The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1086: King Kong Bodyguard

Compared with a strong person like Zifeng, an ordinary sleepless night is like a bug, not only has no fighting ability, but may be punished for unintentional offense at any time.

The sleepless person killed by the dreamer is actually no less than the sleepless person killed by magic. Even compared with magic, people with insomnia are more afraid of dreamers.

Zifeng ignored the malicious gazes behind him, just stared at Gus's body, and a trace of doubt gradually appeared on his face.

"Something is wrong. It is said that after a person dies, there will be a little distraction, but why didn't I feel it?"

Zifeng slowly walked to Gus's side, stretched out his hand and pushed it. The black and blue body fell to one side, opening an eye full of unwillingness.

"This situation is very similar to the operation of the teleportation matrix. Whenever the bound person dies, the soul will be sucked away by the teleporter, and then wait for boarding to rebirth!"

Zi Feng thought of this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his smile appeared on his face again.

"My guess is true. Gus is not dead at all!" At this point, Zi Feng shook his head again and said in a low voice: "No, Gus is actually dead, but he has gained a new life. Obviously, This cannot be separated from the source stone!"

At this moment, Zifeng suddenly turned around, looked at the corner of the night, and smiled at the sleepless people who were still in tears. Don't be sad anymore, because your boss is back!

Hearing Zifeng's words, everyone was stunned, but quickly remembered what Zifeng had said to Gus, and suddenly a glimmer of anticipation came from the bottom of my heart.

If the eldest brother really becomes a dreamer, maybe he can really come back to life!

Looking in the direction of Zifeng, they heard slight footsteps. Then a familiar figure appeared in front of the house. Gus is dead.

At this time, he only wore a coat, his whole body injury completely disappeared, his broken arm grew again, and even the eyes dug out by the insomniac recovered.

It's a pity that this is just an ordinary eye, and there is no sign of true color.

The rejuvenated Gus is full of emotion. He glanced at his happy companion, nodded with a smile, and then turned to look at Zifeng.

Please accept Gus's gratitude to me.

As Gus spoke, he knelt on the ground, bowed his head to Zifeng deeply, and raised his head for a long time.

Unconsciously, the dark night gradually faded, and a ray of morning light gradually emerged.

At the moment the night disappeared, the nightmare skin sitting under the insomniac’s buttocks shrank back into thick hair and turned into thin and dry leather, looking insignificant.

The people who stayed up all night stood up from the ground and rushed to Gus to congratulate him.

When his elder brother becomes a dreamer, he will definitely take care of them with his old feelings. Maybe from then on, they don't have to risk finding food everywhere!

After all, a good day is coming!

Gus also smiled happily. After rebirth, he felt good. Not only did all the dark wounds disappear, he was also full of endless power. It seems that one blow can blow up the wall!

In fact, this is just his illusion. Compared with the real strong, Gus is far from perfect. He is just better than the average insomniac.

However, as long as Gus does not die and strives to improve his strength, sooner or later he will become a real strong!

Zifeng ignored the cheering crowd, but kept staring at the street outside, seeing that those wandering nightmares had entered the building and soon disappeared without a trace.

There is still a black and white world in front of us, which looks lifeless. At the same time, black dust was still falling from the sky, which seemed to be the ashes of some burning objects.

As the nightmare disappeared, another dangerous monster jumped out again. It is another monster with real colors and the real enemy of the dreamer. Gus once heard the dreamer say that these magic items do not belong to this world, but they are not the same as passers-by, they are pure intruders!

The mission of travelers and dreamers is to kill all these invaders and restore peace and stability in the dream world.

Between these two kinds of potential fire and water, it is not endless retribution!

From the perspective of the map, Zifeng saw the traces of a group of humanoid magic objects. They often patrol the streets and occasionally enter the roadside buildings, seeming to be looking for something.

If you look closely, you will find that the bodies of these magical objects are translucent, and there is a colorful rune on the forehead to drive out the black dust near the body.

These runes are the true colors mentioned by Guth. After the dreamer kills the magical objects, he will also take away these true colors and replace them with various required materials!

As for the specific operation, Gus had no contact due to his low status and was unable to answer Zifeng's question.

In addition to these humanoid magic objects, Zifeng also saw some huge magic objects appearing out of thin air. Their appearance is fierce and terrifying. They kept walking in the wilderness and destroyed everything they encountered along the way.

Tang Zhenggang planned to look at the source of these magic items, but he vaguely heard someone calling himself from a long distance, like Murong Yanzi's voice. At the same time, he also felt a mysterious force appeared, as if trying to drive him away from this world.

This mysterious power Zifeng is very familiar. It is the legal power possessed by the primitive will of the world. It cut off all the space around Zifeng and tried to drive him out, an illegal intruder!

"I may have to leave for a while. If you have nothing to do, just wait here for a day!"

Zifeng frowned and thought for a while, then turned his head and said to Gus beside him.

"No problem, I will wait here for you to come back!"

After a quick nod, Gus thought for a while, then asked: "What do you want, do you need me to help run errands?"

Although Gus became a dreamer after he was reborn, he did not dare to be disrespectful to Zifeng, instead he became more humble.

In addition to thanking Zifeng for changing his destiny, Gus also knew very well that he was still extremely weak in front of Zifeng. Maybe the opponent can grind himself into powder with just one tap!

Only by obediently obeying orders and sincerely serving Zifeng can he live safely and even have the opportunity to become a real man!

"You can't intervene in my business, just wait for me. If you don't want to, you can take your partner and leave. I won't blame you!"

Gus quickly shook his head when he heard this, saying that he would definitely stay here and wait for Zifeng, and would never leave easily.

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