The Journey Starts From the Fairy Tail

Vol 17 Chapter 1106: Single swipe

Although Zifeng can enter the real dream world, searching for Miyagi in this abandoned world is undoubtedly a very unreasonable way, just like finding a needle in a haystack. In addition, with the cunning of the original will, he will definitely cover Miyagi.

This is the essence of the world's primitive will. No matter how careful you are, you will never make a mistake.

Compared with the eight rough stones used to maintain the operation of the world in the dream world and provide logistical support for the dreamers, the ninth rough stone in Miyagi is the real big head, perhaps a piece worth eight dollars in total!

Zifeng will definitely win, and the other seven major cities that will destroy the dream world are more certain. Nothing will change!

But he still has two things that he doesn't understand. That is, with the strength of the Duke of Dreams, there is really no way to solve this dilemma. He can only let his own outhouse residents be imprisoned in the dream world for hundreds of years?

Or is he unable to be rescued at all for some special reason?

Zifeng's behavior always carries obvious dissatisfaction. The original dream Duke treated him well, but he never had a chance to repay him.

Therefore, when he discovered the situation of Dream Tower City, he did not think too much, but directly invaded the dream world, trying to solve the mystery, and at the same time helping Dream Tower City out of the quagmire.

But now it seems that he is a good man with excellent grades, and has inadvertently gained a lot of world blood!

There is only one thing that Zifeng doesn't understand, why this world has so many world origins, which is no less than a super planet.

As for another question, this is why the original will of the dream world treats people with insomnia so harshly. Have they ever committed an unforgivable sin, so that they could not fill their stomachs, and could not rest normally, so that one after another they looked like evil spirits in hell? Even after the soul dies, it can be seen how deep the resentment is at the source of this world!

After the meeting, people started to get busy.

There will be fierce battles to fight. After losing a major city, the original will of the dream world will never give up. Dreamers will also be more wary of the Lou Cheng brothers.

Before the Dragon City attacks other major cities again, the dreamers may even form an alliance to fight the interception. How many troops will be used is not surprising.

In addition, Haraoka promised to expel the Holy Dragon City, and even had a certain chance to remove the punishment of Sleepless Night, and then tricked them into joining the camp against the Holy Dragon City monk.

In this way, Shenlong City will not only face more than 500,000 dreamers, but also millions of sleepless people, its army will definitely be suspended.

In addition to these two possibilities, those who pass by are not a small annoyance. If the original will can get one, it can get ten. If the situation is urgent, it may even allow millions of people to pass at the same time!

This is what Zifeng is most worried about, because compared with the aborigines, these travelers are the biggest threat.

Not only are they qualified to become dreamers, but they also master various knowledge and skills. Once they master the situation, they will definitely cause huge losses to Shenlong City!

After frowning and thinking for a while, Zifeng made a decision in his heart. He wakes up directly from the dream, and then transfers it to the original world.


A parallel world, late at night.

Most of the people who have been busy all day are asleep, but there are still many people fiddling with computers and mobile phones, and they seem to be in high spirits.

When the time was approaching midnight, wind and clouds suddenly surged in the dark sky, and huge talismanic space appeared, like an energy shield, completely surrounding a city.

At the same time, the earth has changed. Invisible forces tore the ground directly, and huge bottomless gullies appeared around the city, completely isolating the entire city from the outside world.

These terrible changes immediately aroused people's vigilance. They looked at the flashing lights in the sky and the terrible canyon that cut off the entire city from the outside world, and immediately fell into a state of panic.

Before people knew exactly what was going on, they were shocked to see the people around them falling to the ground like dominoes, spreading from street to street.

However, within a few minutes, all residents of the entire city fell into a coma. The noisy city is like a ghost, and there is no sound at all!


"Damn, where am I?"

A scream sounded, and then more and more screams and curses came from around, appearing extremely noisy.

On the barren plains, men, women and children are now everywhere. They looked around blankly, not knowing what had happened.

The last memory in my mind is that the city has changed. They went out to take a look, and suddenly their eyes went dark. Looking at the strange world in front of us, people are full of fear and do not know where to go.

"Look, there is a city there. Let's take a look, maybe we can find out what happened!"

A young man pointed to the distance and shouted, then rushed forward.

Others looked at it, followed it, trying to find out.

But before he ran a few steps away, the young man in the front screamed and shouted: "Monster!" At the same time, he rolled back quickly, but chased behind dozens of shadows.

After hearing the words, everyone immediately stopped to check, and then Qi Qi took a deep breath.

Those humanoid monsters that are seven points like a man, three points like a ghost, and can float are absolutely extremely dangerous. They can't let it catch itself!

Thinking of this, people ran away without hesitation, crying through the sky for a while.


A monster chased a middle-aged woman, and its sharp claws pierced her heart directly. When it retracted, it was already holding a **** heart.

The middle-aged woman screamed and fell to the ground with an expression of dissatisfaction with death.

Dozens of other monsters also caught their prey, grinning and using their claws to tear the prey into pieces, and then feed the most delicious part into their drooling mouths.

As if attracted by the screams and the smell of blood, more shadows appeared in the distance and ran towards the crowd.

Seeing this terrible scene, people felt desperate from their hearts and prayed for the appearance of the savior.

Maybe God really exists. With people's prayers, the huge city in the distance suddenly burst out of nearly 100 gold and silver lights, rushing to the people's location.

The frightened people watched the light approaching quickly, only to find that it was a group of men and women wearing armor and carrying various weapons.

Without any nonsense, the men and women wrapped in golden light brandished their weapons and cleanly killed the cannibals that people thought were extremely terrifying.

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