The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1094: Victorious victory

The dreamer hesitated. They know that if they do, they will be born dead. More importantly, they don't know what to do without a spine.

"Brothers, kill these guys for me and avenge our boss!"

In this case, there are still Daredevil guys who yelled to encourage the surrounding companions, but after shouting a few words, no one responded, but a few eyes looked at him vaguely, like Look like a fool.

This is already the case, and what's the difference between death with others desperately?

Although rebirth is possible after death, the number of rebirths is also limited. The price paid is high. People who have not dreamed will try it easily.

Sure enough, the yelling guy just yelled a few words, his body seemed to be out of control, and he floated out of the besieged dreamer. After flying a distance of more than ten meters, he fell down with a "plop". On the ground.


The dreamer was hit to pieces, struggling to raise his head to say something else. As soon as he spoke, he heard a low voice, his head split like a rotten watermelon.

This **** scene shocked everyone, but did not notice a trace of light from the body. When it tried to drift in one direction, it was intercepted by a force and eventually fell into Zifeng's hands.

This is indeed a vitality stone, and there is a weak force inside!

Looking at the blood-stained crystal in his hand, Zifeng showed a faint smile, looking at the dreamers with more murderous intent in their eyes.

This is the rough stone in the dreamer's body. If he just lets it escape, it will probably not be long before this guy will be reborn and resurrected!

But since this source stone falls into Zifeng's hands, then the opponent cannot be resurrected, which is tantamount to complete death!

When the leader of the Dreamer was killed, Zifeng found that the body was abnormal. It seems that a ray of light disappears quickly, and the light is located in another space, which is invisible to ordinary people.

After a faint speculation in my heart, Tang Caizhen used this opportunity to scare others and prepared to intercept this light. As a result, it succeeded!

Obviously, these dreamers have what they need in their bodies. As long as Three Dragon City kills all dreamers like monsters, they can obtain a lot of source stones and power.

It’s a pity that this is just an idea, unless all the dreamers are shot and executed in front of Zifeng, and then he is responsible for intercepting these source stones, because most of the dragon city monks cannot intercept the source stones from another dimension, only Let them go free!

These gains are nothing compared to the primitive will of the world controlled behind the scenes. Zifeng will not foolishly kill the goose that lays the golden egg to avoid unpredictable changes.

For the primitive will of the world, it is the highest **** in the world. Once it is forced to hurry up and give birth to a few super monsters by unscrupulous means, it will definitely cause huge losses to Sacred Dragon City!

The most important thing now is to find out the purpose of the Dream Duke, and then have a plan to plunder, if possible, he will even kill World Source Will together!

As for whether the world will be destroyed, Zifeng has no interest in paying attention.

"Now I give you two choices. Either you must fight to death and be smashed into meat sauce, or you can put down your weapons and surrender immediately. I can promise not to kill you!"

Zifeng guessed in his heart that although death is not a big threat to dreamers, there is definitely a hidden danger, so in the case of avoiding death, they will try to avoid death.

Sure enough, as he expected, the surrounded dreamers looked at each other one by one, dropping their weapons and surrendering.

In order to tie up these dreamers, Zifeng slowly walked to the top of the piled city, waiting for the results of the residents' trial.

As for the sleepless people around him, he wasn't interested at all. All the dreamers were caught, and they couldn't lift it up with any wind and waves.

It didn't take long for Zifeng to reach the top of this mountainous city. Compared with the chaos below, here is obviously much cleaner and tidy, and there are many furniture-like items.

In the open space at the door, there is also the corpse of a dreamer, which was just killed by a surprise attack by Zifeng!

This guy should have been reborn now. Maybe he was hiding in a corner of the piled city, looking at himself with vicious eyes.

However, the greatest possibility is that all dreamers will be reborn somewhere, instead of becoming a real dreamer like Gus, so they will appear near the place of death!

In any case, Zifeng has not found a trace of a reborn dreamer so far!

During the waiting period, Zifeng was not idle either. Instead, he collected the weapons he had just seized and prepared to distribute them to his residents after refining them.

A monk from Shenlong City is now running around with a slab, what a scandal!

When the gathering place was controlled by the monks of the Three Dragon City, a large number of dreamers gathered in the center of a huge gathering place thousands of miles away.

Even the giant monsters that can be seen everywhere in the wilderness rarely appear around the city, otherwise it will immediately attract the siege of dreamers to ensure that there are no monsters in the safe area. The area of ​​the gathering place is very large, but the central location is absolutely forbidden. Except for the dreamers who can enter it, ordinary sleepless people who dare to approach it are likely to lose their lives!

Even if the dreamer does not take action, the mysterious power here will be driven away to protect them from prying eyes.

Inside and outside the penalty zone, there are two different worlds, showing the privilege of dreamers!

At this time, the forbidden area is very busy. At least thousands of dreamers shuttle back and forth. Compared with the place where the sleepless people live, this place is definitely heaven.

Dreamers wearing various weapons and armors walk in this restricted area together, either replenishing the required supplies, or just wandering around to see if they can satisfy the items they want on the market.

In the center of the forbidden area, there is an exquisitely shaped white jade altar on which is hung a huge crystal the size of a car, exuding a bright and mysterious light.

Those who dream will show their respect when they see the crystal on the altar, because the crystal is the dual body of their mother, God, through which they can exchange what they want and gain powerful power.

Even after the death of the dreamer, he will be transformed to appear directly under the call of the mother god.

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