The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1097: Contest

The color of the weapon is the standard for classification, with black being the lowest, followed by bronze, silver and gold. It is said that there are higher-level weapons that can be used with the help of the law. However, this weapon can definitely be refined by ordinary dreamers. Weapon materials and extraction methods have quite special requirements.

Zifeng hasn't had time to learn more advanced weapons for the time being. He is already very satisfied with the monks who can arm all the monks in the Dragon City who can enter the dream world in time.

Fatty sits under the mountain of cities with a sad face, using his mental power to continuously train and send various items. The result of one batch has not been completed yet, and the next batch will be sent again soon.

He can't do it if he doesn't want to. Who can let him here except Zifeng, he is the only person who plays a decisive role!

There are countless delicacies here. If the fat man likes it, someone will immediately run to get it, and then put it in front of him with a cleaning card.

There are food and drinks, plus the taste is good, the fat man's anger has also dissipated a lot.

In the mountainous city occupied by Shenlong City, there are now scenes of city monks demolishing houses everywhere. Those who have insomnia dare to be angry and dare not talk about it.

It is the first time for a person with insomnia to see such a savage scene. In their eyes, this indestructible building was torn to pieces by the Loucheng brothers like a paper shell. It seems effortless.

Even most dreamers can't do it. Where are they?

Unfortunately, the entire city’s buildings were demolished in half, but not many useful materials were collected, because there are no building materials like steel bars in these seemingly strong buildings.

Who knows why these tofu residue projects are so powerful that they can be built without a little metal?

Of course, the greatest possibility is that the original will of the world has moved its hands and feet, pulling away all the weapons manufacturing materials in the building, which has led to this strange situation.

But it is also difficult to resist the Three Dragon City monks. Since there is no metal, bricks and cement blocks can also be used for processing. If it's really impossible, you can't kill the dreamer with bare hands!

Brother Lou Cheng can handle it, but Zi Feng can't. He has been studying how to crack the laws of the fantasy world in order to obtain enough equipment.

Throughout the entire Shenlong City, only his achievements are the highest, and he is also the legal power closest to the metaphysical level. If he can't solve it, others don't need to expect it.

At this moment, Zifeng was sitting at the top of the stacking city, staring blankly at a building nail in front of him.

This article also appeared out of thin air, but it has nothing to do with the freshness of the dream world. It was discovered by the Loucheng brothers from the newly emerged building facade!

The entire building was demolished to pieces, but it was discovered that such an iron nail could be used as a weapon, and the rest were bricks.

Zifeng didn't know why this happened, but he knew that as long as the sources of these buildings were locked, he might be able to obtain more weapon materials.

The problem is that these buildings all appear out of thin air. No one knows where they came from and how to lock them down. In the eyes of others, this may be a very difficult problem, but it is not necessarily the case for Zifeng. He seems to have nothing to do at the moment, in fact, he has been waiting for the new building to appear again.

A special wave appeared, and then a two-story building suddenly appeared in mid-air, rolling and falling towards the piled city.

The monks and insomniacs on the ground fled to avoid being smashed into meatloaf by the building. No one noticed during this period. When the building collapsed, Zifeng disappeared.



After landing on both feet, Zifeng only felt that he had entered the lime kiln. The air is full of suffocating dust, which makes it almost impossible to breathe.

However, Zifeng at this time is an energy body. Even in an oxygen-free environment, it's no big deal. Therefore, the environment here has no effect on him.

Feeling the surrounding environment, Zifeng felt a real feeling in her heart, completely different from the illusory feeling of the world in her dream.

After trying to start the mobile phone application again and found that it did not affect the use at all, Zifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this phone has an entity, it is closely related to the soul, so even if the entity is not here, Zifeng will still follow it.

After checking his physical condition, he began to observe the surrounding environment.

Through the thick dust, Zifeng saw a huge ruin. Obviously, this was a completely deserted city, as deserted as a dream world.

The sky is covered with thick clouds. These clouds are almost suspended above the ruins, seeming to fall at any time.

Looking around, there is a monotonous color, which is not much different from the two blacks in the dream.

However, the difference between the two is not small. Compared with a dream world with only buildings and food, this destroyed city has no shortage of garbage. There is even a withered forest nearby.

Judging from the appearance of the ruins, this should be a technological city, as evidenced by the abandoned cars on the road.

Maybe it has been abandoned for too long. These car shells have rotted and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

But this is enough for Zifeng, he can use flame to refine it, so the weapon that the holy dragon monk needs has landed.

However, his current focus is not on weapon materials at all, but constantly observing the surrounding environment, trying to find the connection between here and the dream world.

After walking in the ruins for a while, Zifeng was able to basically confirm that a tragic war had taken place here. Although at least 200 years have passed, traces of the war still remain on many buildings.

Is this the real world where Dream Tower City began to invade? The dream world they live in is actually a special world built on this ruined world?

Looking back at the various strange situations in the dream world, Zifeng believes that this possibility is extremely huge, and that it can be done with the power of the world's primitive will. After bypassing the huge ruins and observing from the perspective of the auxiliary map, Zifeng confirmed that the life here was indeed cut off and there were no living things at all.

There are still many open spaces in the ruins. They have no buildings. Obviously, they have been sucked into the dream world.

When flying in the air, I can occasionally see the bones of some giant creatures. Although they have been eroded by countless storms, they still haven't completely rotted.

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