The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1076: Heroes

When the construction worm sprays the metal solution, the special solution that can melt the metal will also be completely filtered and absorbed by the construction worm, which will cause the buildings to solidify instantly!

A group of researchers from Shenglongcheng surrounded Zifeng, and the first person kept talking to Zifeng, with a hint of excitement on his face. These researchers are very interested in this magical construction method, as well as more magical metal brains and metal construction worms. When the metal brain started to work, researchers even spent all their time observing in order to grasp first-hand information.

Have you ever tried to change the type and proportion of metal to change the performance of the building?

After comparing with each other, it can be determined that the buildings built with this alloy solution are very smooth and beautiful in color, which is much better than melting all kinds of metals at once!

Zi Feng nodded when he heard the words, this situation was also expected by him.

Judging from the images of floating cities he obtained, these urban buildings suspended in space are beautiful, elegant and colorful. In contrast, the buildings of Monster City are far enough away from the market.

To say that the citizens did not use special methods to influence the metal brain, but used special alloy solutions, Zifeng absolutely did not believe it.

Zifeng's ideal Dragon City must be absolutely beautiful, with all kinds of fresh colors, rather than chaotic like the monster city, the color is only black, monotonous.

Now, one of Qianlong’s tasks is to find a way to obtain the city construction data of the floating city, so that Shenlong City does not need to be time-consuming and laborious to explore, but only needs to copy it!

However, there is one thing that Floating City cannot be compared with Shenlong City, that is, their metal sources can only be limited to the world where they are located, and Shenlong City can collect special metals from countless worlds, making the performance of the building even more excellent!

The collection of metals has been included in future plans. Shenlong City has plane coordinates. These different worlds will be sent to a large number of Loucheng monks to collect various metal materials through the use of storage rings and return to the Loucheng world on a regular basis.

In fact, Zifeng once attracted the attention of Monster City and wanted to demolish it to build Shenlong City. However, after analyzing the samples he brought back, he found that there was a lot of radiation, which was very harmful to the human body.

This kind of radiation cannot be eliminated with a simple method, and naturally it is not suitable for building an architectural city.

In addition, the monster city is by no means easy to irritate. Zifeng broke into the core of the monster city right from the start, taking away a metal brain that had just split. This is definitely a lucky breakthrough!

This nascent metal brain is extremely rare. No one can be sure when it will appear. Even the civic leaders and their actions this time are just routine explorations. However, there is indeed a nascent metal brain.

As a result, civil leaders and others tried to rob, but Tang Zhen cut off Hu Die in the middle, which was in vain.

In fact, for Floating City and Monster City, this new metal brain is a very tasteless thing. Floating city search is to contain the number of monster cities. There are fixed territories between monster cities. Looting of other monster cities is not allowed, otherwise it is likely to cause war!

The new metal brain will either eventually become the mother's dual body and help it build the same monster city, or find a place where there is no similar occupation before it builds its own territory step by step.

However, as the entire world is occupied by monster cities, it becomes more difficult to obtain a piece of unowned land.

But in the Loucheng world, this metal brain can develop without any restrictions. As long as the metal resources are sufficient, this metal brain can even completely cover the entire war zone! Since it is impossible to demolish the monster city as a raw material, Zifeng can only target other worlds.

After discussing with researchers for a period of time, Zifeng went to another place in Lingyan City to check Duke Lingyan and other people imprisoned for research.

Due to the invasion and parasitism of female insects, Duke Lingyan and other four architectural lords have now become monsters, and the monks of Shenlong City have taken over the four architectural cities in one go. While gaining a lot of wealth, he also captured all four master architects.

As one of Zifeng's secret weapons against the Troopers, these four mutant monsters have been well taken care of. There is no need to worry about life except for being pulled to cut meat from time to time and adding messy things to the body.

When Zifeng approached, the mutant bug man lying in the rune cage immediately became anxious and tried his best to avoid the corner. They still retain a trace of wisdom, knowing how powerful and terrifying monks are!

Looking at this huge female worm monster, Zifeng's eyes were gleaming, and her brows were frowned from time to time, and she didn't know what she was planning.

The original world where the Alliance Building City is located has established a huge soul transfer center.

More than 10,000 soul transfer cabins have been installed in the soul transfer center covering an area of ​​300,000 square meters. If it is fully operational, it can transfer more than 1 million passengers in one day!

In addition to a large number of soul transfer cabins, many auxiliary facilities have been added here, and the cutting-edge technology mastered by the original world has also been widely used here, making it full of science fiction!

Only after the attack in the field theater, the soul transfer center was overloaded, and after receiving a large number of travelers back to the original world, it fell into a closed maintenance state.

This super building was built entirely for the world of Loucheng. If the soul transfer matrix on the other side of Shenlong City is not opened, the soul transfer matrix of the primitive world will naturally not work properly.

With the lifting of the seal of Holy Dragon City and its gradual recovery from chaos, the Soul Transfer Center, which had been closed for many days, was activated again and continued to undertake the task of transferring travelers.

With the official opening of the soul transfer matrix, the huge runes in the sky began to flicker, and a beam of light suddenly shot down from the sky, which also meant that those passing souls had entered the primitive world.

The staff are good at operating the equipment in front of them. This situation is very common. If unsuspecting people see this scene, they will even think that they are employees of a certain TV station.

"The identity of passers-by has been verified, the embarkation of souls has begun, and the public institution of the soul transport cabin in 1911 has been launched!"

The electronic synthesis sound rang in the building. An unmanned floating vehicle quickly reached the position mentioned in the sound just now. The closed transmission compartment has just opened.

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