The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1080: Within

On the second day of the arrival of the monks in the Holy Dragon City, the base issued a somewhat puzzling order. Anyone with any rare metal on the announced list can come to the base to exchange food, weapons, and extremely precious medicines.

As for ordinary steel, as long as the quantity is sufficient, you can also exchange what you want.

The survivors are skeptical about this, because metal steel is definitely the most worthless thing in this barren land, and it can be said to be tied up.

Since the base wanted to buy these metals, the survivors had nothing to do, so they would naturally choose to try it.

From this day on, the entire base has become a huge garbage dump, and survivors have to transport large amounts of metal every day in exchange for food that can sustain life.

Many vagrants thought this incident was a charity act of the base and believed that they were using this method to help the survivors, but they were unwilling to admit it.

Due to the gathering of monks in Loucheng and the exchanges with wanderers, Shenlong City has a stable source of metal. Under the shadow of the sun, this base has become more and more famous, attracting more survivors to take refuge here.

Ten years later, with the help of Shenlong City, this base has become a huge city, and drugs to fight against the source of mutation have been successfully developed. The survivors finally ushered in the dawn of hope of rebirth!

Time passed day by day, and half a year had passed since the seal of Shenlong City was lifted. Six months is enough for many things to happen, especially for a city with huge potential for construction, huge changes have been happening all the time!

During this quiet period, Shenlong City not only restored its former prosperity, but also saw beautiful metal buildings stand one after another in front of the residents of the building city, guarding Shenlong City.

According to Zifeng's idea, this kind of metal building can usually be used by residents of the construction city. When in danger, it can also become a fortress of war to attack invading enemies in a short period of time.

In order to realize his ideas, Zifeng invited many top designers from the primitive world at all costs. After careful design and selection, he got the architectural drawings he wanted.

According to the design plan, the entire Shenlong City is divided into several areas, each of which has a different architectural style. All the famous architecture schools in the world can have a place in it!

However, the largest proportion is still crazy buildings full of modernity and sci-fi style. Each piece is the work of the world's top designers, and it can definitely be called the top product among the top products!

Surface-to-air missiles, laser weapons, near anti-aircraft and other weapons are hidden in the building. When they are not open for use, outsiders will never find any abnormalities.

In addition to these weapons from the primitive world, human high-tech weapons are also hidden in it.

After the design drawings were completed, Zifeng rubbed the drawings with his own spirit, and instilled them into the metal brain one by one, so that the construction could be carried out according to the design drawings.

This process is very complicated. Fortunately, Zifeng's spirit is as vast as the sea, otherwise just recording and rubbing these drawings would be enough to make him completely collapse!

After Zifeng obtained the architectural drawings of a large number of metal brains supported by World Origin, he was like a child who got his beloved toy. He directed more and more metal construction worms and started playing the game of "building a house"!

The large number of paintings that ordinary people seem to have a headache are very simple for the metal brain, and it is easier to make, and there is absolutely no negligence.

When the metal brain is in charge of commanding, a large number of metal building insects are working hard every minute. One metal building after another, not only the details and drawings are exactly the same, but measured by calipers, the appearance is carefully crafted and looks like Huge artwork

The first form of scale was a large building full of prosperous Tang Dynasty heritage. The cornices and arches of the building are gone. The carefully cultivated flowers and trees make people feel as if they are in another time and space, which surprised the residents of Shenlong City.

Although the original architectural style has been preserved as much as possible, there have been many changes. First of all, the building area has expanded indefinitely. The most eye-catching is a huge metal tower with a height of 300 meters, which looks extremely spectacular.

In the initial design, this huge metal tower was actually a super defensive tower in addition to its basic residential functions. A large number of high-tech weapons are placed inside to deal with possible enemies in the future. The mage defensive tower damaged by the attack will also be built next to the giant metal tower, so that the two will echo each other in attack and defense, and complement each other.

In addition to the metal tower, other buildings also have hidden functions, but apart from the core personnel of the Holy Dragon City, few people can enter it.

For the residents of Shenglongcheng, they have a visual feast. They never thought of such a beautiful building in the world!

It's relaxing to watch it alone, not to mention that they can stay in it one day in the future!

Due to the special alloy formula, the necessary decoration will be carried out in the later period. The various properties of metal buildings are also very suitable for human living. At the same time, they are also super defensive.

Even with heavy artillery bombardment, you can't break the metal wall. Don't mention bullets at all. In the event of another attack, residents only need to stay at home, which basically guarantees their own safety.

In fact, underground projects are also built together with ground buildings. Even the residents of Shenlong City don't know that the earth under their feet has gradually been hollowed out, replaced by a complex and solid multi-layer metal space, like a small house, which is still expanding.

In these underground metal spaces, there are still enough propeller installation positions to ensure that one day the entire Shenlong City can fly to the sky!

Of course, this is just a plan. With the current methods of Sacred Dragon City, this can't be achieved. Unless you master more powerful technological methods, it will once again float to the level of the city until it surpasses the level of the country!

Otherwise, in addition to the main building city that can be lifted and moved, the rest of the buildings can still only stay in place, which is definitely not the result that Zifeng wants.

In order to support this miraculous construction project, the metal resources collected by Shenlong City have reached an astonishing amount. It is estimated that when the entire construction project is completed, the finished metal collected from several different places will also be used up!

At the same time, in order to ensure that the metal brain can perform beyond its standard, the supply of world origin has not stopped, and the financial resources accumulated by Shenlong City will soon be exhausted.

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