The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1087: comminicate

Nodding lightly, Zifeng gave up his resistance to the original will, and his body slowly disappeared in front of Gus and the others.

The soul seemed to have passed through a very narrow passage and finally returned to his body. When Zifeng felt that he could control his body, he suddenly opened his eyes. A pretty face looked at his face with concern.

After seeing Zifeng wake up, a smile seemed to light up the whole world.

"Zifeng, you finally woke up. You really scared me just now!"

Murong Yanzi glanced at Zifeng, and after confirming that he was safe and sound, he whispered.

"Zi Yan, what did you see just now? Is there any problem?"

Zifeng sat up from the bed, looked around, and asked.

After hearing Zifeng's question, Murong Yanzi's embroidered eyebrows frowned slightly, and said with a trace of doubt: "There was really something wrong just now. In the past, when you were sleeping, you were very light. As long as someone approaches, you will immediately Wake up, but this time I tell you to wake up for a long time.

Moreover, compared with the past, it is very rare that you wake up more than an hour late today!

Zifeng nodded when he heard the words, glanced around thoughtfully, and finally locked his gaze on the Meng's notebook that was thrown on the bed.

Murong Yanzi saw Zifeng staring at the note in his dream, smiled, picked it up, put it on the bedside cabinet, and said: "There is another thing that is very wrong, that is, you will never put a book on the bed. You won’t sleep until you put the book in place!"

Nodding lightly, Zifeng got up and walked to the window, watching the thriving scene outside, the originally depressed mood will be relieved.

After having breakfast with his family, Zifeng arranged the things to be dealt with, and then took his dream notes to the secret room. The expression on his face is very serious.

The unusual encounter last night must have something to do with this dream note. What Zifeng wants to know most now is whether this happened accidentally or was it done by Duke Dream deliberately?

Zifeng's idea was to approve the second one, because whether he strayed into the City of Dreams or sent his notes to the Duke of Dreams, everything happened unexpectedly and suddenly. Even afterwards, Zifeng felt unreal, wondering if he was dreaming at the time.

However, this dream note does exist. Through the constantly updated content, Zifeng has learned many secrets of the Loucheng world, which is of great help to him!

The strange encounter last night made Zifeng realize that the note of this dream must not be as simple as it seems. Perhaps the encounter with the Duke of Dreams laid the foundation for the events of last night!

What is the purpose of Duke Dream's move? What is the relationship between Dream World and him?

If the dream world is an alien world invaded by the dream building city, then why does it become so chaotic? Are the invading monsters the residents of the dream city? Are the dreamers a rebel supported by the original will of the world?

While Zifeng was studying Dream's notes, the residents of Shenlong City, who was responsible for guarding the cornerstone platform, called and asked him to stop thinking temporarily.

"City Lord, the Keystone platform has released another message, urging you to go to the Central Theater as soon as possible. Would you like to see it?"

Zi Feng frowned when he heard the words, nodded slightly to show that he knew, and then put away the notes in the dream as he walked, and continued to think about the question just now. If what he expects is correct, the dream note is a special transmission channel, which can send soul consciousness to that strange world. Of course, this process must be completed during sleep.

In addition, because his spirit is too strong, he will notice any abnormalities in his dream notes, so this guiding process must be completed unknowingly, causing him to know nothing about it before.

If you are an ordinary person, it is estimated that just a glance at the notes of the dream is enough to make you enter the world of dreams!

Knowing the possible cause of the incident, Zifeng had a plan in his mind and decided to deal with the cornerstone platform first.

Walking all the way to the room where the footstool platform was located, Zifeng saw the information mentioned by the residents.

The content of this message is nothing more than urging him to go to the Central Theater as soon as possible and tell the members of the Theater Presbyterian Council what happened when he was in the World Mall, but the problem is that similar urging messages have appeared several times in the past six months.

Cornerstone Platform urged himself so eagerly that Zifeng felt that something was wrong, because when he returned to the Loucheng world, he had already done all he should have said. Even if he has something to hide, it has nothing to do with the task.

So the cornerstone platform squeezes itself so urgently, but why?

In particular, almost every time the information mentions the elders in the war zone, this organization composed of high-rise residents in the construction city has such a big influence that the cornerstone platform must serve and communicate with it?

According to information obtained from the main control platform in the field theater, a construction city can only obtain intermediate permissions at most. This limit cannot be changed, otherwise it will affect the normal operation of the Cornerstone platform.

However, after Zifeng deliberately collected some information, he found that the power of the elder guild of Xu Ling theater was much greater than he had imagined, even beyond the reach of the intermediate authority.

Obviously, he has become the target of these guys and has repeatedly sent messages urging him to go to the central theater. This is definitely a conspiracy!

Looking back on the experience during this period, Zifeng believes that the Presbyterian Church should not find that it has ransacked the treasure house of the super biological intelligent brain, and the reason for urging itself should have nothing to do with this.

In this way, the Presbyterian Church has only two things to pay attention to.

First of all, its own castle belongs to outsiders, and it is also the only one preserved in the field war zone. The elders will definitely be very interested in how their own castle survives and the secrets of moving the entire castle here.

Now around the Holy Dragon City, there must be spies belonging to the War Zone Presbyterian Church, and the investigation of the Holy Dragon City is definitely not a day or two.

As a large number of survivors from the savage war zone were moved here, the power of the war zone elders ruled the sky, and it was not difficult to obtain information about the Dragon City from the survivors.

In addition to this reason, Zifeng's own experience is also legendary. Maybe the theater committee is interested in him, so he is ready to trick him into prison for research?

This possibility does exist, but it is very small.

In the entire Loucheng world, there are countless rich people. The experience of the eminent monks in Loucheng can be called a legend. Zifeng's performance may be dazzling, but looking at the entire Loucheng world, it may only be considered good.

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