of Zifeng and the special healing ointment he had produced.

Turning his head and looking behind him, he found Zifeng looking at him blankly, Morris rushed over.

"Sir, can you give me some more of that ointment? Uncle Jim is very hurt!"

Morris's tone was pleading, after all, Zifeng was his only hope at the moment.

Zifeng glanced at Morris nervously, took out the ointment, and threw it directly into his hand.

After thanking him, Morris immediately turned to Uncle Jim, preparing to apply the ointment to the wound.

"You have to take the bullet out of your body and apply it with medicine, otherwise he may be infected and die!"

Just as Morris was frantically preparing for treatment, a slightly chilly voice suddenly appeared in his ears, making his movements suddenly stunned.

Looking back, he saw that the white women among the citizens had passed by, staring at Uncle Jim's wound.

My mood can't help but jump wildly. Morris's face turned slightly red, and he stammered, "So. What do you think?"

Stand aside and leave it to me!

Having said that, the woman in white immediately tidied up her dress a bit, revealing a suit similar to a tight-fitting leather suit. At the same time, she took out a set of tools from her close-fitting purse, and it looked like she was going to have an operation.

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