The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1103: Come to an end

Anyone who dares to escape will end up like him!

The dreamer who oversees the war with a knife yells, trying to frighten the insomniac who is afraid of war. However, it has no effect at all. While he roared, countless sleepless people broke away from the line of defense and ran towards the interior of the piled city. "Asshole, you all died for me!"

The dreamer in charge of this war is anxious to have a heart attack. He waved his saber and violently, trying to stop the sleepless night of escape. However, even if a dozen people were killed, it had no effect.

It was also at this moment that a wave of spirit rushed into the line of defense of the sleepless man, and deafening curses and screams rose into the sky.

A long blood mist snake suddenly appeared on the long and narrow defensive front, and the fragments and pieces of flesh were flying around. The sleepless who had no time to escape were torn apart by the spirit body, and then completely engulfed by the ensuing spirit wave.

The dreamers in charge of overseeing the war roared desperately one by one. They brandished their weapons to meet the enemy. As a result, the fate is the same as that of the insomniac, and even more tragic.

The soul may disdain to swallow the body of the sleepless person, but they will never give up the dreamer, and the final result will be death without a body.

After breaking through the second line of defense, the spirit body army officially entered the gathering place, and the original quantitative advantage began to gradually disappear.

The accumulated city is too big, once the 2 million elves disperse, they can't flip too much spray.

Killing all the dreamers scattered around the city is definitely not overnight. In addition, the special topography of the city with layered buildings is not the best hiding place. This is why dreamers and insomniacs cannot be killed.

When faced with a crisis, most of them can only survive in these hidden gaps.

However, the main goal of Shenlong City is not to kill the dreamer, but to break through the defenses of the forbidden zone, destroy and plunder the mother of the gods.

Dreamers will naturally remain vigilant about this, and many defensive measures have been set up on the way to the restricted area. The owner of the dreamer is even more willing to defend the security of the restricted area to the death.

The monks of the Three Dragon City no longer supervised the war, but quickly gathered together, and the wave-like spiritual army quickly moved to the location of the restricted area.

The dreamer can't let the Brothers of the Three Dragon City get close to the core area, so every step forward, the Three Dragon City Legion will suffer crazy interceptions. They are like ferocious ant colonies resisting death, trying to swallow the pythons attacking their nests!

Just in front of the monks of the Holy Dragon City, these interceptions are meaningless, sometimes even without the monks of the Holy Dragon City, the spirit will be solidified, and the desperate dream will be shattered.

As more and more dreamers swallow, many mental bodies begin to advance, and the smell becomes colder and colder.

As the distance from the restricted area gets closer, the dreamer master who has been waiting finally appears. They basically used golden equipment and caused heavy casualties to the spirit body as soon as they met.

The Three Dragon City monks who were in charge of supervising the war immediately locked up these dreamers. Their achievements and equipment are as good as theirs, and they are inseparable.

The troubled dreamers were terrified. Although they regarded Shenlong City as their most dangerous enemy, it was not until after the meeting that they realized that they still underestimated the horror of these invaders.

Within ten minutes of the meeting, the owner of the Dreamer who was intercepted left hundreds of corpses and hurriedly fled to the restricted area.

Ignoring those who were fighting for the spirit body, the monks of Shenlong City sorted out the formation a little, and set off again to the destination!

After repeated interceptions, he saw a huge circular wall appeared, and the monk road of the Holy Dragon City was completely blocked.

Behind this spectacular city wall is the home base of dreamers, including the busy forbidden land of the Lord God.

At present, dreamers are everywhere on the walls. They looked at the dark ghost army, their weapons trembling slightly.

The previously carefully arranged defensive front was a joke to the army of millions. It was completely destroyed in less than an hour. Those dreamers and sleepless people who fought in the war hardly survived.

Yes, this is almost a lifetime!

Under the blockade of Zifeng and Hehe King, the people who died in the war were isolated in another space, unable to return to the forbidden area to regenerate.

This is a vicious move that will cause a draw from the bottom of the pan. Therefore, the number of dreamers will only decrease, instead of sending troops to reinforce the frontline as they did when resisting magical invasions.

Because of this, the dreamer has regarded Loucheng's brother as a more dangerous existence than a magical object, and he must remove it at any cost!

Both parties did not die endlessly. As soon as they met, the **** siege began directly.

What the Three Dragon City brothers did not expect was that just as they were about to jump over the city wall, a protective light curtain suddenly appeared, completely protecting the city wall and the forbidden ground.

At the same time, countless dazzling lights fell from the sky and fell straight into the ghost army. After the surrounding souls were affected by the light, Qi Qi let out a cry of pain, and then disappeared like a bubble.

After the white light fell, the dense spiritual army was immediately hit hard like ants, and a large blank area suddenly appeared in the camp, causing extremely heavy casualties.

Compared with souls that disappeared like bubbles, many monks in Dragon City were affected by the falling light. After several painful struggles, they shattered like glass, and then left the dream world.

This kind of light is not simple, even with weak legal power, any intruder who does not belong to the dream world can not escape its expulsion and purification!

Compared with the battlefield, this special white light will obviously cause more trauma. Even if the Three Dragon City monk did not fall, he would not spend much time recovering.

Due to the shielding of the protective light curtain and the bombardment of the white light, the attack momentum of the spiritual power suddenly slowed down, but under the command of the Holy Dragon monk, the spiritual power immediately launched a more violent attack.

It has never been strange that the Lou Cheng brothers took over the city. Now, it is just an energy shield, it is impossible to stop Brother Sanlong! Hit and bomb an area, the sooner the better!

Under the command of Brother Lou Cheng, the terrifying and intensive attacks landed on the protective cover one by one, causing the protective cover to flash continuously.

Brother Three Dragon City was overjoyed. From past experience, as long as the violent attack lasts more than one minute, the energy shield will also have a similar failure of poor charging.

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