The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1077: Reboot

Welcome to the primitive world, please take the transportation, I will lead you through the final immigration formalities!

The car made an electronic sound. The man who walked out of the transmission room nodded, sat down in a comfortable chair, and asked the electric car to take him to other places. Looking at the mirror of the floating car, I found that my face was exactly the same as before. Obviously, the technology of the primitive world has improved, and I can create the appearance of passers-by in a short period of time.

Of course, this face is only used temporarily. When Tom leaves this ordinary body, his original appearance will be removed, and he will wait for other passersby to use it.

As for the health problems of public institutions, don’t worry, because the cleaning procedures after use are very strict and will never leave any safety hazards!

The area of ​​the soul transfer center is very large, and it took three minutes for the suspended car to reach the destination.

Mr. Tom, are you planning to go on vacation this time?

The staff retrieved the personal information of the passer-by from the information database, looked at the content displayed on the holographic screen, and asked the passer-by with a smile.

Yes, I am lucky to have won this qualification, and my companions are very envious!

The passerby named Tom nodded, maybe not suitable for the body of the public boarding house, so his facial movements were stiff, and his smile made him look embarrassed.

However, the excitement in his eyes was unhindered, apparently very proud.

"Your luck is really good, you know that you are the first person to pass here after the recovery operation, and now the whole center is serving you alone!"

"Really, it seems that I am going to buy a powerful lens in the future!"

Tom smiled and said in a relaxed tone.

After chatting for a few words, the entry procedures were completed, and then the staff entered the electronic data into the wrist computer that Tom was wearing, indicating that he could leave the soul transfer center.

Tom got up to thank him, but did not leave directly, but went to the office of Sanlong Group.

Tom needs to report here, and then receive his salary and the benefits provided by the Shenlong Group for his own people.

As a technician specially recruited in Three Dragon City, Tom not only has the qualifications of urban residents and enjoys the benefits of urban residents, but he can also get a fairly good salary in the original world.

Someone waited for a long time at the service center. When he saw Tom coming in, he immediately stood up and welcomed him with a smile on his face.

"Welcome back to the old world, Mr. Tom. What can I do for you?"

This is just for the residents of Shenlong City. Because they belong to the same boss, they feel a little close to each other.

"I need to get my salary and benefits. After all, this is not an urban world. If there is no money, maybe I will walk home!"

Tom said with a smile, with a hint of sarcasm and helplessness in his tone.

The reception staff of Shenglong Group smiled, but did not continue to answer the phone. Instead, they quickly turned on the computer in front of them. After a quick operation with both hands, they handed Tom some items.

"Your total salary is £730,000. It has been transferred to this bank card and can be withdrawn anywhere in the world. In addition, there is also an internal employee card, which can enjoy a 30% discount when shopping, but the upper limit cannot exceed 200,000! In addition to these two items, we will also give you a special product from Loucheng World for free, which can be given as a gift to family and friends.

The friendly reminder is that the special products from Loucheng World are very popular in the primitive world. If you want to sell, we will directly recycle it here. The price is definitely not much lower than outside!

Tom shook his head when he heard this and smiled at the receptionist: "My brother has always wanted a souvenir from the Loucheng world to show off to his companions. If he knew that I sold the special product you gave him, he would definitely be angry. of!"

"In this case, please choose the major you need. This is the candidate menu!"

The respondent pointed at the holographic image in front of him and said with a smile.

After reading it, Tom picked five items from it, and after a while, the staff gave him the sealed box.

After thanking the receptionist, Tom bought another suit in a nearby store and drove out of the soul transfer center.

Before leaving, he looked back and found that the huge soul transfer matrix was flashing fast. Obviously, many residents of Shenlong City have obtained leave permits and have returned to their original world one after another.

Now, Shenlong City is in the stage of recuperation. If there are no accidents, there will be no war in the short term.

It turns out that there are thousands of residents in the world who have been specially recruited by Shenlong City. The long-term absence of relatives will definitely affect emotions. Therefore, Zifeng specifically allows specially recruited primitive world residents to return to the primitive world to visit relatives during this rare repair time.

At the same time, the open team of the former World Partner Organization will once again set foot on the land of the urban world!

With a glimmer of anticipation and collapse, Tom finally returned to his hometown.

This is a small city located somewhere in the league. The population is not too large, but there are many pastures.

Tom's father is also a rancher. He has been wandering in his field all his life. He is honest and tough. He loves his ranch and hopes his son can inherit this industry and become a rancher.

However, the eldest son Tom has no interest in running a farm. He has been interested in electronic technology since he was a child, especially when he grows up. This made his father very disappointed.

However, as a qualified father, Old Tom has always respected his son's choice and never mentioned his expectations anymore, instead focusing on his younger brother.

This time, his father was not disappointed, because Tom's younger brother was not interested in learning since he was a child, and liked everything on the ranch, so his future inheritance rights have been determined.

Everything was perfect when things got here, but when Tom came into contact with the information of the Loucheng world, he was deeply attracted by the foreign world and thought of the idea of ​​immigrating to the Loucheng world.

Unfortunately, Three Dragon City did not plan to recruit the original inhabitants of the world, which also made Tom very disappointed. Fortunately, this situation did not last long. Three Dragon City finally began to recruit all over the world. Tom immediately signed up online and was finally selected through an interview. However, when he told his family the news, his father, whom he rarely contacted, immediately called and ordered Tom not to go to Loucheng World.

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