The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1096: Shock everyone

In terms of medical achievements, Robert is definitely a master, and this is the main reason why Zifeng removed him.

As for the captain and birdie of the Tigers, they have fulfilled their duties. Fortunately, they are all in an architectural city, and it is not difficult to meet each other.

As soon as he got up this morning, Robert received a special task. The Lord Duke personally ordered him to configure something that allows senior monks to fall asleep quickly. The longer the better.

For Robert, it is actually very simple to configure this drug, but when he actually took over, he found that it was not as simple as he thought.

Due to the subconscious defense against unknown invading forces, as long as within the scope of the dream notebook, the major monk will become extremely active, unable to fall asleep in any way. The junior monk had no problem, but the senior monk was in a difficult situation, not to mention the fat man and the other king-level monks. They just stared at them with big eyes and didn't feel sleepy at all.

In order to complete the arrangement before the arrival of the Dreamers Corps, Zifeng had to find a way to solve this problem, so as to allow more Loucheng monks to enter the dream world!

So the potion genius Robert was summoned, and Zifeng ordered him to solve the problem within a time limit. The monks of the Three Dragon City must cooperate unconditionally.

As a result, the fat man was unfortunately selected as the test subject. The reason is that his physique is very special, and his achievements are standard enough. Even if the medicine is wrong, he will never be poisoned!

In the following time, Robert continuously configured more than a dozen drugs. Although they all have good sleep effects, once they enter the range of influence of the Dream Notebook, they will become ineffective.

At the same time, side effects also occurred one after another, either diarrhea and stomach pain, or swelling of the head, accompanied by yawns and tears, that is, sleeplessness, which made the fat man's test painful.

Although he wanted to resign, it was impossible for the fat man to resign under the "caring" eyes of Zifeng, Blood River King and others!

"Try this bottle of medicine again, if it's not good enough, you can only try to use electronic devices to hypnotize!"

Robert handed over the medicine he had just prepared, said in a slightly helpless tone, and wiped off the sweat from his forehead.

Looking at the viscous potion in his hand, the fat man's mouth twitched for a while, and finally closed his eyes and drank it.

"How is it, is it effective?"

Seeing everyone's concerned expressions, the fat man shrugged and said in an uncertain tone: "I don't know, even the taste is okay!"

When they heard the news, the fat man was indeed a eater, and did not forget to taste the taste when testing the drug.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the fat man still did not respond, which is enough to prove that the medicine is still ineffective.

Robert has a gloomy face. According to his experience, this medicine is enough to kill several dragons. Why does the fat man never react after drinking it?

Just when everyone was disappointed, the fat man got up from his chair and waved that he had to go to the toilet because his stomach started to move again.

No one thought that the fat man had just walked out of the impact range of the dream notebook, he fell down next to the monk of Saint Liuzhou with a "plop", before he had time to check, he heard thunderous snoring from the fat man's mouth.

In order to solve the problem of high-level monks having difficulty sleeping, Zifeng immediately began to mobilize the staff and gathered 10,000 monks in Shenlong City to receive hypnotic sleep notes in batches.

In order to ensure a one-time success, every Three Dragon City monk would take a diluted potion, which proved to be very effective.

As a group of monks enter the dream world, Zifeng has more and more available manpower, which should be enough to deal with the attack of the dreamer in a short time.

The next thing to consider is how to solve the large amount of food and necessary weapons and equipment needed in the battle.

The dream world is really weird. The city is surrounded by a mess of buildings. New buildings will appear from time to time. Other places are thousands of miles away, and even weeds are not visible.

In addition, food, bread, sausages, grilled chicken, wine, almost anything you want, are quietly suspended in the air about one meter above the ground.

Because this is a dream world, strange things will happen, so Zifeng has long been normal.

However, the problem is that none of these delicious foods can be eaten, otherwise they will either suffer all kinds of pain, suffer large-scale physical changes, or directly lose their lives. In order to find a very low proportion of non-toxic food, they absolutely need rich experience and adventurous spirit.

But this situation is only for people with insomnia, and dreamers have no such concerns.

According to the information obtained after the interrogation, the process of obtaining food for the dreamer is very simple. They don't need to look around like ordinary people, just use the cards they get from the mothers of the gods to purify themselves.

Even if the insomniac will die immediately after eating the food, as long as the card is purified, the dreamer will be able to enjoy it immediately without worrying about side effects.

Because there are all kinds of food in the dream world anytime and anywhere, the dreamer does not have to worry about the source of the food at all. Even though the number of times the purification card can be used is limited, as long as the dreamer changes money in time, the use will not be affected in any way.

This is also the reason why people with insomnia feel unfair, because in their opinion, the food in the world is specially prepared by the mother God for dreamers. People with insomnia can eat if they want, but they must bear the corresponding price!

It is said that this is God's punishment for insomnia, but no one can explain the specific reason.

When Zifeng heard about this rule for the first time, he was also shocked. He really didn't understand what the original will of the world was doing. He is too picky. Does he really think that only dreamers can save the world?

However, it does not matter. At least you don't need to collect food. In any case, you can get a lot of food after going out for a round!

The premise is that Zifeng must have enough evolution cards, or simply crack the principle of operation of such items, so as to solve the food supply problem once and for all.

As for the weapon problem, in fact, it is not impossible to solve it. Today's Three Dragon City monk is demolishing houses everywhere in order to find enough weapons materials from these bare buildings.

As for the source of the dreamers' weapons, Zifeng also made it clear that it was the two places of the mother **** who gave them unconditionally at the same time, which was regarded as the well-being of each new dreamer. As for the subsequent refinement, the dreamer needs to do it himself.

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