The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1085: Mystery

Hearing Zifeng mention this, the middle-aged man's body trembled, thinking that Zifeng was going to settle the old accounts, but he honestly replied: "That's what the sleepless night stole my eyes said. In fact, I don't know the specific reason.

However, when I saw you, there seemed to be a voice in the minds of several of us who kept telling us that we would listen to these words just now, and then we might be rewarded.

The only valuable thing in your body should be the real color, so that thing should be a reward for me!

Hearing these words from a middle-aged man, Zi Feng was completely speechless. He finally knows why this passerby is so miserable, because this guy is a badass and a fool!

In fact, Zifeng has vaguely understood the specific reason, but this is definitely not what the middle-aged man said.

If Zifeng was just an ordinary passerby, and unfortunately met this fool in front of him, I am afraid that his future life will be as miserable as him!

Zifeng has guessed the specific function of this rough stone, which is highly valued by middle-aged men.

It should be deliberately thrown into this world by the original will of this world, like an admission permit, and connected with the spiritual destiny of the discoverer.

When the binding step is completed, the person who finds the rough stone will pass the level in a state of mental exhaustion or great excitement.

Because they are interconnected, passers-by can clearly feel the location of the rough stone, and it is absolutely impossible to lose it!

The function of the rough stone is certainly not as simple as bringing passers-by to the dream world, but it should also have more special functions. I guess since you crossed the border, you haven't killed the monster yourself?

Zifeng asked the middle-aged man with a trace of joking in his eyes.

Seeing the terrible nightmare hit us, Gus's calves were trembling, and the hand holding the dagger was trembling slightly.

In the past, when encountering such terrifying magical objects, he would subconsciously choose to avoid them, but now he has to fight for his own life and death. Gus didn't dare to think of such a thing before.

Before he entered the dream world, he was just an honest boiler worker and had never been in combat. Even when he came to this world, he was forced by life and never did any murder or transaction.

It is said that people like him are not used to this cruel world at all, and it is only a matter of time before they are eliminated.

Maybe Gus did not die because of the luck and protection on the rough stone, but because his character was reasonable, he was recognized and followed by several people with insomnia, and together they formed the current team.

Unfortunately, that kind of life has completely disappeared, and then he will face the biggest challenge of his life. If he lives, he may change everything. If he died, no one should be blamed. After all, this is his choice!

"Kill them, or you will die!"

The icy voice of Zifeng shocked Gus. He gritted his teeth, let out a low growl, and rushed towards the nightmare less than ten meters away from him!

The two night demons also spotted Gus while he was moving, making a "silk" sound of excitement, and walking towards him with all their teeth and claws.

"Smash, die for me!"

Gus hit the front of the night demon severely, wielding a dagger with one arm, and pierced directly into the night demon's body.

The Night Demon didn't seem to feel it. Instead, he waved his paws, pierced Gus's shoulder mercilessly, and yanked off a large piece of meat.

Gus's aching body trembled, but he still wielded a dagger frantically, stabbing Nightmare's body. In the end, he simply fell to the ground, brandishing a dagger and piercing the nightmare with white flames in his eyes.

As for the other Daredevil attacking him with his back on his back, Gus didn't have time to pay attention to it. He just wanted to kill the night monster below him!

The nightmare of Gus's attack was still struggling at first, but there was no movement after a long time, and the flame in his eyes slowly extinguished.

Gus had become a **** person at this time, but he still struggled to stand up, turned and rushed to another nightmare that devoured his flesh and blood.

I don't know where I left the dagger, but Gus, his eyes are red and don't care. His eyes were so crazy at this time that he directly rushed to the nightmare attack, wrapped his arms around his neck, and refused to let go!


A creaking sound sounded, Gus's nightmare abruptly broke his neck, and at the same time he stopped struggling, and the white flame in his eyes went out!

The nightmare collapsed body loosened, Gus slowly knelt on the ground, looking up to the sky for a burst of silent laughter.

He felt that his grievances had been completely vented in the battle, and his initial cowardice and low self-esteem also disappeared with the death of the Night Demon. Even if Zifeng lied to him, Gus would not regret if he could give up his cowardice and fight a fierce battle before the end of his life.

Seeing Gus kneeling on the ground dripping with blood, Zifeng nodded lightly, with a hint of approval in his eyes.

This honest, dull, and unhappy middle-aged man's performance in the fight made people shine. If he had done this long ago, he might not have fallen to where he is now.

Open walkers with the will of the origin of the world will eventually run around looking for food like ordinary sleepless people. When they say it, they will definitely be laughed at by their peers!

The next thing to see is whether the original will of the world cares about this person. If things are not what he predicted, Gus's life will be difficult to maintain.

Under Zifeng's constant gaze, Gus's breathing became weaker and weaker, and he seemed to die at any time.

However, he raised his head with difficulty. His bloodstained eyelids tried to provoke him, staring at Zifeng with a difficult smile.

"If I die, please let go of my companions, they are just poor people!

Even if we have done anything harmful, we are forced to be powerless. Who made us do this. Live in such a world.

After speaking this sentence intermittently, Guth's head suddenly dropped, and the breath of life was completely dissipated!

"Dead, it shouldn't be like that!"

Zifeng looked at Gus's body, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and said in a weak tone.

As for Gus's companions, they all cried secretly at this time. They watched their eldest brother die in front of them, but they couldn't help it at all. The pain in their hearts cannot be described in words.

Looking at Zifeng from behind, he was full of disgust and killing intent, but he was even more helpless and sad.

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