The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1095: Olive branch

At this time, the light on the crystal-it represented the two places of the mother goddess at the same time-was flickering, appearing more dazzling, and a milky white light completely enveloped the altar.

Seeing this, the dreamers next to him all smiled and joked: "I don't know which unfortunate person died again. Guess how much his achievement will drop?"

"I think at least half, just more!"

"Maybe there is only one tenth left, unfortunate guy!"

"You may not know that a mountain of city was invaded by magic not long ago. As a result, only 10 of the more than 50 dreamers were reborn, and the rough stones of the rest were taken away. This is definitely a huge loss!

"Really, this is really sad news. Fortunately, it's not us!"

As people were talking, the lights on the white altar disappeared, and then a guy in a single coat ran out in panic. He was the leader of the dreamer who was killed by Zifeng with a brick.

After looking around, he rushed to a tall building without hesitation, because there are many high-level dreamers there, and the restricted area is also the only command center nearby!

Soon, the alarm sounded in the restricted area, changing the face of the carefree dreamer.

The last time the alarm sounded was when magic invaded on a large scale. At that time, more than 50,000 dreamers, including countless sleepless people, were mobilized to defeat the invasion of the demon army, and at the same time saved the gathering place with the two places of the mother god.

However, less than half a year later, the alarm sounded again. Has the devil started an all-out attack again?

Amidst curses and complaints, the dreamers began to organize their equipment, because once the alarm went off, it meant that a **** and long battle was about to begin. Fortunately, there is a mother goddess in both places at the same time. As long as the city is preserved, they will not have the fear of death. Unless there are too many deaths, even a **** cannot awaken the dreamer!

Just as the dreamers gather and prepare to fight, the reborn leader of the dreamers has just completed the process of memory reading.

In order to verify the authenticity of the information and prevent magical objects from pretending to be dreamers cheating, advanced dreamers will take a polygraph test through reading memory. Although this method has certain hidden dangers for readers, the cost is nothing compared to the loss caused by wrong information.

No one thought that just now, when they read the memory of the leader of the dreamer, these senior officials received a warning from the mother god, prompting them to have a group of powerful enemies sneak into this world, ready to destroy the dream world like magic!

Fortunately, due to the restrictions of world barriers, these invaders cannot enter on a large scale. The current figures are only a few hundred at most, and they will not cause too much nonsense.

So now is the best opportunity. No matter what the price is, these enemies must be killed, otherwise once the invaders and the magic alliance, then the end of the dream world will really come!

People who have not dreamed dare to despise the hints given by God, so when those in power know the cause and result, they will not hesitate to issue an emergency alert!

After the leader of the dreamer recovered from the dizziness, he was immediately responsible for leading the way, leading an army of more than 5,000 dreamers to the gathering place occupied by Zifeng.


After hearing the news of being tortured by the residents, Zifeng fell into deep thought.

Facts have proved that the gathering place is only the front line for dreamers to resist magic. Only the main cities where the main gods are busy are the home bases of dreamers. Dreamers who died in the war can be reborn there, and the exchange of spoils is also done through the busyness of the mother god.

In the world of dreams, dreamers like this must have more than one base camp, but they are far away from each other and are distributed in different regions.

If the guess is correct, the Mother God Summon is likely to be the source stone, with huge source power stored in it, this is the true target of Zifeng!

Zifeng was particularly moved by this huge source rock. It is estimated that if one of them is obtained, it will be the total harvest of the world.

No matter what difficulties and obstacles there are, Zifeng will never miss this rare opportunity, he will get whatever he says!

Another benefit of obtaining this source stone is that all nearby dreamers will lose their rebirth place, or even if they are reborn, they will appear farther away, which makes it difficult to pose a threat to the monks in Dragon City !

I think the leader of the dreamer who was killed by himself has been reborn, and he will publicize things here, let Zifeng's whereabouts be fully exposed, and become the enemy of the dreamer's home magic! He doesn't believe that the primitive will of the world that controls the dream world will be fooled. Even when Zifeng entered the world of dreams, he had already aroused the vigilance of the world's primitive will.

As for the smuggling channel opened by the Voice of Dreams, it probably couldn't be closed for some reason, so the original will of the world would allow the monks of Shenlongcheng to come, but the dreamer could remove it.

Now that the enemy is alert, the next step is to mobilize a large number of people as soon as possible and collect enough weapons and equipment to resist the crazy attacks of the dreamers.

At the same time, we must clarify the intention of the Duke of Dreams as soon as possible, and it is best to combine it with magic to gain the upper hand in the next battle!

Although Zifeng had great confidence in the strength of the Three Dragon City cultivators, he was not so arrogant that he could defeat the armed Dreamers Corps with just one brick.


The fat man looked at the potion in his hand in frustration, like a super poison.

"Brother, can we quit drinking?"

Looking at Zifeng in front of him, the fat man asked tentatively.

"It won't work if you don't drink it, you have to make a potion today, so I can only work hard for you!"

With a trace of determination on Zifeng's face, he ignored the fat man's request.

The Blood River King and others on one side were gloating, but when I saw Fatty's eyes calling for help, I turned my head to the side, still showing a helpless expression.

"These ungrateful bastards, wait for me!"

After yelling angrily in his heart, the fat man turned his head to look at Robert and shouted in a bold tone: "I said if your child is good or not, if you continue like this, even if he is not poisoned, your fat man will be pulled sooner or later. dead!"

Robert, dressed in a white robe, immediately apologized and said that he would succeed soon.

Since Robert was brought back from the other side of the world by Dragon City, he fell into the fuel tank like a mouse. Every day, his experimental materials are countless, and various special drugs emerge in endlessly.

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