The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1102: Give a reason

He came all the way to rescue me, but the other party didn't even do what he was supposed to do. This is obviously looking down on people.

The dreamers behind him are also talking. They looked at the penalty area angrily. If there is no order, it is estimated that half of the dreamers will just turn around and leave.

The guard at the door did not dare to neglect, he hurried back to tell the news. Before long, a group of people hurried over.

"Sorry, sorry, brother, I'm really too busy. I hope I can forgive this!"

A brawny man in golden armor walked over with a smile, and apologized to the dreamer who came forward to support him. Seeing the sincerity on his face, the resentment in everyone's hearts diminished.

There, war is imminent and busyness is normal.

Hearing this, the dreamer who supported him immediately answered with a smile, that what he just did was just to appease his subordinates, but also to prevent them from despising him. After a few greetings, 1,000 dreamers entered the restricted area and waited for the next task arrangement.

At this time the restricted area is busy, all dreamers are making final preparations before the battle, either seize the time to refine weapons, or exchange materials before the Lord God summons to improve their combat effectiveness.

The danger level of Shenlong City has been linked to magic. The dreamer will get the corresponding score after killing the monk in Loucheng, which is much higher than killing magic.

Obviously, Haraoka has already regarded the holy city as a thorn, a thorn, it can't wait to be pulled out immediately!

There must be a brave husband under the reward. Although there is a certain chance of being unable to rebirth after being beheaded by the monks of San Liuzhou, most of the dreamers are still morale high under the stimulation of wealth.

As time went by, more and more dreamers gathered in the forbidden area, and the sleepless people nearby also gathered together, all over the defensive area of ​​the gathering place.

When the color of the day gradually turned gray, an endless black line suddenly appeared on the wasteland in front of this mountainous city, slowly approaching the horizon.

The dreamer in charge of the investigation and warning noticed this anomaly a long time ago, but when he clearly saw the object forming the black line, he was immediately scared to death, and subconsciously shouted: "The enemy is coming, everywhere. !"

As soon as the voice fell, the ringtone spread throughout the city, reminding people that the war had come.

The entire piled city immediately fell into chaos. The people of the sleepless night entered the defensive front one by one, trembling with their weapons, and silently praying for the blessing of the mother god.

The army of more than 50,000 dreamers rushed out of the gathering place and formed a square formation in the wilderness, looking solemn, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

There are also many dreamers who are good at hiding assassinations in the city. They are prepared to use the accumulated city to resist the enemy, instead of fighting directly in the field, which will greatly reduce their combat effectiveness.

At the same time, many experts in the dreamers are also ready to fight, trying to kill the strong among the invaders.

But when the enemy does come, the dreamer knows what he is facing, and an unspeakable fear slowly rises from his heart.

Around 20,000 monks in the Three Dragon City, there are more than 2 million evil spirits guarding them. They swallow everything like a wave. They are approaching the camp of dreamers.

The barren wilderness is now completely occupied, with almost no space left.

If it is the same as the ordinary spirit that never sleeps, the dreamer does not care, but the problem is that these spiritual powers are not weak, at least comparable to the sub-monks!

Seeing this, the dreamers of the opposing camp felt increasingly desperate, because many of them were not as good as these souls in achievement.

Thinking of the upcoming landslide and tsunami attack by the invaders, many dreamers completely lost their confidence before the battle. "kill!"

A roar sounded from the camp of Shenlong City, and then a huge roar was heard, and countless ghosts walked towards the camp of the dreamer.

Raise your shield to meet the enemy!

Even if I am afraid in my heart, no dreamer will turn around and run away, because it will die faster!

The distance between the two sides is only 1000 meters. In an instant, the seemingly huge dreamer camp, like a rock hit by the waves, disappeared without a trace.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A series of rumbling sounds came, rushing to the forefront of the spirit like a running chariot, hitting the heavy shield wall built by the dreamer heavily, and then protruding the spear line together.

The piercing elf let out a cry of pain, but still waved his arms, trying to tear the dreamer opposite to pieces.

The result of the dreamer stopped there, but in an instant, the strong shield wall was violently broken, and countless souls roared into the dreamer’s camp to fight with those fully armed dreamers.

The screams and screams were full of blood and flesh, and the ground was full of hideous bones, which looked like hell.

Although most souls are unarmed, they have an absolute advantage in numbers. Even if the dreamers form a line of defense, they are still torn and destroyed by the crazy charge of the spirit.

Then I saw these souls rushing up, surrounded by separated dreamers, tearing them to pieces in an instant, and devouring them with a grin!

For the mind and body, these dreamers are a good supplement and cannot be missed easily.

After killing and devouring the dreamer, these souls will pick up the dropped weapon and attack the next target with a crazy face.

Facing the crazy mental body, more than 50,000 dreamers couldn't even hold on for ten minutes. There was blood and debris everywhere, turning the wilderness into red!

More souls bypassed the Legion of Dreamers, roaring ferociously, and charged towards the gathering place.

Seeing the ferocious spirit body rushing like a tide, the faces of those defending the sleepless land showed fear and screams of despair in their mouths.

Such a terrible enemy, they cannot resist, and even fighting for their lives is useless!

The dreamer who oversaw the war had red eyes and waved his arms in despair. He ordered the insomniac to raise his arms and fight. However, looking at their state at this time, they were obviously frightened by the horror of the spirit.


A sleepless person looked at the approaching spiritual wave and suddenly let out a scream. Then he found that he had thrown away the bricks, and rushed towards the piled city without hesitation.


A cold light flashed, and the head of the sleepless night flew into the sky and rolled to the ground.

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