The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1084: Unreasonable play

"You, yes, you. Tell me now, what the **** is this place?"

Zifeng squatted down, went around to the other end of the nightmare skin, and whispered to a companion of a middle-aged man: "Remember to answer truthfully, otherwise..."

He didn't finish what he said, just stretched out his hand and pointed at the heavy breathing middle-aged man, reminding them that those cruel and terrifying methods had fallen on him.

The indigenous people are both sad and afraid of the miraculous things that have turned from sleepless people.

Because they have lost their initial consciousness and are extremely obsessed with the flesh and blood of creatures, these night monsters have become the biggest threat to the sleepless people, even those who are active during the day cannot compare.

For dreamers with great power, these night monsters are also enemies that need to be eliminated. They will never be kind, because they were once the same kind. They even kill and clean them regularly.

In fact, the city will be built in a place where dreamers gather, and many people with insomnia will live there. Both parties will work together to resist the invasion of magical objects.

The sleepless person in front of Zifeng comes from a nearby city. The reason they are here is that they had to spend the night in the wild because they delayed their return time while looking for supplies.

The nightmarish skin under the buttocks prepared for this unexpected situation. Without it, the sleepless nights outside the city would almost certainly die!

Teams like them abound in cities, because dreamers never provide free food, and people with insomnia can only find their own way to fill their stomachs.

People usually lament that the teams that go out to search often never come back, but life will continue until they become one of the missing persons.

When Zifeng was named and questioned on another sleepless night, he said everything he knew, and Zifeng turned his gaze to the pale middle-aged man.

This person trying to calculate himself is also a passerby from other worlds. Maybe Zifeng can get some useful information from his mouth.

Seeing Zifeng staring at him, the middle-aged man smiled bitterly, not knowing what Zifeng thought.

"I only know these. Even some of the things they just said, even I don't know. If you want to kill me because of this anger, then I can only think that I am unlucky!" There was a trace of pain, and Zifeng even noticed a sparkling tear in his eyes.

Seeing the middle-aged man's expression, Zi Feng thoughtfully.

"Where are you from, how long have you been here, do you want to go home?"

To the surprise of the middle-aged man, Zifeng sat down in front of him and asked him in a tone similar to ordinary people.

Although a trace of vigilance suddenly rose in his heart, the middle-aged man who suddenly felt that his future was bleak when he thought that his life was in the hands of others, and that he had a partial disability, was completely relieved at this time.

To make himself more comfortable, the middle-aged man leaned back a little, and then slowly said in a low voice: "The world I live in is full of mobile mechanical fortresses with huge steam. People live in these machine fortresses and wander around. In the vast world.

There are also monsters outside the fortress. We need to find a way to survive, while fighting sporadic monsters, looking around for resources, and avoiding occasional natural disasters of movement.

Before I came here, I used to be a boiler worker for a large mobile fortress. What I have to do every day is to keep the fortress running by throwing fuel into the huge boiler.

After the busy work every day, I will take a good shower and then go home and rest.

I have a virtuous wife and a pair of children. After so long, they should have grown up!

When the middle-aged man said this, soft colors appeared on his hideous face, and a warm smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

"Then why are you here? Have you found anything wrong?"

When the middle-aged man heard this, he shook his head and said, "Actually, I don't know the specific reason. I only know that to avoid moving natural disasters, I work overtime for three days and three nights. In the end, I was too tired to sleep on the fuel pile.

As a result, when I woke up, I found myself in this world and could never go back.

However, I once found a crystal in the fuel. It looks very beautiful, I put it in my pocket for my wife. As a result, when I came to this world, I found that the crystal was also in my pocket.

After hearing this, Zifeng's eyes lightened slightly, and said to the middle-aged man, "Where is the crystal? Show me!"

The middle-aged man hesitated, and finally reached out his hand and took out a rope with pink nail-sized crystals from his collar.

Zifeng only glanced at it and knew the source of the crystal. This is obviously a special rough stone!

Unlike the rough stone that Zifeng has seen before, this rough stone is entangled with a special power, which seems to be intertwined with the breath of a middle-aged man.

Even if this crystal is lost, can you vaguely feel its location and find it?

When the middle-aged man heard this, he said in a bewildered tone: "How did you know? This thing was lost twice, but I finally found it again, so I tied it up with a rope to avoid losing it again!" With such an expression, Zifeng continued to ask the middle-aged person: "Have you been in contact with other passers-by, and there are similar crystals on your body?"

The middle-aged man nodded and shook his head again. "I have seen two hikers before, but they are very lucky and have become powerful dreamers. They are not at the same level as me.

I was afraid of being ignored, so I dared not come forward to speak.

Having said this, the middle-aged man's face showed a trace of shame. He is also a passerby. People get along well, but he is already impoverished. It's really embarrassing.

Zifeng gently shook his head and smiled, looking at the middle-aged man's eyes with a trace of pity and ridicule. This guy missed the opportunity to change his own destiny, which is ridiculous because his self-esteem has shrunk.

Fortunately, this guy was lucky enough to meet himself by chance. Although he will be an experiment, at least, he will have to pay more than he does now.

However, Zifeng did not mention the matter for the time being, but asked another question.

"Are you sure I am a passerby, so you will tell me something urgently, and then you will follow the strange trading rules and take the real colored items from me. What's the matter?"

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