The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1081: Scheming

I want to know whether it can support the completion of the entire project.

Sometimes Zifeng even considers whether to find a new world to invade and plunder all world resources there to make up for the huge consumption in the past six months.

However, the discovery process of this new world requires time and opportunity, and cannot be forced at all.

Fortunately, Zifeng also knows that this kind of thing is not in a hurry, so he has been systematically managing and building the castle. Under the careful management of him and his residents, Shenlong City has become more and more famous. Even the residents of Loucheng thousands of miles away have heard the rumors of Shenglong City.

Novel products and countless opportunities have attracted countless monks and wanderers from Loucheng to Shenlong City. This has also caused people to flow outside Shenlong City all day, and the prosperity is much higher than that of the primitive wild war zone!

Another benefit of the dramatic increase in reputation is that many wild war zone survivors who were initially sent to the Xuling war zone have also rushed from all over the war zone after hearing this news.

Whenever there are survivors from the savage war zone, the monks brought back by Zifeng, such as the King of the Blood River, will come to see if there are any relatives or friends among these mixed survivors.

Although it is clear in my heart that when the disaster began, it was throughout the entire war zone and how difficult it was to survive, but I still inevitably carried a little luck and expectation in my heart. Although most monks returned disappointedly, there are still some monks who are very lucky. They really saw their lost loved ones, and when their hearts fell into chaos, many monks had tears in their eyes.

After these survivors of Loucheng who once belonged to the wild war zone arrived, they would basically choose to live near Shenlong City, because Shenlong City would never bully them, but would give them proper care.

Moreover, with the gradual development of Shenglong City, there are more and more opportunities, and there are even opportunities to become residents of Lou City. The wandering survivors will naturally not miss such an opportunity!

In addition to vigorously building the Dragon City and turning it into a strong fortress, Zifeng also brought back nearly 100,000 surviving monks in the wild war zone from another world, and they all signed employment contracts with them.

These monks did not appear in front of the world, but were left in the center of the city on the space floor. This is a card of Zifengzang.

As for the remaining monks who are still stranded in other places, Zifeng no longer deliberately looks for them, leaving only the contact information, which will be sent to them for inspection on a regular basis, and will be retrieved as much as possible.

I can get what I want, but I have a clear conscience. It is already benevolent for Zifeng to do this!

However, when the accident happened again, the development of Shenlong City was underway thousands of miles.

At the end of another busy day, Zifeng returned to the lounge and read the notes that Duke Dream gave him for a while. He fell asleep without knowing it.

What Zifeng didn't know was that just after he fell asleep, the black diary that was updated from time to time suddenly glowed, and a special force spread from the diary, slowly surrounding the entire room.

Dazed and don't know how long he slept, Zifeng suddenly heard someone whispering in his ear. This voice mentioned cable TV, and seemed to lower the voice deliberately, not wanting others to hear it.

A trace of vigilance rose in his heart, and Zi Feng quietly opened his eyes, only to find that the surrounding area was pitch black, as if he were in a room with no light.

The speaker just now is not far ahead. With his super night vision ability, Zifeng was sure that seven or eight people were sitting there. The sound of the conversation just now came from their mouths.

Although he didn't know why he left the bedroom and suddenly came to this strange place, Zifeng didn't panic. After he confirmed that his grades were not affected, he carefully got up from the ground and walked slowly to the people.

Although Zifeng's footsteps were very light, these strangers sitting in the dark still realized, and turned to look at Zifeng's direction at the same time.

"Are you awake, young man?"

Another subtle voice sounded, which seemed to be one of the voices of the conversation just now, but he deliberately lowered the voice to give people a sneaky feeling, causing Zi Feng to frown slightly.

"Who are you and why am I here?"

Zifeng asked slowly, because he was not sure about the specific situation, so his voice was not too loud. "I knew you would ask, come and sit down, I will tell you slowly!"

Zifeng is fearless because of his great power. Although the atmosphere here is full of strange things, he slowly sat on the ground beside these people as required by the voice.

As long as something is wrong, he will show his spirit and kill all these sneaky guys!

However, when Zifeng was lying on the ground, he immediately noticed something wrong, because the bottom of his **** was not the ground, but something very soft to the touch, like a living carpet of flesh and blood.

Although he was strange in his heart, Zi Feng remained calm and turned his head to look at the master of the voice.

I don't know why, when he was sitting on a strange carpet of flesh and blood, the darkness in front gradually receded, leaving only a black and white scene in the end.

Seven or eight strange-looking men and women gathered together and looked at him with indifferent eyes. The person talking to him just now turned out to be a middle-aged man with a skull on one side and a black tattoo on the other.

They were very close, sitting on a black open object, feeling like a carpet of **** flesh.

Seeing Zifeng looking at them, the middle-aged man showed a creepy smile and continued to lower his voice and said, "Don't worry about where this place is. I will tell you some things first. You must remember them, otherwise you may lose life!"

Zifeng raised his brows and nodded slightly.

"First of all, don't speak loudly, otherwise it is very likely to bring those nightmares. Even if we have nightmarish skin that can shield our breathing, it is very likely that we will be found abnormal by nightmares!

Once you fall into the hands of a nightmare, you will definitely die, and it is too late to regret!

Zifeng nodded and glanced at the black object under his butt. The back passage turned out to be a **** blanket called Nightmare Skin. He didn't know what it was.

"In addition to not being able to speak loudly, it is also important to never eat anything messy. Anything that looks like food may change you after eating.

After you get any food, you should watch carefully for a period of time to make sure there is no abnormality before eating!

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